Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1736: Killing Old Huang Zhong in Tears (Extra Long Chapter)

"Is it just because you are ruthless and regard human life as nothing?" I walked forward step by step and continued: "I know that this bow was passed down from your ancestors, and there is a powerful Yin spirit living in it! But what if your ancestors knew You use this thing to kill innocent people and make dirty money, but you don’t know how to feel?”

"You...don't come over." Liu Yang couldn't help but become frightened when he saw me approaching step by step. He stepped back and tightened his long bow, as if he would pull the bowstring at any time.

I didn't even look at him, but stared at the long bow and said: "In my opinion, the Yin spirit in this bow is also an old bastard! Originally, in order to repay the lord for his kindness, he protected the descendants of the Liu family. This There's nothing wrong with that. But the person you protect is a human being, so aren't the others human beings? With such indifference between good and evil, right and wrong, one day I'll see how you face Uncle Liu who rules the world with benevolence and righteousness!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the long bow in Liu Yang's hand suddenly vibrated, emitting a gloomy yellow light.

"Even if you were one of the Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Han Dynasty during your lifetime, so what if you could pierce Yang Yang with a hundred steps with a bow and defeat Guan Yu with a sword? Even if you turned into a ghost and immortal after death, and your Yin Qi could reach 30,000 miles into the sky, so what? In my opinion , he is still just an old man."


Suddenly, a dark wind blew, and yellow light shone.

A yellow shadow suddenly flashed in front of me.

I stopped and took a look. This shadow was extremely tall, with a strong back and waist, a head taller than a normal person. Through the flower brocade robe, you could see the tall and bulging muscles.

The shadow had white hair and a white beard, stared angrily at a pair of big eyes like a lion, and shouted loudly: "Boy, tell me again, who is the old man?"

"Huang Zhong, Huang Hansheng, right?" I smiled lightly.

"Do you recognize me?" Yin Ling was stunned and asked in astonishment.

"Of course I recognize it. I remember when you loyally defended Changsha and fought Guan Yu for three hundred rounds without deciding the outcome. Later, you took refuge with Uncle Liu Huang and became a post-general! Later, you killed Cao Jun's general Xiahou Yuan in the battle of Dingjun Mountain, which shocked China. , it is indeed said that he is getting stronger with age, but now...

I paused, looked at him with a slight contempt and said: "You act as a villain and help evil. To say you are a common man is already a compliment! In fact, you are not even as good as a common man. You are just an old bastard."

Sure enough, my guess was correct. The Yin spirit inside the bow was none other than Huang Zhong, one of the famous Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period!

Speaking of Huang Zhong's popularity, it can be said that it is too high! Even those who have only read a little bit of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" know the style of this old general. In history, Huang Zhong was originally a subordinate of Liu Biao. Although he was a god in swordsmanship and superb in arrows, he was never reused. He was only a small lieutenant general until he was sixty years old. But Huang Zhong himself was unparalleled in his loyalty. Even though he was treated unfairly, when Liu Bei led his army to attack Changsha, he still bravely stopped the enemy. He lowered the suspension bridge and fought Liu Bei's general Guan Yu for 300 rounds without deciding the outcome.

After Changsha was captured, Liu Bei spent a lot of effort to persuade Huang Zhong to assist him.

Liu Bei was a wise man. He always praised Huang Zhong as an old hero and put Huang Zhong on the same level as Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others. How had Huang Zhong received such good treatment? Tears of gratitude immediately filled my eyes. He showed off all his abilities, first helping Liu Bei to conquer Yizhou, and later taking the lead on Mount Dingjun, killing Cao Jun's famous general Xia Houyuan with a sword.

Although Huang Zhong later died of illness, it was precisely because of Liu Bei's important role that he could go down in history and not be like an old horse working in a stable all his life! Liu Bei was as kind as a mountain to him.

Perhaps it was precisely because he was grateful for Liu Bei's kindness that he found a way to meet him. After his death, a ray of Yin spirit resided in the long bow and has been protecting Liu Bei's descendants. This Liu Yang should be the direct grandson of the Liu family.

