Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1741 The Train Robbers

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you?" Yin Xinyue and I woke up from our thoughts at the same time and asked with concern.

"What else can you do, bad brother, you hurt me!" Oyu pouted her little mouth, gave me a fake look and said, "Quickly rub it for me."

"Okay, it's my fault, I'll rub it for you." As I said that, I smiled and scratched her head randomly, causing her hair to stand up like a tangled pile of grass.

But Oudama seemed unaware, closing his eyes and enjoying it very much.

Her breathing became more and more even, and she slowly fell asleep.

Although she can barely turn into a human form now, the injury last time was indeed too serious. She doesn't have much energy to maintain her lively appearance, and she spends most of the time in a drowsy sleep.

But even in her sleep, her little hands were holding me tightly, fearing that she would not be able to see me when she opened her eyes again, and there was always a happy smile on her delicate and charming little face.

Li Mazi may have been too hard last night. As soon as he got in the car, he leaned back on the chair and fell asleep. Teacher Xia was very interested at first, sometimes taking pictures through the window, sometimes chatting with Yin Xinyue, but gradually she became a little sleepy, leaning on Li Mazi's shoulder, and fell asleep.

Yin Xinyue leaned against my chest, held my hand tightly, and whispered about Fanfan.

She said she missed her son and had dreamed of him many times. The little guy had grown a lot taller and fatter, but his eyes were still big and brighter...

She said that when she is free, she must go to Zhang's house in Jiangbei with me to see her son.

I rubbed her forehead with my chin and whispered back: "Okay, when we come back from Zhejiang this time, we will stop by to see him."

While talking, Yin Xinyue also fell asleep.

Zhao Ershuan also fell asleep long ago due to fatigue for many days.

I saw that several of them were sleeping soundly, and I didn't bother to wake them up during dinner.

In the evening, the conductor turned off the dazzling lights, and the light in the carriage immediately dimmed.

All the passengers were groggy, either asleep or looking at their phones quietly.

I have always been used to confusing black and white. I didn't feel sleepy at all, and I wasn't sleepy at all. But everyone around me was fast asleep, and slowly, my eyelids became a little heavy.

The train was speeding forward rapidly and steadily, and the lights outside the window were stretched and blurred, like an infinitely long abstract oil painting. On the contrary, when entering the tunnel, the dark glass was like a mirror, reflecting the Images in the car.

While passing through a tunnel, I vaguely saw a dark figure standing not far from me.

She was as skinny as a stick, with a stooped waist. Her age and appearance were not clear at all, and she couldn't even tell whether she was a boy or a girl.

Although I was a little confused at this time, my mind was very clear. There was no one around me at all!

Then who is this? With a jerk, I woke up.

When I turned around, there was no one in the entire aisle, let alone next to me.

What happened to that black shadow just now?

Definitely not an illusion!

I straightened my back, stretched my neck, and looked back and forth.

All the passengers fell into a deep sleep. The entire carriage was extremely quiet, and the aisles and even the front and rear doors were empty.

But that shadow just now was real, and I was definitely not wrong about it.

Could it be that...this guy is just here for me? Are you from Longquan Villa?

This trip was not just for me. Not to mention Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia, even Li Mazi couldn't protect himself, and Wei Yu was seriously injured and had not recovered. It would be troublesome if Longquan Villa really targeted him.

The more I thought about it, the more scared I became, and I regretted why I took them out!

Isn't such a hasty decision a bit too abrupt?

This time I didn’t dare to sleep anymore. I opened my eyes wide and paid close attention to the surrounding movements, holding the invisible needle tightly in my hand - because I had to take the high-speed rail, and most of this trip was for tourism, so I didn’t He didn't carry the twin swords for killing ghosts and gods. Apart from the talismans, the only weapon he had on him was the invisible needle.

They all slept soundly and nothing seemed strange. Li Mazi, who was sitting at the other end of the aisle, didn't know what he was dreaming about. He grinned with a lustful smile.

I was extremely cautious for a long time, but everything went as usual and nothing happened.

"Honey, hubby, wake up! Our necklace is missing!"

Just when I was about to let down my guard, there was a sudden burst of shouting from the back seat.

The woman's voice was very loud and sharp. It suddenly exploded in the quiet carriage, and everyone was awakened.

"Why are you making such a fuss? Are you going to let people sleep? Why are you so lacking in quality?" someone said very dissatisfied.

"Fuck you, who dares to yell at my wife?" Another irritable voice came from where the woman screamed.

Then a tall, extremely strong man with a flat head stood up.

The weather is still a little cold now, but he is only wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt. The muscles on his chest and arms are bulging high, and a ferocious wolf head tattoo is exposed on his neck. At a glance, you can tell that he is definitely not a character to be trifled with. .

When he saw the strong man's appearance, the very dissatisfied guy didn't dare to respond.

"Husband, I'm really gone!" The woman stood up quickly and checked her seat again.

At this time, I discovered that there was a reddish mark on the big man's neck, which was pressed out by the necklace, but now only the mark was left, and the necklace was gone.

"Come on, come on, open your bag, let me take a look." The big man searched everywhere but couldn't find it, and immediately asked the person next to him to open his bag unreasonably.

"Why are you searching me?" The man next to him, wearing a pair of small glasses and blushing, asked loudly.

"You're right next to me, who else could have stolen it if you didn't? Stop talking nonsense and open it quickly." The big man pushed the man with glasses and urged loudly.

Although this big man is very unreasonable, what he said is correct.

He was sitting in the middle of the three-seat suite, his wife was leaning against the window, and next to him was this man with glasses.

Both the couple's gold necklaces were taken away while they were sleeping. The most suspicious person was naturally the man with glasses. It would be too difficult for someone to stand in the aisle and pick something off someone else's neck while they were sleeping!

"Ah, my necklace is gone too!" Another passenger who had just been woken up screamed.

"My earrings!"

"The ring is gone!"

At this time, everyone started to check, and screams came one after another.

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