Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,737 Yin Xinyue comes home

After handling the Baodiao Bow incident, I asked Li Mazi to quickly bring over the next client who asked for help.

But Li Mazi said that the man hadn't arrived yet and might be on his way.

"On the way, what do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"That's a man from Zhejiang. He's on his way here, maybe just for the next few days..." Li Mazi replied.

"What?" I became very angry when I heard this, and asked him: "Didn't you say that the business is holding the door down? You are always chasing after death, how come there are no more after just two cases? And what's more? What the hell is one on the way? Why did you know it was business before they even came, and you still had to take action?"

Li Mazi spread his hands and said innocently: "Brother Zhang, it would be too unfair if you blame me for all this!"

"You followed Mr. Liu directly to the Wusuli River without even saying hello. How could I know when you would come back? When people asked, I couldn't give an accurate answer. Many people couldn't wait and asked others for help. There is only that bastard bitch traitor who has been living at the door and has not left, and boss Lin Fenglin has found many people one after another to no avail, and he is from Wuhan, so he has waited until now."

"Other people, it's not that they couldn't be contacted, they just asked for help."

"If the business is gone, you can't blame me, right? Don't I want to make money..."

When I thought about it, that was true.

The trip to the Wusuli River was too thrilling and I had no time to care about what was going on at home. Then I stayed in Blackstone Town for a while. In the past few days since I came back, I went to Tianshan to help Leng Rushuang. In total, It was indeed a long time. It is normal for some impatient customers to turn to others.

"Mazi, don't be angry. Don't I just want to make some money quickly so that we can expand the territory of our antique street?" When I saw that Li Mazi was a little aggrieved, I immediately coaxed him with an apologetic smile on my face.

As soon as he heard about the repayment, Li Mazi's face immediately burst into a smile, and he chuckled: "That's pretty much it!"

"Then what's going on with this business that's still on the way?" I asked.

"This was introduced by Gao Datou, a femininity merchant from Fenghua, Zhejiang. That man originally came to the water and was looking for Gao Datou, but wasn't Gao Datou currently having a passionate affair with a Taiwanese girl? They have been talking about marriage recently. As for getting married, he planned to get married in a few days, and then go to Bali for his honeymoon. He felt that it was a bit unlucky to deal with ghosts and gods at this time. Besides, he was also fascinated by the girl and was about to accept it. Hands, what kind of travel company should I open in Taiwan? So he introduced this job and introduced it to us."

"He didn't elaborate on the specific situation. He just said that he had sent the person to Wuhan, maybe only in the past few days." Li Mazi explained.

Since there is no business for the time being, I am happy to have some leisure time. While studying the "Yin Fu Sutra", I am thinking about the ebony core and the door to the Nine Life Tower.

The more I study, the more I discover the infinite mysteries of the Yin Fu Jing!

Not only does it record all the Yin and Evil techniques throughout the ages, but it also explains in great detail many common senses and even the essence of Yin and Yang.

Not to mention how great it would be to practice all the secret techniques recorded above, just to have mastered all these essences, based on experience alone, one can be called a master of Yinwu!

Suddenly, Yin Xinyue, who was filming in Africa, finally ended her schedule and rushed back as soon as possible to give me a surprise.

Her skin has also been tanned to a wheat color, which adds a bit of wildness and a unique charm.

As the saying goes, a little separation is better than a new marriage. After a night of lingering love, I didn't get up until ten minutes past noon.

Then, he forced me to go shopping.

Not long after wandering around, they met Li Mazi and Teacher Xia, who had their arms wrapped around each other and hugged each other tightly.

As soon as he saw us, Teacher Xia was a little embarrassed, so he quickly let go of Li Mazi and ran over to Yin Xinyue.

The two women chatted about beauty, cosmetics, etc. Naturally, Li Mazi and I became the backpackers following closely behind.

Teacher Xia said that Yin Xinyue's skin was a little tanned and she needed to replenish some moisture. There happened to be a new beauty shop that was very good, and she wanted to take her to try it.

The two of them walked happily. Li Mazi and I looked at each other happily but helplessly, and were about to find an excuse to escape.

Simply put, Yin Xinyue also knew that I really didn't like that kind of place. If I had to wait for several hours in a beauty salon, it would be worse than being sentenced to prison, so she temporarily gave me a holiday and let me make my own arrangements!

But Li Mazi didn't want to leave. Recently, Teacher Xia also went to study in other provinces and just came back. He had a rare month-long vacation. He wanted to spend every minute and every second with her.

But I can't tolerate him following me.

It would be so embarrassing for Yin Xinyue to be alone with him and Teacher Xia, and how incompetent I must be as a husband!

So, I dragged out Li Mazi, who was reluctant in every possible way.

In fact, I didn't have anywhere to go. After walking around for half a circle, I returned to the store.

Li Mazi was unhappy, but there was nothing he could do.

I smiled and poured him a cup of tea: "That's right. I despise the bastard who forgets his friends when he sees sex. Fortunately, you, Mazi, are not such a person."

Mazi Li glared at me angrily and didn't say anything. He kept pressing the phone and continued flirting with Teacher Xia.

I pulled out the "Yin Fu Jing" and continued to read it. Just after reading it for a while, Li Mazi's phone suddenly rang.

"Hey, who is it?" He picked up impatiently and asked loudly.

"It's me, ah, now?" Li Mazi turned to look at me, covering the phone with one hand, and whispered: "The client introduced by Gao Datou has arrived, and he wants to come over now."

"Then let him come, there's nothing to do now anyway." I said lightly without raising my head.

"But." Li Mazi hesitated and said, "I want to talk to Teacher Xia later..."

"It won't take you long. Besides, you promised me. Now that he has come all the way here, can you still drive him back? Let him come over. Let's deal with it early and finish it early." I said.

As soon as he heard what I said, Li Mazi said into the microphone again: "Ah, yes, Master Zhang happens to be in the store. Just follow the address Gao Datou gave you. Ah, it's convenient, come here, hurry up. .”

"Hey, Mazi, who are you calling? Hurry up, who are you waiting for?"

Before Li Mazi put down the phone, Teacher Xia and Yin Xinyue opened the door and walked in.

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