Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,740 Couple Tour Group

"What's going on, are you really going to abandon me?" Yin Xinyue said very dissatisfied.

"This..." I said with some embarrassment: "You have also seen it, can I ignore this situation? Our happy time is very precious, but for those villagers, it is torture every moment, and may even My life is in danger, if I really sit back and do nothing, let alone the rules in the fetish shop, I’m afraid I won’t be able to pass the test of conscience!”

"Don't think of yourself as being so great, okay? It's like I have a heart of stone." Yin Xinyue rolled her eyes at me and said, "Who said you won't be allowed to go? If you don't want to go, you're not the Brother Zhang in my heart. Yes. I'm very happy that you can make this decision, at least I didn't go blind at the beginning."

As she said that, she smiled at me and said, "This matter needs to be taken care of, but we don't have to separate."

"You mean?" I was stunned for a moment, and then I immediately woke up and said, "You mean, you want to go with me too?"

"Yes! It's just right. I haven't gone out with you for a long time. I'll treat this time as a trip to relax."

"Mazi, let's go too." Teacher Xia suddenly suggested.

"Ah? We also..." Li Mazi was stunned, obviously not expecting Teacher Xia to say that.

"That's right! Xinyue hasn't come back for a long time. I haven't spent enough time with her. Besides, if you go with her, you might be able to help Master Zhang. Why aren't you willing? Then you can stay, anyway. I’m going to learn more about it.” Teacher Xia pouted.

"Yes, yes, how can I not be willing? Even if you don't say it, I will definitely go with the Zhang family brother. How can I, Li Mazi, be missing out on doing good deeds?" Mazi quickly changed his mind and agreed.

This time, it actually surprised me.

What was originally a solo trip to Jiangsu and Zhejiang suddenly turned into a lively small tour group.

And to be honest, after being separated from Yin Xinyue for so long, I couldn't bear to be separated again just after we met.

The first to become excited were Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia.

The two chatted passionately about the scenery of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, folk snacks, and even what kind of clothes to wear and what type of sunscreen to bring...

Then the conversation changed to the young man who came to ask for help. While he felt sympathy for the suffering of the people in their village, he was also curious about this strange and strange thing.

The two of them talked from antique shops to restaurants, and from restaurants to snack streets.

Until they went home, Yin Xinyue was still packing her belongings with great interest, and called Teacher Xia to remind her not to forget to bring this and that...

When she couldn't finish talking again, I hung up the phone. Looking at her bulging eyes, I made a silence gesture and said, "Didn't you hear that? Teacher Xia's tone seemed a little uncomfortable. It’s so right, I’ve been holding my breath.”

"Holding your breath? What's going on? Are you possessed by evil spirits?" Yin Xinyue asked nervously.

"Yes!" I nodded and said, "It's the evil fire rising, and Mazi is helping him detoxify."

"Dredition Pai...death sign!" Yin Xinyue finally understood what I meant and glanced at me sideways, with a row of red clouds on her face.

"Come on! Before you leave, I will also help you detoxify." As I said that, I held her sideways in my arms.

"You pervert, I haven't taken a shower yet." Yin Xinyue pretended to struggle while hugging me tighter.

"Taking a bath doesn't delay detoxification!" I chuckled and walked straight to the bathroom with her in my arms.

At ten o'clock at noon the next day, all the staff gathered together and took the high-speed train together and headed straight to Zhejiang.

According to the designs of Teacher Xia and Yin Xinyue, we each put on couple clothes. The attentive Yin Xinyue even bought a new suit for Zhao Ershuan, which made the young man's eyes reddened again with such emotion.

After boarding the high-speed rail, there was a new member in our mini tour group.

It's Oudama.

Last time in Devil's Valley, we were besieged by an army of bones. Chuyi and I were both seriously injured and were about to die on the spot. It was Otama who took the risk of dying together and rushed into the storm of bones.

Although Oudama saved us that time, he was seriously injured and almost died!

Later, she spent several months recuperating in the ice jade gourd before slowly recovering. Recovery was only for her body. Her aura and cultivation were greatly damaged and could not be repaired in a short period of time.

The only magic power that Oudama has now is that he can freely change between humans and foxes.

Originally, I planned to let her cultivate herself for a while.

But Yin Xinyue said that Wei Yu was also quite pitiful. He was so seriously injured trying to save me, and now he could only hide in the gourd to rest and heal his wounds every day. Without even thinking about it, those days must have been very boring.

Anyway, this trip to Zhejiang doesn't seem to be dangerous. It's mostly just for fun, so it's better to let her relax too. After all, we haven't seen her for a long time, and we really miss her.

Sure enough, as soon as she was released, she was extremely happy!

He jumped up and down, turned several somersaults, and then hugged us both tightly, refusing to let go until we died, with a happy and sweet smile on his face.

When Yin Xinyue saw her like this, she was really happy for her and kept rubbing her little head.

Yin Xinyue smiled, and a trace of sadness suddenly flashed across her face.

She took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and washed her face vigorously, but I could still find a few tears in her deliberately concealed smile.

I know that she unconsciously thought of Fanfan in the scene of family happiness.

Not long after Fanfan was born, he was fostered in the Zhang family in Jiangbei. Don’t we want to take him with us and reunite the family?

Don’t we want to enjoy such wonderful family happiness every day?


The existence of Longquan Villa is the biggest hidden danger. If Fanfan follows us, it will be even more dangerous. This is a helpless move!

I hope Fanfan can understand what kind of cruel love this is and what a helpless choice it is when he grows up.

I stretched out my arms and hugged Yin Xinyue tightly, staring at the train that kept flying forward, and stared blankly for a long, long time...

Longquan Villa, I must completely wipe you out!

Long Qingqiu, I must make you shatter into pieces and never be reincarnated!

"Ah!" Suddenly, Weiyu, who was sandwiched between Yin Xinyue and me, shouted.

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