The reason why he didn't kill Wei Daping was also very simple. When he was guarding Changsha, the governor of Changsha suspected that he was having an affair with Liu Bei and ordered him to be beheaded. It was Wei Yan who suddenly rebelled and killed the governor of Changsha, and saved him from the knife.

Wei Yan was kind to him for saving his life, and Liu Bei was kind to him for knowing him.

It was just an unfortunate coincidence for Liu Yang that the murderer he hired to kill his father was a descendant of Wei Yan. When he wanted to use a ghost to kill someone, Huang Zhong naturally refused to obey his orders.

From this, Liu Yangcai had nothing to do against Wei Daping.

In the snack street, after I released Zhao Yun's Gentian Armor, the soul-stealing arrow avoided itself and shot elsewhere. I felt a little strange.

That armor is only for protection, how can it push the arrow light aside?

After much deliberation, there is only one reason, and that is that the Yin spirit who shot the soul-stealing arrow retreated midway after sensing Zhao Yun's aura!

When I first came to the villa, I saw the Three Kingdoms helmet on the desk again. After connecting these clues together, I was able to get the answer. The ghost in the bow was most likely Huang Zhong! It's just that I'm still a little unsure.

What I said just now is to anger Huang Zhong and make him show up on his own - after all, according to historical records, Huang Zhong has a fiery temperament and cannot bear to be called an old man.

When Huang Zhong heard what I said, he felt a little unreasonable. He turned to look at Liu Yang and said: "I... do not distinguish between right and wrong, but I am willing to bear the responsibility. What I do has nothing to do with the descendants of the Liu family! If you dare If you hurt him even if I fight to the death, I will fight you to the end." As he said this, he took out a bright bow and arrow from his back.

"You said it has nothing to do with it?" I met his gaze without any sign of weakness and said, "How many people did you help him kill? How many families did you destroy? Do you even know one of the soldiers who were bloody on the battlefield with you back then? Go and provide compensation. But don’t these people who were harmed by you have parents, wives and children? Aren’t they heartbroken?”

"If you protect him now, how many wives will be separated in the future! Also, you may not know it yet! His biological father, the descendant of the previous generation of Liu family whom you tried your best to protect, also died at his hands. Just to get the power to control you. In order to gain wealth and fame, he did not hesitate to kill people, even his biological father. He was worse than a beast! These are the descendants of the Liu family that you want to protect, and this is what you have to repay. A favor?"

"Wha, what?" Upon hearing this, Huang Zhong turned his head and looked at Liu Yang in disbelief.

"'s talking nonsense..." When Liu Yang saw it, he immediately waved his hands in panic.

Huang Zhong snorted coldly, pulled out the bowstring and shouted: "Shu Zi, come here and recruit me!"

"I, I, I." Liu Yang hesitated for a long time. Seeing that he could not be deceived, he stopped defending. He knelt down with a thud and begged loudly: "Grandpa Huang, please let me go. From now on, I will I won’t dare to do it again! From now on, I will never harm anyone again. I will definitely accumulate virtue and do good deeds, carry on the family lineage for the old Liu family, and never do bad things again.”

"You!" Huang Zhong was very angry and was about to shoot an arrow.

But his arm trembled sharply twice, but he still didn't shoot out the arrow. He just gritted his teeth tightly, his beard trembled, and he looked like he hated iron.

"Ahem." After a long time, Huang Zhong suddenly sighed heavily, turned his head and looked at me and said: "No matter what, he is also Uncle Liu's only bloodline, and I must not stand idly by! Come here, and talk to me A battle.”

After saying that, he released his fingers, and a condensed arrow shot towards me.


The chandelier above my head suddenly shattered and exploded into pieces, and a white light shot toward me like the wind chasing the moon.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, I quickly drew out my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods and struck them head-on.

