Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,722 Domineering Zhang Jiulin (additional update)

The black bones, wrapped in gusts of sinister wind, rushed straight towards my door and smashed into it.

I was about to draw the knife with my backhand, but I saw the bone suddenly stopped in front of me, and a tall and burly black figure floated out from it, holding a giant ax in each hand and slashing at me.

This is a ghost general who specializes in attacking the souls of living people!

I reached out and took out a talisman, and just as I was about to throw it out, I saw that the ghost general was stunned for a moment, then abandoned his two axes and knelt straight in front of me.

How is this going?

Not to mention me, even Gu Changsheng himself was a little confused.

Originally, he sacrificed the ghost general with murderous intent, just to kill me with one blow and chop my soul into pieces.

Unexpectedly, this ghost general knelt down towards me, as if I was its real master.

"Kill!" Gu Changsheng raised his finger and shouted, and the black bones began to shake.

A golden light flashed from the ghost general's neck. This was the magic weapon used to control the ghost general.

It raised its head and looked at me, its eyes turned blood red, and just when it was about to stand up, it suddenly exploded into a sheet of black smoke, and the black bones hanging in front of it immediately broke into eight petals!

Then, whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh…

Several black shadows flashed in front of me.

Eight headless guards, holding long swords, a tall black figure with an ancient bronze lamp hanging above his head, and a short old man with his hands behind his back.

It was the Ten Yin Guards who were conquered by Ebony Core!

As early as in the Wusuli River, these ten Yin guards appeared on their own and helped me crack the Netherworld Hundred Ghost Array, but I have never been able to figure out how they were summoned.

This time, I don’t know which restriction was touched again, and the Ten Yin Guards appeared again.

Although these ten ghosts are fostered in the ebony core, I don't know how to control them at all.

Moreover, once they appear, they will fight on their own without my command at all!

As soon as the Ten Yin Guards appeared, they shattered the menacing ghost general into ashes.

The ghost general must have noticed the aura of the Ten Yin Guards just now, so he didn't dare to get close!

Although they are both evil spirits, they also have different abilities. For example, although wolves are bloodthirsty, they still lack courage once they see tigers and bears. Presumably these ten Yin guards are extremely cruel existences even among ghosts!

When Gu Changsheng saw it, his face suddenly changed with fright, and he retreated continuously: "You, who are you..."

Before he could finish his words, Xuan Deng Yinhun raised his hand and a black line flew out, tightly wrapping around Gu Changsheng's shadow. Immediately afterwards, the eight headless black shadows rushed out and slashed at him with swords!

There was no blood splashing, no screaming, and Gu Changsheng didn't even move as his whole body turned into a ball of black smoke.

Even people and souls disappeared without a trace!

The ghost of the hanging lamp pointed boldly at the cow behind him, and a group of black shadows flew out again.

"Ah? Not good!" Niu boldly yelled, spit out a mouthful of blood towards the bell, then threw it far away, turned around and ran away.

The evil wind is blowing, and the ghost spirit is strong!

The whole room immediately became as dark as midnight, and there were bursts of shrill howls of ghosts and wolves.

Brushing, brushing, brushing...

Eight rays of light and shadow flashed past, like thunder, and the darkness in the room disappeared.

When I looked again, I saw there was no sinister aura anywhere -

The Ten Yin Guards were gone, and even Niu Dadan was nowhere to be found, leaving only a large pool of blood on the ground, scattered in front of the window, and the last wisp of black smoke on the window lattice that had not dissipated.

It seems that this guy saw something bad, and wanted to use the Ghost Gathering Bell to block it and take the opportunity to escape, but he still couldn't escape the pursuit of the Ten Yin Guards, and was turned into ashes like Gu Changsheng!

The rich men and so-called masters who were huddled in the corner didn't wake up until this moment. They kowtowed one by one like pounding garlic and thanked them with their mouths full.

Mr. Fang was no longer as calm and composed as before. He stayed on the spot in great shock and looked at me in surprise.

No one expected that these two ferocious masters would be killed by me in an instant, leaving not even a scrap left!

Such strength and cultivation are simply appalling!

Not to mention these rich people who are no different from ordinary people except for money, even these masters who are new to Taoism and have a certain level have never heard or seen anything.

Everyone regards me as a Daluo Jinxian!

"Master Zhang is indeed worthy of his reputation. I am guilty!" Mr. Fang finally thought about what he was doing. With a pop, he rolled out of the wheelchair and knelt straight on the ground.

I didn't help him and asked sternly: "Since you saw these two people's tricks clearly, why didn't you tell the truth? If I hadn't stood up just now, would you have watched them take people's money and kill them? ?”

"This..." Mr. Fang was a little embarrassed, as if he had something to hide.

"You go first! But remember, if anyone dares to reveal a word about what happened today, then these two people will be your fate!" I shouted sternly.

"I understand, I understand! We will never dare to speak nonsense."

"We saw nothing, we don't know anything..."

Everyone kept saying yes and crawling out. Many people's legs and feet had long been numb, and a few guys were so scared that they peed their pants.

It's really hard to imagine that these people are all very wealthy bosses, each of them arrogant, but they can also have such a miserable side.

However, among these people, only Liu Yang had the most stable expression. He secretly glanced at me several times when no one was paying attention. Once we looked at each other, he quickly lowered his head.

There must be something wrong with this guy!

Everyone was walking out, and at this moment, I suddenly felt a very sharp gaze staring at me at the door.

I looked back in surprise and saw a young man in a suit walking towards me, carrying a large black backpack.

There is nothing unusual about this man. He seems to be just an ordinary driver or bodyguard, but the backpack on his back is very strange!

That sharp gaze seemed to be emanating from this backpack.

"Mr. Liu, this is..." The young man was a little confused when he saw so many rich people in such a mess. He walked up to Liu Yang and asked in surprise.

"It's okay, it's okay." Liu Yang waved his hands repeatedly.

"Yesterday, Mr. Gu said..."

"There's so much nonsense, let's go!" Liu Yang shouted angrily, and the young man didn't dare to say anything else and hurriedly followed him out.

All these people left in the blink of an eye, leaving only Mr. Fang and his full-time driver in the house.

Mr. Fang glanced at the driver and introduced me: "This is the orphan I adopted since I was a child. He is more reliable than my own son."

Seeing that Mr. Fang was still kneeling on the ground, the driver wanted to help him but didn't dare, so he had to stand beside him obediently.

I looked at him and said, "Hel him up and talk."

"Yes!" The driver helped Mr. Fang into the wheelchair.

"Tell me, what's going on?" I followed and sat down on the chair next to me.

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