Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,726 Capturing Wei Laizi alive

Wearing a pair of big sunglasses and an expensive and exaggerated black windbreaker, Wei Zizi limped out of the terminal, surrounded by seven or eight bodyguards.

He deliberately looked up at the gray sky as if he were there, and got into the car door that was opened by his men.

The Rolls-Royce he was riding in was sandwiched between two Mercedes-Benzes and drove straight into the city.

"Follow me." I waved my hand and said softly.

The man in black sitting next to him nodded and started the car skillfully.

The car I was riding in was also a black Mercedes-Benz, and it had the same license plate as the Mercedes-Benz that was following Wei Lai.

Wei Zizi's property is in Hainan and he doesn't dare to leave any part of his business in Wuhan. Every time he comes back, he always asks someone to rent a car from a car dealership.

Lin Feng had already obtained the information in advance according to my instructions, and prepared six identical cars, with license plates and decorations all exactly the same, ready to play the trick of swapping civet cats for princes!

Another image appeared on the monitor in front of me at the same time - this was transmitted from the Mercedes-Benz that was following closely.

After passing the traffic light, Wei Zizi's Rolls-Royce was about to catch up with the Mercedes-Benz in front of him when an extended truck suddenly rushed out and blocked the way.

Wei Laizi's bodyguards opened two windows as if they were facing a formidable enemy, looked around very cautiously, and then yelled and cursed the truck driver! The driver apologized repeatedly and took the car back.

My disguised Mercedes-Benz was waiting on the other side of the intersection. The Rolls-Royce foolishly stuck to it and continued moving forward.

"No. 1, No. 1, the fish has been hooked." A cold voice came from the communicator.

"No. 1 understands, act as planned." I replied.

Lin Feng didn't know where he found these people. They all looked like professional special police officers, with extremely high professional qualities.

In an instant, Wei Laizi's convoy was divided into two.

At another intersection, through a deliberately caused traffic accident, the Mercedes-Benz behind was also put into a bag and was taken to another road by Lin Feng's men.

Immediately we clung to him.

At this time, the two Mercedes-Benz cars in front and behind Wei Zizi were all our people.

"Close the net!" I said coldly.

"No. 2 understands!"

"No. 3 understands!"

"Four understands!"

Several responses sounded in the communicator, and at the same time, the Mercedes-Benz leading the way suddenly turned a corner and drove into a small alley.

As soon as Rolls-Royce turned its head, it suddenly felt something was wrong and wanted to pull back, but was blocked by our car. Immediately afterwards, the Mercedes-Benz in front also quickly retreated, with two clicks and a front and rear attack, the Rolls-Royce was stuck in the middle.

At this time, his bodyguards finally knew something was wrong! I was about to open the car door, but it was already too late.

A dozen men in black ran out of the two Mercedes-Benz cars in front and behind them. Without saying a word, they directly smashed the window glass with a window breaker and grabbed several people inside. They cut their hands upside down and pressed On the ground.

That movement was extremely skillful and extremely fast!

"Brother! Who are you? If you have something to say, if you have something to say, please be gentle..." Wei Laizi begged for mercy.

"No. 1, No. 1, No. 3 have closed the net."

"No. 4 has closed the network." Echoes came from the communicator one after another.

It has to be said that the people Lin Feng found were really scary. Almost at the same time, both groups of Wei Laizi's bodyguards were all captured.

"Go home!" I replied.

The men in black pushed Wei Zi's bodyguards into the car respectively. Wei Zi was put on a blindfold and carried to my car.

"Brother, who are you? Have you admitted the wrong person? This car is not mine, and I have no enemies here? Brother, I have money. As long as you let me go, we can discuss how much it will cost. Brother..." Wei Laizi said repeatedly in fear as soon as he got in the car.

I waved at the reflector.

The men in black sitting on either side of Wei Laizi in the back immediately understood what I meant. They punched the guy twice in the stomach and said, "Shut up! If you say one more fucking word, I'll do it." Kill you."

As soon as Wei Laizi felt the pain, he immediately calmed down, but he was so frightened that he could not stop shaking.

The vehicle pressing down the bodyguards separated from us, and there were only two Mercedes-Benz cars filled with men in black driving all the way out of the city.

More than an hour later, we stopped in front of a tall iron door.

This place is surrounded by dark fields of crops that have not yet sprouted, and there is no edge as far as the eye can see.

There is a tall red brick wall surrounding the roadside. The large iron gate in the middle is rusty, and there are two seals with black and white letters stamped with red seals.

What was written on it was: "Hubei Provincial Anti-Narcotics Corps."

The people in the Mercedes-Benz in front didn't care, they just tore off the seal and pushed open the big iron door, and grabbed Wei Zizi in like a chicken.

I followed them out of the car.

This was a pig farm that had just been abandoned. The scene inside was in a mess, and there was a pungent smell of chemicals everywhere.

Judging from the seal affixed to the door, this was supposed to be a drug manufacturing site disguised as a pig farm.

I don’t know how this group of people found this place, and they were so bold that they dared to break the seal and bring people here.

"Master Zhang, thank you for your hard work." At this time, another car stopped outside the door, and Lin Feng walked towards me accompanied by a muscular middle-aged man.

This man is tall and strong, with a dark Chinese-character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a righteous look. Even the long scar on his left eye is not evil at all, but adds a bit of majesty.

"I think you must have guessed who these brothers are." Lin Feng introduced us with a smile: "This is Captain Wang of the Anti-Narcotics Team, and this is Master Zhang Jiulin."

"I've heard about your name for a long time! I heard from Comrade Xiao Ai that you are a high-ranking person. You can compete with Detective Song Yang from the provincial department. You have helped them solve many major cases." The man stretched out his hand and said in a loud voice. .

"Excuse me." I shook hands with Captain Wang and asked, still a little confused, "Are you also pursuing him?"

Captain Wang pointed to the houses around him and said: "As you can see, this is a drug manufacturing den. According to the suspect's account, these drugs are prepared to be shipped to Hainan. The recipient, or even the actual controller, is very It may be Wei Daping. But this organization is very secretive and there is no direct and conclusive evidence. We are afraid of alerting others, so we have not touched him."

"No, Lin Feng came to me and said that someone had discovered something suspicious about an old case, but the way of investigating the case was a bit special. He asked me if I could lend him some help? I asked again, and I heard that that person It’s you, Master Zhang, and the subject of the investigation happens to be Wei Daping.”

"This case has been pursued several times. Even the Ministry of Public Security has been pressing for questions. I have never been able to come up with any clues. I might as well change my mind and use this old case as a breakthrough. But this matter has not happened. The legal report was filed, so I brought out the brothers who were on vacation and got off work to serve as your targets." Captain Wang explained.

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