Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1721: Burial of Golden Pearls

"Little Master." Gu Changsheng, who was sitting on the ground, looked very ugly and stared at me. "According to what you said, not only is this wooden box not an innate spiritual treasure, but it is also a harmful thing?"

"Not bad." I nodded.

"That means that in this room full of people, you are the only discerning person, and all the other masters are incompetent?" His face became more gloomy, and his words were even more threatening.

No one noticed the clues, but I was the only one who said this thing was abnormal.

Everyone was just questioning me just now, but now he pushed everyone to oppose me.

And there is another hidden meaning: He is warning me: "Boy, please mind your own business! Why is Mr. Fang keeping silent even if you don't notice? Why do you have to stand up and pretend to be sensible?"

I glanced at everyone and nodded and said: "You seem to be right. These people are not good at academics and have no morals, but they still want to show up and pretend to be masters. Not only do they cheat and mislead people of their money, but they have just... They almost killed their employer. To say they are incompetent is putting it mildly. They are just garbage in the world of evil. I feel ashamed for them."


"Boy! What are you talking about?"

"Where did you come from, you little bastard? Who do you think you are?"

When all the masters heard this, they immediately exploded and started shouting loudly.

If it wasn't for Mr. Fang's face, they might have all rushed up and cut me into pieces.

"Haha, interesting, interesting!" Liu Yang laughed and said, "Little master, tell me where the garbage is? How did you know there was something wrong with this wooden box?"

"It's very simple!" I pointed to the beans in front of the wooden table: "If I guess correctly, this is not a magic weapon at all, but a ghost-condensing bead, right?"

"It was made by sacrificially using the burial gold vessels in the tomb, and then condensed the soul and gathered it into beads. In other words, you are a yin object in itself. Infected by the ghostly energy in the wooden box, it sprouted and blossomed immediately. It’s not unusual to make changes, it’s okay to deceive incompetent people, but it’s not enough to deceive me!”

After saying that, I walked a few steps away, pulled out the small tree from the bonsai that fell to the ground, raised my hand, and threw it towards the square table where the wooden box was placed.

The small tree fell a few meters away from the square table. When I looked again, I saw that the green tree a second ago had withered and turned into a dead branch.

When everyone present saw this, they couldn't help but turn pale with shock. At the same time, they all looked at Gu Changsheng with unkind expressions.

Gu Changsheng didn't seem to expect that I would expose him so easily, and immediately said anxiously: "This kid has evil powers! This is a trick he played."

"Am I playing a trick?" I snorted coldly: "Then what is the name of the play you just performed?"

"I just want to defraud everyone of their money." Then, I said to everyone: "Do you really think that the fragrance you just smelled is some kind of innate spiritual energy? To tell you the truth, it is ghost energy! Look above your navel, it is It’s not like there’s a little black spot.”

Upon hearing this, everyone panicked and hurriedly opened their clothes to check.

Sure enough, everyone has a small black spot that is not very obvious above the belly button. If you don't pay attention, you would think it is a small black mole that suddenly grows.

"What...what is this..." The rich man with white hair screamed first.

"This is a sign that yin energy has entered the body. It's simply that you don't inhale much. If you keep this thing at home for a long time, let alone live a hundred years, you will be lucky if you can survive the Mid-Autumn Festival! I'm sorry for you. If you can ask for a high price of 300 million, is it too long to live?"

At this time, the rich people immediately exploded.

"Fat man! You must die a happy death!"

"His grandma's! I'll kill you!"

These guys are the big bosses of a large group of people, each with great wealth and amazing energy.

Now the two magic sticks dared to buy them Yin objects as health-preserving magic weapons, and they immediately became furious. Everyone was yelling loudly, and several bosses had already taken out their phones and were ready to call someone.

Gu Changsheng couldn't deceive him anymore. He jumped up from the ground, glared at me fiercely and said, "Young man, how dare you ruin my good deeds! I will show you my true ability today!"

With that said, Chong Niu boldly shouted: "Senior Brother Niu, I will deal with this kid, you clean up that group of trash!"

But Fatty Niu laughed loudly and said: "Originally, I thought this method of cheating money was too boring. It would be better to just grab it directly! What, after going through such a big circle, you still have to follow my method, right?" Then, he took out a string of small black bells from his arms and shook them a few times.

As the bell rang, the lights in the room flickered on and off, and a gloomy wind blew up. Wisps of black shadows visible to the naked eye floated out of the bell, scurrying everywhere.

The rich people who were calling had all lost their signal. When they saw this scene, they were immediately frightened and became confused.

Black shadows were floating around, and screams could be heard endlessly!

In an instant, this brightly lit, simple and elegant hall turned into a haunted house.

Liu Yang was as frightened and at a loss as all the rich men, but he kept looking towards the door, as if waiting for something.

What is even more strange is Mr. Fang.

He was still sitting steadily on the chair, gently stirring the tea foam, as if he heard nothing or saw nothing.

In an instant, everyone in the room was forced to the corner of the room by the wisps of black shadow. They were all trembling with fear and sweating profusely.

Even the so-called powerful masters were not much better. They lost their compasses and mahogany swords one by one, and were so frightened that they were reduced to chaff.

These black shadows are not ordinary ghosts, they are all the undead souls that have been sacrificed, and they have also condensed into a formation of Yin magic. How have these fake masters seen such a formation? They were all frightened and shouted urgently: "Little master, help us!"

They may have forgotten that just now they wanted to join forces to deal with me.

"Save you? I'm afraid he can't even protect himself!"

Gu Changsheng said viciously and took out a human bone from his arms.

The bone was completely black, about a foot long, and about the thickness of a walnut. It looked like it was a leg or arm bone. He shook it towards me and said, "Boy, originally, I didn't mean to kill anyone! You forced me to do this." .”

"Originally, I didn't want to kill anyone!" I looked at him and said lightly, "But now, I don't want to keep you as a disaster!"

Gu Changsheng snorted coldly and said: "What a loud tone! Go to hell!" As he said that, he threw up the black bones and hit me head on.

(PS: Happy birthday to the loyal reader Xiao Glass! Recently, some readers reported that their "Merchant of the Underworld" is no longer updated. "The Merchant of the Underworld" is updated every day. Please look for the Martian novels and refresh or reinstall the APP.)

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