Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,723 Lingbao Society

Mr. Fang, who was sitting in a wheelchair, pointed to the two chairs in front and said, "Master Zhang, does he know who these two chairs are reserved for?"

As soon as I entered the house, I felt something strange.

The furnishings in this room are like the inner hall of an official family in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. If that were the case, the two Taishi chairs at the front should be

It is reserved for the head of the family to sit on.

But these rich people and even Mr. Fang were sitting on both sides of the lower head. No one tried to grab the two chairs. They even felt it was natural.

Who is this position reserved for?

I didn't ask him, and Mr. Fang didn't talk about the chair, but continued: "To be honest, this is the Hubei branch of the Lingbao Society, and I was hired by them to be in charge of the Lingbao trade in this area of ​​Hubei."

"Lingbao Society?" I suddenly remembered that Niu Dadan once mentioned the word "Lingbao", but was quickly interrupted by Mr. Fang.

What kind of organization is this?

"It's no wonder that Master hasn't heard of it. The Lingbao Society has just been established less than three months ago."

"Master also knows that these so-called spiritual treasures are actually yin objects. Although the yin object dealers have contacts with each other, most of them do their own business on weekdays. Both the customers and the yin objects collect and sell by themselves. This Lingbao Association is a gathering place.”

"It can not only provide rewards for the necessary items, but also auction the items obtained. It is equivalent to a trading market for negative things. In addition, some news from inside and outside the circle will be sold. These two chairs are reserved for people who always come to sit. I They are just temporarily assigned to manage the borders of Hubei."

"In the early years, I have been living abroad, helping some large auction houses such as Sotheby's and Christis to appraise antiquities. This year, I became old and frail, so I returned to my roots and returned to China for retirement. But then the Lingbao Society came to find me. You came here and insisted on letting me preside over the meeting." Mr. Fang sighed quietly.

"There are rules in the meeting. As long as no trouble is caused in the venue, I have no right to interfere no matter what is being sold. But..." He glanced at me and continued: "Anyone who deliberately sabotages the transaction and creates trouble out of thin air, They are also told to solve the problem on their own and decide whether to live or die. The meeting only provides information and venues, and then draws a commission."

"That is to say, you are only responsible for providing a place and maintaining order. But regardless of the origin of the femininity for sale, whether it will harm people's lives, you just ignore it and turn a blind eye?" I asked.

"Yes!" Mr. Fang nodded and said, "At first, I couldn't bear it. I once blocked a transaction, and then..."

He looked down at his legs, sighed and said: "This is just a small lesson for me, but there are dozens of my descendants and grandchildren, and they are all under their control. I really can't afford to resist. .”

Now, I can't help but become more and more curious about this new organization!

Although Mr. Fang's cultivation level is not high and his legs are disabled, I can see that he is at least much stronger than Gu Changsheng and Niu DaDang, not to mention that his experience and knowledge are far above those of ordinary ghost dealers. .

Although there are not many people in the circle of femininity dealers, everyone's whereabouts are secretive, and they have almost no history with each other. There are also many people with strange quirks who deliberately hide themselves invisible. People like Mr. Fang who live overseas all year round are even more unknown.

But just after he returned to China, he was dug out by this inexplicable Lingbao Society. What kind of organization is this? Is their purpose really just to earn commissions?

"Then who established this Lingbao Association?"

"I don't know." Mr. Fang shook his head and said, "Master, it's not that I deliberately concealed it, but that I really didn't know!"

"At first, when they found me, only a little girl came. After explaining her purpose to me, she threw down a CD and left without waiting for my reply. I opened the CD and saw that it was clear. The life scenes of all my descendants are clearly recorded. Everyone’s residence, workplace, and vehicle are all recorded clearly, even all their hobbies and places they often visit...all the information is extremely detailed."

"Master, I have never harmed anyone in my life. I really don't want to participate in any Lingbao meeting and wade in this muddy water, but this... I really can't tolerate my disobedience!" Fang Lao begged.

Suddenly, I remembered something again.

I just wanted Lin Feng to find a way to meet Liu Yang in advance, but he led me here through Mr. Fang.

Could it be that he also knew about the Lingbao Society and did it specifically? But I was the one who proposed the appointment with Liu Yang.

"What's the relationship between Lin Feng and you?" I asked suddenly.

"Lin Feng is my old friend. I met him during morning exercises. Oh, by the way, this Blue Bay Hotel is his property. At the beginning, Lingbao Association only provided me with a start-up capital and let me find my own business. Address. But I had just returned to China at that time, and I originally planned to retire in place. I had little contact with the outside world, so I mentioned it to him wherever I could find a suitable place."

"This young man is very talented. He helped me get all this done in less than ten days. Later, Lingbao Association asked me to expand its membership. I didn't know any wealthy business owners, so he basically introduced these people. of."

"Oh, by the way, except for the one named Liu Yang, he came to the door by himself."

"Liu Yang?" I asked.

"Yes." Mr. Fang nodded and said, "That time I was bidding on a breast shield from the armor of the Three Kingdoms period. It was that time that I saw a ghost living on the mirror body. I was afraid that it would be harmful to others, so I deliberately Stop it, and then it will harm the leg..."

Hearing this, I finally understood that when the wooden box was first displayed, he intentionally asked me what I thought of it. He wanted to use my words to explain the weirdness of the wooden box first, so as to prevent others from being fooled.

It's a pity that I didn't know that there were so many hidden secrets in it at the time, and I couldn't figure out what he meant.

"What happened next? Who took away the breast shield?"

"Liu Yang." Mr. Fang explained: "Originally, I thought he would be seriously harmed, but not only was he unscathed, but he looked better, and his business was going smoothly. But the man who competed with him for the breast protector But he contracted an incurable disease and died within ten days."

This Liu Yang is getting more and more strange!

He is an ordinary person, but he is able to obtain evil things and not be harmed by them. Instead, he has better luck and looks better. How did he do this?

All those who compete with him either suddenly age or become terminally ill. Is this all accidental?

Also, what is the thing that his man is carrying behind his back? Why do I feel like I'm being watched? Could this be what he relies on?


Didn't he go out and make a phone call? I must ask my subordinates to bring this thing.

However, at that time, Gu Changsheng and Niu's bold and insidious plot had not been exposed by me, nor had they shown their killing skills. What did this kid want to do when he suddenly asked someone to bring this thing?

Could it be that he failed to win the bid at that time, secretly resented it, and wanted to use this thing to harm the people who bid against him?

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