Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,739 Dog Kingdom

"Not only were the officials sealed, but the fields and slaves were also sealed. Which families were ordered to keep which dogs, and which people were the slaves of which dogs!"

"He also promulgated many laws. Anyone who dares to be disrespectful to the dog official will be punished by whipping. Anyone who dares to neglect the unfilial dog official will be put in solitary confinement. Anyone who dares to commit a crime like this and attack the dog official will have his hands and feet chopped off. Even beheaded directly."

Hearing this, Teacher Xia and Yin Xinyue both found it a little funny and kept covering their mouths with their hands. Even Li Mazi and I felt a little strange. What kind of strange disease does this guy have? Why have I never heard of it?

"Then what? Do you people in the village really listen to him?" I asked a little strangely.

"Who was willing to listen at first? They said my uncle was too ill and they were planning to tie him up and send him to a mental hospital outside the mountain."

"But those dogs seemed to really understand. Each one went to his own territory according to his assignment, went directly to the house and went to bed, pulled the quilt over, and lay on it like an uncle. Some of them just went directly to the bed. He sat down at the dinner table arrogantly and started eating as if no one else was watching."

"Of course the people in the village didn't want to do it. A few strong men couldn't succeed in scolding them, so they picked up sticks and started beating them."

"At this time, my uncle rushed up with a large group of vicious dogs and beat the villagers who were beating the dogs till they were covered with bruises. He also let two big dogs bite the ankles of those people and dragged them around the village. Big circle!”

"No one could control my uncle in the first place, but with the help of this large group of vicious dogs, no one could do anything to him." Zhao Ershuan confided his bitterness.

"At this time, a large group of wild dogs came from nowhere, and they all entered the village and became my uncle's subordinates. My uncle continued to grant officials and land, such as dog captains and dog governors. There are so many, almost every family has to support a dog ancestor!”

"The bed and house at home must be given to the dog officer. When eating, the dog must eat first, and the dog must sit at the table to choose the food. If you disobey, you will be punished."

"Then even if you can't resist, you can still escape or seek help from the outside world." Li Mazi asked in confusion.

"Escaped, but they were all caught." Zhao Ershuan continued: "Those dog lieutenants patrol back and forth in and outside the village every day. Once anyone gets close to the village, they will bark loudly and they will be killed immediately. A large group of vicious dogs rushed out and bit the man until his skin was torn apart and dragged him back."

"There were also two people from other villages who were passing by. They seemed to have discovered the situation. They were recording with their mobile phones. They were discovered by several big dogs. They pounced on them and bit them to death. My uncle hung them on the big willow tree at the end of the village and told The villagers said that anyone who dares to escape and report will be punished with treason!"

"When I escaped, my uncle was directing the villagers to build a palace wall, saying that he wanted to build a supreme dog kingdom." Zhao Ershuan said.

"Then since you escaped, why didn't you call the police?" Teacher Xia couldn't help but ask.

"This..." Zhao Ershuan paused and said, "My uncle is seriously ill. Calling the police may not be effective. Besides, my father died early and it was my uncle who raised me. If I really call the police, , caught him and shot him, I can’t forgive my uncle, nor can I forgive my father.”

"But seeing the people in the village suffering so much and becoming slaves to the vicious dogs, I couldn't bear it, so I escaped and wanted to find Master Gao, who was very famous in our generation." He originally He probably meant to say Gao DaTou, but he suddenly realized that he was here as Gao DaTou pointed him out, and it was not a good idea to call him that nickname, so he immediately changed his tune.

"But Master Gao said that it is not convenient for him to interfere in this matter now, so he asked me to come to Wuhan to find you." At this point, Zhao Ershuan raised his head and looked at me, and suddenly knelt down with a pop: "Master Zhang, I beg you Please, save my uncle, save our villagers! Otherwise, they will be enslaved by those vicious dogs for the rest of their lives!"

"Little brother, you get up first." Li Mazi stretched out his hand to help him, but he would rather die and kept kowtowing to me.

"Get up, I'll take over this business." I said in a deep voice.

"Then...thank you Master Zhang. As long as I can save everyone, I will definitely repay Master even if I work as a cow in my next life." The young man said, his eyes were red, and he burst into tears.

"I see that your body is very weak. It should be because you have been working hard these days and are so worried that you haven't had a good rest. Let me make arrangements for you. First, eat a hearty meal, then take a good bath and sleep. Sleep, we will follow you there tomorrow." I patted his shoulder.

"Thank you, Master." The young man was moved and aggrieved, and cried even harder.

"This..." Li Mazi turned to look at me, and I waved my hand to him to do as he was told.

I could tell that this young man hadn't eaten for at least two or three days.

Thinking about it, he was just an ordinary farmer who escaped in a hurry. There was no way he had any money on him. Maybe the ticket to Wuhan was paid by Gao Datou.

Although he is not a generous or open-minded person with a tall head, after all, a fetish dealer cannot ignore the customers who come to visit him, and he still has to abide by the rules of the industry. And he was the one who pushed this job to me, at least to ensure that the young man could reach me smoothly.

It's just that this young man was probably traveling for the first time and was deceived or stolen again, so he was in such a mess!

No matter what, I can't destroy my conscience and turn a blind eye.

Li Mazi came back not long after he left, saying that he had left it to Boss Bai to arrange it, and then asked me: "Brother, are you really going to Zhejiang? Xinyue only came back yesterday, and you don't get together a few times a year." …”

"You have also seen this situation. Am I just going to sit idly by and let the villagers be enslaved by the evil dogs, and watch the evil dog village chief do whatever he wants?" I said with a bitter smile.

Li Mazi paused for a moment, then suddenly cursed: "His grandma's grandson is tall and tall. No wonder he never said anything when I asked him what happened. It turns out he is a poor job that doesn't earn even a dime!" Just knowing that I am enjoying my honeymoon, what about others? Brother Zhang, let’s return this job to him. It’s not our business in the first place. We are just passers-by, and it doesn’t matter whether we take it or not.”

"He had originally planned to quit this industry. The rules and irregularities are no longer so important to him. Maybe this guy is already in Bali now. Even if we send this guy back, we can only It’s all in vain. Whether it’s out of conscience or evil, we have to take it.”

After saying that, I looked at Yin Xinyue apologetically, forced out a smile and said, "Let's go, let's have a big dinner. Today is to greet you and Teacher Xia, and also to see me off!"

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