Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,727 Put on a good show

"So that's it! No wonder I always thought that these brothers were so fierce in their methods. It turns out they are all police officers fighting on the front line of anti-drugs!"

"A layman like me actually became the commander-in-chief in a daze!" I said with some embarrassment.

"Hahaha..." Captain Wang laughed and said: "You did a good job, it's a bit interesting, but the tone and gestures are more like a gangster who arrests and kidnaps people! If Captain Zhang Xiaoai hadn't mentioned you to me several times, I really doubt your true identity."

At this point, he suddenly looked stern and said: "I admire your ability to solve cases. However, I don't believe in those ghosts and monsters. Let's discuss the matter. You will try this kid, and wait until there is a breakthrough. Leave it to us. Muggles!" He shouted in the distance.

"Here!" A small man with a dark build and a pockmarked face quickly ran forward.

"According to plan No. 5, set up the interrogation scene."


The little man turned and ran towards the back of the house.

Captain Wang looked at me with a strange expression, rubbed his head and smiled and said: "You may be wondering why we are called by nicknames like bandits, right? Although our main duty, like the criminal police, is to catch people and solve crimes, we can also detect drugs The nature of the crime is a bit special. The criminals we face are far more cruel and cunning than other types of criminals. In addition to necessary formal occasions, calling each other nicknames is also a work requirement and a protection for changing directions. For example, this gang of gangsters, if no outsiders are present , no one calls me Captain Wang, they all call me Big Iron Donkey.”

Having said this, he smiled proudly.

It seems that this nickname is not only not shameful, but also quite proud.

This guy looks very majestic, even a bit fierce, but he is so easy-going.

This is my first time coming into contact with the anti-narcotics police. I never expected that they are such a lovely group of people!

"Master Zhang, don't blame me for not communicating with you beforehand. This is..." Lin Feng explained to me with some embarrassment.

"It was my idea. I'm not afraid that if you know the details, the performance will be ruined." Captain Wang continued.

"Then you're not afraid that I'll mess up my performance later?" I said with a smile.

"Isn't that what you originally planned to do? If you really mess up, it's your fault." As he said that, Captain Wang rubbed his head and smiled: "Besides, your acting talent is rooted in your family. If you still fail in your performance, it would be even worse if it were someone else."

What he was secretly referring to was that my wife Yin Xinyue is an actress.

It seems that the police have already investigated my social relations behind my back.

"Uh, Captain Wang... Well, the scene has been set up, please give me instructions!" The little Muggle ran back again. As expected, as Captain Wang just said, calling him Captain in person was a bit awkward.

Captain Wang raised his chin at me and said, "Master Zhang, it's up to you."

I originally wanted to be humble, but then I thought, these anti-drug police brothers are still waiting for me to use my power to break through this guy. I can't let down my ambition now.

He said to Captain Wang, "Okay, wait for my news."

After saying that, I followed the Muggle directly to the backyard.

This pig farm is divided into two yards: the front is the pig house, and the back is where the feed is stored and the workers' accommodation is.

The poison manufacturing factory was built next to the manure pit, using the smell of manure to cover up the smell of poisonous gas.

They took Wei Zizi into the backyard, where the drug dealers once stayed.

The smell here is relatively muted, but because it has been closed for a long time, there is a musty smell in the air.

Wine bottles, cigarette butts, and chewed bones were still everywhere. Under the yellow light, it looked like a garbage dump.

A few of the gang of anti-narcotics brothers were specially selected with ferocious faces and did not look like good people, carrying various long knives and short sticks, standing around the door.

What surprised me even more was that there was a dead body in the room.

He was also pretending to be a brother - he was dressed as a bodyguard of Wei Laizi, leaning against the door with his head hanging down, and the ground on his chest was covered with blood.

Is this the ‘Plan No. 5’ that Captain Wang mentioned?

"Brother!" As soon as they saw me coming in, many brothers shouted in unison.

I nodded slightly to everyone, but said nothing.

"Brother, this kid was dishonest and wanted to run away, so I gave him a knife." A big man with a sinister face said with a cruel smile.

"Just die, I didn't intend to keep them." I said lightly, and then pointed to Wei Laizi who was tied up in the corner of the room: "Open it."

"Yes!" The man responded and walked over.

Wei Laizi's hands and feet were tightly tied, his eyes were covered with black cloth, and his mouth was gagged with rags. His crotch was very wet, and his feet were dripping with water. He had been so frightened that he peed his pants.

As soon as he opened the blindfold, he immediately saw the long knife shining in the big man's hand, with a bright red blood stain hanging on it.

The bodyguard in a black suit at the door leaned there with his head tilted. Blood soaked through his shirt and was still flowing.

This guy was so frightened that his legs became weak and trembled uncontrollably. If he hadn't been tied up, he would have fallen to his knees long ago.

", you guys, I will give you whatever you want. Please...don't kill me, just let me go!" Soon, he found me standing in the middle of the room, lighting a cigarette with my head down. It was the leader of the group who begged with a trembling voice.

I raised my head and blew out the smoke, smiled coldly at him and said, "Give it all to me?"

"That's right! Give it all, give it all to you!" Wei Laizi nodded repeatedly.

"Then...what do you have?" I narrowed my eyes and asked casually.

"I own a three-star hotel in Hainan. I have several million in cash flow every year. I also have tens of millions in deposits, cars and stocks. As long as you let me go, I will give it all to you. You!" Wei Laizi was really frightened and hurriedly revealed all his family wealth and kept saying.

"That's all?" I curled my lips indifferently.

Wei Laizi didn't seem to expect that I would not be moved at all by offering so many assets in a row. He suddenly said with a embarrassed face: "Brother... I, that's all I really have."

"Think about it carefully. People like you with tens of millions of assets can be arrested in any city. Why do we focus on you?"

"We arrested people in traffic jams in public, and killed seven or eight of you in a row, just for this little money? One person can only get a million, so why take such a big risk? To tell you the truth, someone paid a sum Big money will buy your life!" I deliberately threatened.

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