The two swords reflected the white light and collided with each other, creating a spark that directly split the light and shadow in half.

The white light dispersed in two parts, and the whole room fell into thick darkness again.

Huang Zhong's ghost disappeared. The Eternal Spirit Ring on his finger trembled involuntarily, and it seemed that his soul was also included in it.

The moment the weapons connected, I felt that although Huang Zhong's murderous intent was shocking, he deliberately deflected it at the last moment. He was deliberately seeking death!

Maybe he also knew that it was precisely because of his foolish loyalty and doting that he destroyed countless families and the descendants of the Liu family.

However, Liu Yang could not be abandoned. Faced with the dilemma of loyalty and righteousness, he made such a choice.

Unexpectedly, Huang Zhong, a generation veteran, would end up like this after a thousand years!

"Master Zhang...please spare me, I will never dare to do it again." When Liu Yang saw that Huang Zhong's soul had dispersed and there was no one to protect him anymore, he immediately knelt down in panic and begged for mercy.

I regained my composure, swung the sword, pierced it in front of him with a snap, and asked sternly: "Mr. Fang, did his driver die in your hands?"

"Yes." The facts were in front of him, and he was not allowed to deny it. Liu Yang hesitated and nodded and said: "I heard that you caught Wei Daping, and this kid also confessed to the car accident that year, so..." Liu Yang He raised his head and glanced at me, then continued: "So, I will not stop doing anything and plan to get rid of you too."

"I didn't expect that Master Zhang, your skills are so powerful. Even Huang Gong's desperate move didn't work. Then I was afraid that you would go to Mr. Fang again and conspire against me, so I thought of taking action first. powerful!"

Under my questioning, Liu Yang told all the details of how he mutilated his father and how he murdered several other people.

As soon as I saw that he had finished explaining, I opened the window and sent a signal to the outside.

Captain Wang may have been worried about my safety and couldn't wait for a long time. As soon as the signal was sent out, people rushed in immediately. Twenty or thirty special police officers came running up in a hurry. It seemed that he had just called for support.

"Master Zhang, are you okay?" Lin Feng squeezed through the crowd and ran to me and asked.

Although his hair was shaved off by me, my craftsmanship was not very good, and the hairy stubble was still exposed. It was originally white, but now it has turned back to black.

It seems that once Huang Zhong died, the Yin skills he used on everyone disappeared, but those who had been killed by Liu Yang could no longer be resurrected.

"Master Zhang, I really want to thank you for this!" Captain Wang briefly arranged the scene and then walked over with a smile on his face.

"All the testimonies are here. I'll leave the rest to you." I handed the pinhole camera to him, turned around and walked out.

As soon as I left the villa, Lin Feng chased me out and drove me. He thanked me profusely along the way. He said that those who had gray hair at the same time as him were all overjoyed and prepared to hold a banquet to thank me in person.

"Thank you, no need. If you are really kind-hearted, just like Xu Guangsheng, do more good deeds."

"That's okay." Lin Feng paused and said, "We will never break our promise! Before the end of this month, each of us will invest 100 million in Mr. Xu's charity foundation, and we will definitely do more from now on. Good deeds. Master Zhang...where are you going now?"

"Go to the hospital to see Mr. Fang. It's a good acquaintance anyway." I sighed.

"Mr. Fang..." When Lin Feng heard me mention Mr. Fang, the expression on his face couldn't help but froze, and he said inexplicably: "Mr. Fang's body has disappeared, and his family members have also called the police. He is still missing. .”

"Gone?" I was stunned, and then I figured out the reason. Mr. Fang must have faked his death. He had long wanted to escape from the control of the Lingbao Society, and he just took this opportunity to hide.

"Forget it, take me to the snack street. I'm really hungry after spending the whole night." I pretended to be nonchalant, leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes.

At this moment, there was a muffled thunder in the sky, followed by a burst of light rain falling from the sky.

Presumably when the rain passes and the sky clears up, the sky will be filled with rainbows again, right?

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