Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,732 Death of Fang Lao

I stood outside the high wall and pondered for a while, but still couldn't think of any good solution.

The moon's shadow slanted to the west, and more than half an hour had passed.

The inside and outside of Liu Yang's villa are filled with amulets to ward off evil spirits. I think the use of onmyoji will definitely cause shock.

Even if I could rely on my unique skills to rush past the Tibetan Mastiff and the bodyguards, Liu Yang would have run away long ago. As long as he hides for three days and then uses the soul-hunting technique on me, What else can I use to stop it?

No, I can't delay it any longer, I must deal with him tonight!

Seeing the moon's shadow slanting to the west and time passing by, I became more and more anxious.

But the moonlight inspired me.


What is righteousness? What is evil?

What is Yin? What is Yang again?

"Yin Fu Jing" says that yin has no shape, yang has no meaning, the heart turns to yin and yang, and all phenomena are in the same direction.

That means that the two poles of yin and yang seem to be opposite, but in fact they have no fixed form and are constantly rotating every moment.

Whether it is yin or yang, what is right or wrong does not depend on where you are, but what your heart is.

Standing in the shadows, under the mud, are all bad people?

Are all the people standing on the high platform and wide temple with colorful flags good people?

not necessarily! Good and evil, good and evil, only exist in one thought, and it also depends on the angle from which you look at it.

It is cruel for wolves to eat sheep, and hunting hungry wolves seems to be a natural thing, but when you see a litter of wolf cubs waiting to be fed, can you really bear to let the mother wolf starve to death or beat her to death?

Take the current situation as an example. The Buddhist beads and peach wood swords outside the villa are naturally meant to protect righteousness and yang.

But what about the things hidden there and the people who live there?

The bow and arrow that hurt so many innocent people, and the upstart Liu Yang who harmed people wantonly, are these the righteousness and yang that the Buddhist beads and the peach wood sword want to protect?

Since I can't borrow the Yin and Yang technique to rush in, then you can't even hope to stabilize under the protection of these magic weapons!

The sun rises and the moon sets, and the heaven and earth rotate.

This time I want to see if you run out on your own or have a battle with these Buddha beads and mahogany swords that are supposed to protect you!

Thinking of this, I turned around and ran back in a hurry.

Lin Feng parked the car in the shadow of the trees by the river, rubbing his hands back and forth, looking very anxious.

Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer, he looked up and saw that it was me. He immediately came forward with surprise and said: "Master Zhang, have you succeeded?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Then...that means there is nothing we can do about Liu Yang?" Lin Feng said a little disappointed.

I said, "No, I will explain it to you later. I need your help now."

"Master, why are you so polite? Tell me what you are busy with." Lin Feng said.

"I need your hair."

"Hair?" Lin Feng was stunned.

"Yes! Shave them all off and give them to me so that I can use them to break their family's exorcism array."

"Sure." Lin Feng was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then he agreed and reached out to pull the car door.

"Hey? What are you doing?" I grabbed him.

"Don't you want hair? I'm going to shave my head." Lin Feng wondered.

"Where can I find a barber shop in the middle of the night? It's too late to go back and forth! You squat down and I'll shave you right here." After saying that, I took out the double swords for killing ghosts and gods from my waist.

Lin Feng looked at the two daggers in my hand that shone brightly against the moonlight, and couldn't help but swallow.

"Okay, come on!" Lin Feng responded and squatted down.

"Be patient, I don't have much experience, so don't move around." After I said these even more uneasy words, I took turns slashing at his head with my two knives.

I really don't have much experience in shaving my head, but I have already practiced the Yin Yang knife technique thousands of times. Regardless of my skill, at least I won't hurt anyone.

In a short time, I shaved off all of Lin Feng's snow-white hair.

In the moonlight, there was a short white stubble on the bald round head, which looked like a rotten potato that was moldy and covered with white hair. Lin Feng looked at the rearview mirror and said with a grimace: "Master, your skills...are really not that good."

"It's your hair that fell out, but your kindness that grew out of it. This can be regarded as your dedication to justice! Okay, now the plan has changed, don't wait here anymore, leave quickly, and stay as far away from the villa as possible." I said while As he spoke, he gathered up his broken hair.

"Why are you still hanging around? Let's go quickly. The sooner the better." I urged him again and rushed towards the villa.

The reason why Lin Feng's hair turned white was because of that bow.

In other words, the hair smells of femininity!

If I throw all these broken hairs in, and the restriction composed of thousands of Buddhist beads and peach wood swords remains unmoved, it proves that they have been assimilated by Yin objects, then I can also use a method to get through.

If the ban is activated, block the entry of broken hair.

Then I can trigger this great formation to follow the Yin Qi and hunt for the source of the Yin Qi, which is the bow.

Regardless of whether this exorcism array is activated or not, I just have to wait and see what happens!

I approached it quietly and stopped five or six meters away from the courtyard wall - I couldn't tell where the Tibetan Mastiff was through the high wall, and I was afraid that I would be discovered if I took a step closer, which would alarm me again. If the bodyguard attracts Liu Yang's attention and escapes secretly, that will be troublesome.

I stretched out my hand and measured the wind direction. When the wind was coming, I grabbed a piece of my hair and waved it out.

I listened calmly and attentively, but there was no movement.

Could it be that this exorcism formation has really been modified? Have you already become one with Yinwu?

That's fine, I'll just use the yin energy in my hair to sneak in.

Thinking of this, I took out a strand of hair and was about to light it to extract the yin energy.

At this time, the door light not far away suddenly flashed, and then with a creaking sound, the iron door opened, and a car drove out from inside.

"Huh? Could it be that Liu Yang discovered something and wanted to escape early?" I was puzzled, but I recognized the car at once.

An old-fashioned stretched Lincoln, isn’t this Fang Lao’s car?

Why did this old man come to Liu Yang in the middle of the night?

Could it be that everything this old man told me was a lie? The two of them are the same.


I have to notify Lin Feng quickly and ask him to follow this old man to see what his plans are!

I hid in the dark, put my phone in silent mode, and sent several messages to Lin Feng, but no one responded. Even after I called him, I was still on the phone. I watched the Lincoln drive past me and disappear into the darkness.

At this moment, Lin Feng called again.

I hurried away from the high wall and picked up.

"Master Zhang, it's not good!" Before I could say anything, Lin Feng on the other end of the phone shouted first.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Old Fang is dead!"

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