Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,733 Liu Yang is missing

"When did he die?" I asked in surprise.

"He died of acute cerebral congestion just ten minutes ago." Lin Feng replied.

"Acute cerebral congestion?"

"Yes, Director Zhang from the Department of Cardiology and Brain Surgery of the City Hospital rescued him. He said..."

"Wait, what did you say? He died in the city hospital?" I asked again.

"Yes." Lin Feng said with some surprise: "He was sent to the hospital two hours ago, and he was completely unconscious at that time. Director Zhang worked hard to save him until now, and he has just lost all vital signs... "

This is weird, I just saw his car in front of me...


A car is a car and a person is a person!

That was Mr. Fang's car, and there was nothing wrong with it, but Mr. Fang might not be in it.

I was a little confused about this concept just now!

If Fang Laozhen was sent to the hospital two hours ago, and someone had been rescuing him during this period, it means that there was someone else in the car that just passed in front of me.

Is it his full-time driver, the orphan adopted by Mr. Fang?

What is this guy doing here at Liu Yang?

I met Mr. Fang a few days ago. Although he is quite old, he is in good spirits and in good health. Except for his legs being crippled by that unknown Lingbaohui, there is nothing wrong with him. The appearance of the disease.

Acute cerebral congestion? Isn't this a symptom of being shot by that bow?

Could it be said that the person who killed him was Liu Yang?

Liu Yang sensed that I might be secretly investigating him, so it was understandable that he would kill me, but why would he harm Mr. Fang?

Or is this just a coincidence?

Mr. Fang was eliminated by them because he leaked the secret of Lingbao Society to me?

But apart from Mr. Fang and I, the only one present at that time was his extremely reliable driver, an orphan who had been raised since childhood.

Could it be that the driver was also bribed by the Lingbao Society?

In name, he is Mr. Fang's loyal adopted son, but in fact he is a spy of the Lingbao Society. Is he the informant?

Regardless of whether the murderer of Mr. Fang is Liu Yang or Lingbaohui, the driver is very suspicious!

However, the driver can be traced by others. My more important goal now is to catch Liu Yang as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, I said to Lin Feng: "Hurry up and contact Captain Wang and ask him to do a favor. Search Fang Lao's car all over the city. No matter who is sitting in the car, arrest him first!" I put down the phone, He took out another strand of white hair and burned it to pieces, then took out a few magic talismans and rubbed the smoke a few times, letting the breath permeate the talismans.

Since we have just experimented and found that the Yin Qi on the white hair will not disturb the exorcism array, then these talismans of mine will never trigger the ban.

After throwing out the three magical talismans of "silence", "disappearance" and "sniff" one after another, I sprinted a few steps, stepped on the wall and jumped up. Then he hooked his hands on the wall and climbed up.

Under the rockery far away from the high wall, there were several Tibetan mastiff hunting dogs the size of calves lying down. The two largest ones seemed to have sensed something. They looked in the direction where I was standing, shrank their noses and twitched twice. .

"Woof, woof woof woof..."

When it screamed, several others also woke up. From the shadows farther away, several big dogs also rushed out and barked wildly.

Has it been discovered? Why doesn't this charm work?

At this moment, a head poked out from the cave in the rockery, looked at me, turned around and yelled at the dogs: "What's your name? He's barking nonsense, and you're not letting me sleep." I’ll sleep now.”

I don’t know whether his scolding had an effect, or whether the dogs were not confident in their findings. They looked at me again, and then lay back one by one.

They didn't notice me, human or dog!

I was standing right in front of them, and I could see clearly under the bright moonlight, even the whiskers on the dog's nose and the eye droppings on the face of the bodyguard hidden in the rockery. But they couldn't see me, couldn't hear any sound I made, and couldn't even smell it!

At this time, I have become a transparent invisible person. This is exactly the ghost hidden curse recorded in the "Yin Fu Jing".

The curse is as its name suggests. As long as you cast this spell, you can become a ghost. Unless you trigger a ban or meet a master who is far more advanced than you, you will never be noticed by others.

Originally, this was something that could be solved with a single spell, but my cultivation was really not enough to practice such a high level of Yin magic. After thinking hard for many days, I could only divide this spell into three parts. Even so, the effect It can only last about half an hour.

However, it is enough!

I saw that neither the bodyguard nor the Tibetan mastiff could detect my whereabouts. I no longer had any scruples, jumped off the high wall, and rushed towards the small villa building in the center.

A few more Tibetan Mastiffs roared a few times out of instinct, as if they felt something was wrong, and then fell silent amidst the overt or covert scoldings of several other bodyguards.

I approached the door of the villa without any hindrance. Just as I was about to step in, I suddenly discovered a very surprising place.

Just above the door of the villa in the middle of my head, there was a shining golden Bagua ghost disc hanging.

In the middle of the gold plate, there is a bunch of snow-white.

That's not the contrasting moonlight, but a strand of white hair!

Moreover, I recognized it at a glance, it was the one I had just shaved off Lin Feng’s head.

I threw them in the wind as pathfinding stones, but if the formation did not move at all, shouldn't these white hairs be falling everywhere like leaf dust?

Why are they gathering here like iron filings attracted by a magnet?

The exorcism array can feel the presence of white hair, but it is not surprised. Instead, it attracts them together, and it is still at the eye of the array!

This means that the bow has already taken over and become the real master of this exorcism array.

Because of this, the formation regarded this ray of Yin Qi as part of itself and absorbed it.

But the problem lies precisely here!

It’s not unusual for it to be adsorbed anywhere, but this is the Formation Eye!

Just like a whirlpool or a tornado in the water, no matter how turbulent it is outside, if you are in a careful position, it should always be calm!


The suppressive things in this large formation are no longer there, just like after the water vortex stops, the foam and floating objects will gather in the center.

So, that means that bow may no longer be here!

Therefore, after the white hair floated in, because it contained some Yin Qi, it was absorbed into the formation's eyes by the formation.

I thought about it, and took out some white hair and scattered it casually in all directions.

There was no wind around, but those white hairs seemed to be inspired. One by one, they flew up and gathered towards the door, where they all landed on the shining golden Bagua plate.

It's true, I know.

Suddenly, I remembered!

Car, Mr. Fang’s car!

I don't know yet whether there is Mr. Fang's driver in the car, but Liu Yang must be on the other side, and he is still carrying the bow.

What is he going to do? Continue killing, or run away?

(PS: Everyone is welcome to follow Laojiu’s public WeChat ID: Daomen Laojiu. Every day, he will push various supernatural stories, folklore, and exclusive extra stories of "The Merchant of the Underworld"! Click on WeChat-Address Book-Add in the upper right corner- -Public account--Search: Daomen Laojiu--just follow it.)

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