Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,742 One-eyed Ghost (Additional update)

There was an explosion in the carriage. Everyone screamed loudly and looked around to check the packages.

I looked at Yin Xinyue immediately.

Her necklaces and rings were all well worn on her body, and even Li Mazi and Teacher Xia, who had been sleeping, had nothing missing.

The man with glasses couldn't resist the big man's threat, so he opened his handbag and took out all the pockets. The big man looked carefully, but naturally he didn't notice.

Some people were already running out to find the conductor.

After a while, the conductor came over with two policemen and asked all the owners to record their personal information and lost items in detail.

"What's the point of just remembering them? You should search them one by one!" The big man shouted with some dissatisfaction.

The conductor explained: "Don't worry, everyone. We have checked the on-board video and will have the results soon. Please cooperate with us to count the lost items first and leave their contact information so that they can be returned in time once the criminal is found."

After hearing what he said, everyone fell silent for a while.

What is amazing is that all the gold jewelry of the passengers in this entire carriage is missing!

No matter where you wear it or where you sit!

There was also a young man who put a gold ring in his suitcase, supposedly planning to propose to his girlfriend.

The ring was placed on the bottom of the suitcase, and there were several large luggage on top of the suitcase. Even this was not spared.

There was more than 50,000 yuan in cash placed with the ring, but not a penny was lost.

When the policemen came to our side and heard that we had lost nothing, they couldn't help but look at the gold jewelry worn by Yin Xinyue and others.

Li Mazi, who was sleeping soundly, felt unhappy when he was woken up. When he saw the police's suspicious eyes, he immediately became unhappy: "Why, you still suspect us of being thieves? If we really are thieves, we are so stupid." What are you waiting for here? You ran away long ago."

"Comrade, don't get me wrong." The older policeman said, "Don't we want to solve the case as soon as possible? Did you find any special circumstances just now?"

"No!" Li Mazi muttered impatiently, "It's really weird. It's a crime not to throw things away, and you are treated as a target of suspicion. I said you can't do something useful?"

"Please watch your words! Take out your ID card!" The young policeman couldn't listen and said with a tiger's face.

"Why, the police are great." Although Li Mazi is timid by nature, it depends on who is right. He has not broken any laws, so there is no need to be afraid of the police. Besides, in front of Teacher Xia, he has to act like a hero. .

"Pay attention to my words, what are you talking about? The country has given you these clothes to serve the people, not to be arrogant! Do you want to be famous? Then I will Let me help you and let the people all over the country see how majestic you are." After saying this, Li Mazi took out his cell phone and pointed it at the policeman.

The older policeman hurriedly came over to smooth things over and said: "Comrade, don't get me wrong. You see, you are the only passengers who have not lost their belongings. You have a strong sense of personal protection. Leaving your contact information will also help you remember any valuable clues in the future." , so that we can keep you informed.”

Then, he looked at me and said, "Comrade, have you noticed anything unusual?"

Up to this point, I was absolutely certain that the case of the missing gold jewelry was completely related to the hunched and skinny figure just now.

But the figure was a little weird, almost fleeting, not walking through the aisle at all. Even if it was flying, it probably wouldn't be that fast!

Moreover, the flight attendant said that they had checked the on-board monitoring and found nothing, which was enough to show that this matter cannot be inferred using common sense! Even that guy isn’t even human at all!

But of course I couldn't tell the police these words. I only said that I had some insomnia and had not fallen asleep just now, but I didn't notice anything unusual.

After the police finished recording, they said something like please pay attention to safety and we promise to solve the case as soon as possible, and then left in a hurry.

There was a lot of complaining in the carriage, and there was a lot of complaining.

Li Mazi arrogantly showed off to Teacher Xia the power he had just held against the police, and then adjusted his posture, preparing to go back to sleep again.

At this time, several more policemen came over and said they were very sorry and wanted to ask us to go to the police car to cooperate with the investigation - in fact, they wanted to search us.

When Li Mazi heard this, he immediately became angry and almost quarreled with the police again.

I know this is also a helpless move by the police.

Such a major and bizarre case has occurred, and there are currently no clues at all, and we cannot let go of any suspicious objects.

Although there is no evidence to prove that the six of us are the thieves, we can't produce any evidence to prove our innocence.

Just let them search it, but it would be nothing.

After the search was completed, the train conductor apologized to us again and again, somewhat embarrassed, and even offered to treat us to a meal at his own expense.

I was about to refuse, but Li Mazi agreed and said to the young policeman intentionally: "This is what you look like, look at her!"

I thought that everyone was sleeping during dinner and didn't eat anything, so I just let him go.

In the middle of the night, there were not many people in the restaurant, but I found a very familiar figure in the corner!

That skinny figure with a stooped waist.

He seemed to notice my gaze and raised his head to look at me.

That face was very terrifying: the thin, pale face was covered with large and small purple-red tumors. One eye was blind and sunken.

He showed me a very weird smile, without even a single tooth in his mouth.

In an instant, the guy suddenly disappeared from my eyes again!

Not even a single movement from his hands or feet, it was like a movie that was suddenly turned off and disappeared into thin air!

"What's wrong?" Yin Xinyue noticed that my expression was a little strange and asked softly.

"It's okay." I smiled softly and held her hand tightly.

Who is this guy? Why steal gold jewelry?

I have an intuition that this guy's cultivation is extremely high! It seemed that he showed his presence in front of me on purpose, otherwise even if he killed a whole carriage of people, I might not notice it at all.

It’s simply terrifyingly strong!

Even Jiang Dayu at his peak might not be his opponent!

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