Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,724 All Souls Soul Gathering Array

"Let's do this, Mr. Fang. You go back first. I will contact you if you need anything in the future. If Lingbao will ask about this matter, you don't have to hide it. Just report it truthfully..." I waved lightly. He waved his hand and said.

"Then Master, you..."

"Don't worry about me, I'm just trying to find out what this Lingbao Society is like!"

Mr. Fang didn't want to say anything when he saw me. He thanked me profusely and was pushed out by the driver.

Only then did I approach the square table and pick up the small wooden box.

As soon as I took the wooden box in my hand, the ebony core and the Nine Life Tower hidden in my arms suddenly started to vibrate violently as if they were sensing something! It seems that this thing is indeed closely related to Jiuyou Sect.

The wooden box is carved from peach wood, or to be more precise, it is peach wood root.

The formation carved on the wooden box is indeed the All Souls Soul Gathering Formation, and it is extremely pure, almost exactly the same as what is recorded in the "Yin Fu Jing"!

Even the people of Jiuyou Sect have only heard about the ten forbidden formations, but they have never seen them.

The "Yin Fu Jing" has very detailed records of all the heretical techniques and sacrificial refining methods, but it does not record the ten forbidden formations. It only briefly talks about their effectiveness and characteristics.

From this point of view, it must be possible to obtain the method by integrating the Nine Nether Treasures.

Now that the three treasures are in my hands, let alone refining any forbidden array, I haven't even figured out how to activate the ebony core and the Nine Life Tower.

As for the ebony core, I still have a general idea. It should be a soul-nurturing treasure, and the Ten Yin Guards are among them. Sometimes they will appear as my little brothers, which is more convenient than the Eternal Spirit Ring!

But as for the Nine Life Tower, I am still at a loss until now, and I don’t even know what this thing is for.

As soon as I saw the All Souls Soul Gathering Formation on the wooden box, I suddenly had an idea -

Since this formation can only be understood by condensing the Three Treasures, then if I follow this formation and work backwards, can I solve the mystery of the Three Treasures?

And according to what Jiang Dayu said, the only people who can obtain the Three Treasures of Jiuyou are the two generations of Jiuyou sect masters.

So this wooden box must have been made by the two of them. What secrets might be hidden inside?

To others, this is indeed a sinister and evil thing, but to me, it is pie in the sky!

If my method of reversely deducing the formation is really effective, then the day when I can solve the mystery of the Three Treasures, achieve great success, avenge my seniors, and kill Long Qingqiu is not far away!

No matter what, this trip was not in vain!

After putting away the wooden box and walking out of the Blue Bay Hotel, I called Lin Feng directly.

"Master Zhang, how are you? Have you met Liu Yang? What have you gained?" Lin Feng on the other end of the phone seemed to have been waiting for my reply. He picked up the call just after the call was made and asked impatiently.

"Lin Feng, please answer me a few questions honestly first." I said in a gloomy tone.

Lin Feng seemed to hear something was wrong in my tone. He was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Okay, master, you can ask, and I promise that I won't tell any lies."

"Did you already know Fang Ziqing's identity and origin, so you deliberately approached him?"

"Well, it's true that he deliberately approached him, but it was only later that I found out his details. You know, those of us who are engaged in real estate always try to find ways to establish some connections. Once, I was accompanying an old chief during morning exercises. , I accidentally met Mr. Fang. Judging from his aura, he was definitely not an ordinary person! At that time, I thought he was some retired old chief, or even a military general, so I created an opportunity to meet him by chance. , and then we got to know each other more and more, and we became friends all year round.”

"Even if I don't ask to meet Liu Yang, are you still planning to lure me to Lingbao Society through Mr. Fang?" I sneered.

"Uh... this." Lin Feng hesitated for a moment, and then replied happily: "Yes! To be honest, I have long suspected that Liu Yang borrowed some evil things to harm people, and I heard He took a picture of a breast goggle from the Three Kingdoms period at the Lingbao Conference, and it may be related to that thing, but there is no evidence, so."

"Have you ever tried to kill Liu Yang, but you never succeeded?" I smiled even more.

"This..." Lin Feng paused for a long time and finally admitted.

"Yes! This kid Liu Yang is so unreasonable! Not only do I hate him, but almost all his colleagues hate him to the core. He has no regard for any rules and regulations and just messes around. Just like the matter of land, we don't want to compete with each other. Every time before the government releases land, it will hold a private meeting to discuss who will buy which piece of land and who will do which project. In this way, everyone will benefit and no one will be wronged. Money, this is an unspoken rule across the country, and this is what companies, big and small, do.”

"But it's good for him. He made a good deal during the discussion, but then he changes his mind and either fights or robs him. If he really throws money at him, and we accept it, who will let others have more money? But this kid is just playing tricks. Yes, no one who has bid with him has a good ending. It has only been a few years! Several of our colleagues have died! Outsiders say that we have suffered retribution for speculating on land, but we all know that this must be the case. It’s the boy’s fault.”

"Don't say it's me, almost all my colleagues hate him! Although we didn't collude with each other, many people do this. They want to treat others with their own methods and ask others to do witchcraft. Scarecrow and all that, but it doesn’t work at all.”

"Apart from that, we didn't do anything else. After all, this is a legal society now, and we can't hire murderers. Besides, he may have done too many bad things, and he is also on guard against this kind of trick. No matter where he goes, there are people in front of him. There are a lot of bodyguards behind him, even if he hires a murderer, he may not be able to do it! To say the least, even if he is really killed, everyone will benefit, but if the crime is committed, he will have to take the blame himself, so no one will do this Dry."

"We can only secretly investigate his dirty information, collect evidence of his illegality, and bring him down through legitimate channels, or..." Lin Feng hesitated at this point.

"Or find someone like me, use some yin and yang techniques, and kill him without anyone noticing, right?" I laughed.

"Master, this..." Lin Feng may have been choked by my straightforward question. He quickly took a sip of water, pressed down, and then honestly replied: "Master Zhang, to be honest, we are indeed like this. I think, as long as we can bring down Liu Yang, each of us is willing to contribute 50 million, whether it is transferred to your account or donated to Mr. Xu’s charity fund. As for what method you use, then we will It’s inconvenient to ask.”

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