Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1735 Zhang Jiulin VS Liu Yang (additional update)

The forensic doctor has completed the preliminary examination, and the two bodies have been loaded onto stretchers. Only a few criminal police officers are still collecting fingerprints and other traces with small brushes.

I nodded towards Captain Wang and Lin Feng who were standing a little further away, then took out the bag of white hair and sprinkled it around the Lincoln car.

I saw a gust of wind blowing from the plains, and the white hair all over the ground was immediately blown away without a trace.

It seems that the evil spirit has also figured out my route and wants to cut off the clues so that I can no longer trace it!

But I have secretly hidden the invisible needles in my white hair. It can blow away the whiteheads, but the invisible needles are not affected.

This time it revealed its location.

The invisible needle floated in the air, quickly passed by the crowd of onlookers, and flew away.

It seems that this Yin spirit is quite capable. He can even temporarily become invisible. He just used his Yin energy to hide Liu Yang in front of the police.

But under the tracking of the invisible needle, he couldn't escape!

I pushed through the crowd and chased him.

Captain Wang, who was wearing plain clothes, quietly followed me with a few people, not far or near.

Not far from the scene of the incident, the speed of the invisible needle suddenly accelerated. He must have taken some kind of transportation.

I took a taxi and directed the driver to chase me in the direction of the invisible needle!

This guy was very cunning. After walking around in circles on the street for a few times, he chose to get off the car at a corner without cameras, crossed two alleys, and then took the car to the train station, then drove to the snack street. I got off the bus on the street and walked through the long streets to change cars again.

He probably thought it was safe after making such a big circle, so he changed trains again and drove to the riverside villa.

In order to avoid alerting others, I got out of the car more than a hundred meters away from the villa.

As soon as the taxi turned around, a black Citroen stopped in front of me.

"Master Zhang, are you saying that the murderer may be Liu Yang?" Captain Wang asked as he rolled down the window.

"Yes, it's him!" I nodded with certainty and said: "However, although I am sure that it was him who did it, the method he used is very special, which is what you call the art of ghosts and snakes! I want to There may be insufficient evidence to punish him according to law. Therefore, I have to ask you for a favor now."

"Okay, you go ahead." Captain Wang responded readily.

Five minutes later, Captain Wang, who had agreed with me, put the police lights on the roof of the car, and drove straight towards the villa with the lights flashing.

I lit a cigarette and sat in the shadow of the roadside waiting for him.

Not long after, Citroën came back again.

The police car roared all the way around the turn, and Captain Wang came back alone: ​​"You are right, he is indeed at home. When we rushed in, he was wearing pajamas, and his face was full of sleepiness and nothingness. He had a knowing look and answered our questions fluently without any flaws."

"This is exactly the biggest flaw!" I took the pinhole camera he handed me and said, "According to the original plan, wait for my signal!"

With that said, I threw away the cigarette butt, leaned against the shadow on the roadside, and walked toward the villa.

After holding up three ghost concealment talismans, he climbed into the villa again without anyone noticing.

The white hair on the Bagua plate has long disappeared, so it seems that the ancient bow of the eyes has returned to its place.

I reached the bedroom with familiarity, and just as I was about to push the door open, the door opened with a creak.

Liu Yang stood behind the door, holding an antique long bow with hard horns in his hand.

A gloomy cold air spurted out from the bow, and my invisibility spell suddenly shattered and collapsed.

"Hey, isn't this Master Zhang?" Liu Yang smiled at me with a strange expression and said, "I never thought you had such a special hobby. Not only do you like to visit late at night, but you also rush into the bedroom as soon as you come. This is the way to be a guest!”

I had no interest in chatting with him, so I said straight to the point: "Liu Yang! You are using evil things to do evil and wantonly kill people. Do you really think you can escape the reincarnation of heaven?"

Liu Yang sneered and said: "What is the way of heaven and not the way of heaven? I have always believed that the winner is king! There are many people who hate me, who are you? Even if you insist on delivering some kind of justice, it still depends on whether you have the right to do so. Give me this skill." He said and shouted sharply.

Uh-huh! The crystal chandelier hanging overhead suddenly lit up.

Bang bang bang!

The wooden doors around the bedroom opened at the same time, and a group of bodyguards in black rushed towards me, each holding a knife or ax.

Judging from the movements and momentum of these guys, they are a group of desperadoes who have gone through bloody battles, and Liu Yang has no intention of leaving me alive!

But I was already prepared for this move.


I shouted loudly and raised my hand to throw out a golden light spell!

I made this talisman after the Heavenly Thunder Talisman of Taoist Master Bai He. Of course, I have never learned any Chunyang Taoism, and my own cultivation is far from that of Taoist Bai He. The power of this talisman is natural and real. The Thunder Talisman is far different.

However, it is enough to deal with these reckless thugs!

As I yelled, the golden talisman suddenly exploded, thunder erupted on the ground, and there was a loud muffled sound on the surrounding walls.

The murderers who were about to rush to my side suddenly became dizzy and fell to the ground. Their souls were temporarily shaken away and they completely lost consciousness. They would never wake up within half an hour.

Liu Yang was protected by a divine bow. Although he was not knocked down, he was still frightened. He took two steps back in shock, holding the long bow tightly and said: "Master Zhang, why bother? You are so powerful. , why bother to pursue the way of heaven and justice like those stubborn Taoist priests? How much is that thing worth? "

"Otherwise?" I asked in response.

"Otherwise... let's cooperate. As long as we join forces, what else in this world can't we get? What wealth can't we earn?"

"Huh, just you?" I sneered disapprovingly.

Seeing the contempt on my face, Liu Yang frowned unhappily and said, "Master Zhang, I know that in your eyes, I may be just a villain, and I'm also despicable, the kind of person who deserves death. , but this is what the world is like!”

"No one cares what you did before or where you came from. As long as you have money and strength, then you are the master! Otherwise, you can only be treated as a grandson."

"I used to work as a waiter or a security guard. I was called back and forth all day long. I was always looked down upon. Almost no one looked at me as a human being! But now! Who dares not to give Liu Yang face to me?"

"No matter where I go, I'm surrounded by people, licking their smiling faces and trying to squeeze in to flatter me. Why? Isn't it because I'm rich? From the little bastard who was always available, He became Mr. Liu. Master Zhang, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I guarantee that within five years, both of us will be able to squeeze into the China Rich List, and it is not impossible to even win the first place!"

"Why? Just with the bow in your hand?" My eyes were full of mockery.

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