Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1743 Deserted Village Fortress

Although this man is terrifyingly strong, I vaguely feel that at least for now, he doesn't seem to have any malicious intent.

He just deliberately showed his body in front of me to let me know that he exists.

Of course, in order not to scare Yin Xinyue and the others, I would not say anything.

After finishing the meal pretending to be nothing, I took out the money while Li Mazi was not paying attention, handed it to the conductor and said, "I accept your apology and kindness, but I can't let you pay for the meal. After all, this is you too. No one wants this to happen. If every civil servant was like you, our country would have great hope!"

After returning to the carriage, I noticed that all the passengers looked at us a little strangely—perhaps they thought we were thieves.

Li Mazi couldn't bear any loss. He kept shaking the gold chain around his neck and loudly showed off to others: "See if my chain is bright? Tsk, tsk, the golden light is so sparkling!" It also has a built-in anti-theft function.”

He would swagger at anyone who looked at him, his face full of gloating, as if he deserved a beating.

Everyone was so angry that they didn't dare to say anything. Judging from the appearance alone, Mazi is no worse than that unreasonable and unreasonable guy with a crew cut. On the contrary, he is a bit more gangster.

Although Teacher Xia and Yin Xinyue didn't agree with Mazi's behavior, they were secretly relieved!

After getting off the high-speed rail, we transferred to buses three times, one long, two short, and three times. After two or three days of hard work, we finally embarked on a winding mountain path under the leadership of Zhao Ershuan.

Although Yin Xinyue was filming outside all year round, and Teacher Xia often took the students on outings, it wasn't until they got there that they realized that they were completely different things! Fortunately, none of them were wearing high heels.

As soon as Oudama arrived in the wild field, she immediately changed into a little fox like she was when she was in the car, and she was so excited that she started running around.

It’s not surprising that we all know Weiyu’s true identity, but Zhao Ershuan was so frightened that when Weiyu ran away to chase the butterfly, he asked me in a low voice: “Master Zhang... this, this Is she the little sister who came with us?"

"Yes, her name is Oudama, and she is a fox fairy."

Of course, Oudama is actually a demon fox, or to be more precise, one of the clones of the ancient demon fox Daji.

But Zhao Ershuan had been frightened by what happened to his uncle for a long time. If he tried to tell him anything ghostly or demonic, it would be even more difficult for him to accept it.

Even so, I could see from his eyes that he was very afraid of Oudama, but he respected me even more.

He may have heard stories about vixens since he was a child, so who could raise a vixen as a child? Isn't that a fairy?

This is also the reason why I didn't deliberately hide Otama's identity in front of him.

He has to have full confidence in me and think that I can definitely settle things in their village.

This path is difficult to walk, with thorns on both sides along the way.

But as I walked, even such a path disappeared, replaced by a low forest of mixed leaves.

Zhao Ershuan introduced as he walked that there was not much land in their village, and most of it was on the mountainside, so mechanization was not possible at all, so the vast majority of the villagers made a living by reselling mountain products.

A few years ago, many people in the village went to work on construction sites outside. After working hard for more than half a year, the contractor took the money and fled. Not only did these villagers not receive a penny, but even their family fields were laid waste.

After everyone suffered a loss and was deceived, no one went out to make a living anymore.

In addition, the location of the village is very remote, and few people come here. Once they come and go, they are almost isolated from the rest of the world!

This is also the reason why no one has noticed after the village was manipulated and enslaved by his uncle and a group of vicious dogs.

Although our group of people walked and rested not too fast, from the morning until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, we still didn't see half of the village.

Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia were no longer as excited as they had been at the beginning, picking flowers and grass, pointing here and there, and asking from time to time how far away Er Shuan was.

Er Shuan would always lower his head and reply: "Come on, it's right in front." Until now, he didn't dare to look at the two of them. Even if he replied this sentence, his face would turn red with embarrassment.

"We'll be there just after turning around the ridge in front!" Finally, Zhao Ershuan pointed to a bare hill in front of him and said.

Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia no longer have any illusions about Er Shuan's words.

Especially Teacher Xia, who was so tired that he couldn't even speak, and there was no smile on his face. Li Mazi grinned in distress. If it weren't for me, I'm afraid this guy would have been beaten to death a long time ago.

As the saying goes, eyes are a fool, but legs are a hero.

After more than an hour, our group finally bypassed the mountain ridge.

A small earth-yellow village lay in front of us.

But the moment we actually saw this small village, not to mention us, even Zhao Ershuan was a little stunned and said repeatedly: "It was not like this when I left!"

From a distance, this village looks like a huge castle, or a giant termite nest!

The earth-yellow walls are stacked one after another, so high that not even half of the roof can be seen. It was getting late at this time, and it was time for the mountain people to prepare dinner, but there was not a trace of smoke in sight.

The pale red sunlight, which is about to set in the west, shines slantly on the earth-yellow wall, reflecting a greasy light, like coagulated blood or burned red candles.

The strange building in the wilderness in front of us, if Zhao Ershuan hadn't said with certainty that this was his home: Xiaolianzi Village, I'm afraid none of us would regard this place as a human residence.

Even if a group of giant ants swarmed out from here, we wouldn't be surprised at all!

"Brother Zhang, what should I do?" Li Mazi turned to me and asked.

What he meant was obvious. How could a normal village be built like this? There must be something weird here, and it might even be dangerous!

Speaking of dangerous situations, Li Mazi has followed me around a lot over the years, but now I still have Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia with me. Do I really want to take them in with me?

I also regretted taking them both out.

But since they are all here, even if I go in alone, I feel a little uneasy leaving them outside, so let’s just treat it as an outing and adventure.

"What else can we do? Let's go take a look first. Remember, we are just saying that we were traveling and got lost accidentally, and we have to pretend that we are all very enthusiastic dog lovers. Do you understand?" I solemnly said warned.

"Understood!" Several people nodded together.

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