Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,744 The Emperor of Dogs

It’s true to go on an outing, and you’re just a little bit lost.

There is no need to pretend to be a dog lover, at least Teacher Xia is one, and he is really a very enthusiastic one. It's just that what she likes are Alaska, Teddy and the like. I don't know if she can still love the vicious dogs in the village. I'm not sure.

I repeated the precautions to several of them, especially when facing Uncle Zhao Ershuan, they must not show any look of hatred. It would be troublesome if a flaw is revealed. All actions must be based on my eyes.

Several people nodded in response, their expressions becoming solemn.

Playing is fun, but matters related to life are no joke!

Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia followed me and Li Mazi, and they naturally knew how powerful it was.

"Woof, woof woof!" As soon as we approached the strange khaki fortress, there was a mess of dog barking.

Only then did we discover that there were many basin-sized holes built at the bottom of the castle.

Huge and ferocious dog heads poked out of it, roaring at us.

Teacher Xia screamed instinctively and hid behind Mazi Li.

"What should we do? We can't get in at all." Li Mazi asked.

"No, these dogs are not barking at us," I said.

"You're not yelling at us? Who are you yelling at? Who else is there besides us?" Li Mazi was a little confused.

I turned to look at Odama.

Weiyu, who had transformed into a fox, was baring her teeth at the dogs, her four claws were like bows, looking extremely angry and nervous.

"This is a competition with Xiaoyu!" Li Mazi understood immediately.

Dogs and foxes have always been natural enemies, even demon foxes are the same.

"Xiaoyu, you should go back to the gourd to recuperate first! I will ask you to come out to play after I finish dealing with the evil dog village." I knelt down and touched her furry little head and said.

Oyu nodded obediently and said: "Okay, bad brother, don't forget it."

Sure enough, as soon as Oudama hid, the vicious dogs stopped roaring, but they still did not shrink back, staring at us with malicious eyes, looking at us very warily.

"Two bolts, two bolts?"

I shouted twice, and Zhao Ershuan finally woke up from his shock. Maybe it was because he had just seen it with his own eyes. Oudama turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and he was frightened.

"It turns out that this is the entrance to the village. When I left, my uncle was leading everyone to build it. I didn't know what it would look like. Now it seems... I can't figure out where the entrance is."

Zhao Ershuan stared at the earthen castle for a long time and said helplessly.

"Brother Zhang, in my opinion, let's just kill all these vicious dogs, go in and arrest the village chief, wouldn't those villagers be saved?" Li Mazi suggested.

"We still don't know the situation inside, so it's best not to mess around. If all the villagers are bewitched, and we rush in like this, we will harm them. Er Shuan, think about it again, is there anything else? The entrance to the passage?" I asked.

Zhao Ershuan scratched his head and thought for a long time, then said with a grimace: "Master Zhang, my uncle must also know the entrance that I know. He has surrounded the village like this, how can there be any entrance left!"

This is true!

But if we can't get in, we can't find out what's going on inside.

We can't just follow Li Mazi's method and break through, so what should we do?

"Woof!" At this moment, a loud and high-pitched barking sound came from the castle.

The dogs' heads that poked out of the hole retreated back together as if they heard some command, and then started barking.

It was low-pitched and neat, just like thousands of subjects lined the streets to welcome you!

There was a creaking sound, and the sound of a wooden shaft turning was heard. The earthen wall above the castle split to both sides, revealing a square hole the size of a window.

Immediately afterwards, a strong man with a black face appeared in front of the cave entrance.

This man is very stocky, with a square face, thick lips, and a loyal look on his face.

But his eyes were blood red, and it was almost impossible to distinguish the whites of his eyes from the eyeballs.

This man was condescending, glanced at us from a distance, suddenly pointed his finger forward and shouted loudly: "The traitorous nephew Er Shuan dares to flee and treason, what crime should he be punished for!"

It seems that this guy is Zhao Ershuan's uncle.

He also fled privately and rebelled against the country, really thinking that he was the emperor...

From this encounter, I could already tell that this guy was possessed by a ghost. In other words, the village chief at this time is just a body, and what really controls his words and actions is the Yin spirit in his body.

"Uncle, I didn't run away. Didn't I go to sell mountain goods? The old Wangtou who collects mountain goods asked me to help him repair a house for two days. I came back as soon as I finished the work." Zhao Ershuan's lie was also half-assed. We made it up for him on the way.

Not to mention, his uncle actually believed it, or in other words, he was disturbed by the village chief's remaining consciousness and couldn't tell the truth from the lie. The angry expression on his face faded a bit, and his outstretched arms retracted.

He rolled his blood-red eyes twice and then asked: "Then where did you get this new outfit? Who is around you? Are they trying to lure the invaders into the country?" After the guy finished speaking, He pointed towards us very majestically.

"Master Zhang, this... what does this mean?" Zhao Ershuan said in confusion: "My uncle hasn't even finished elementary school. It turns out that this is not how he talks."

Seeing that Zhao Ershuan didn't respond, the guy asked again: "You rebellious minister Ershuan, you betrayed your country for glory! How can our dog country tolerate you? Where is the former general?"

"Woof!" With a roar, a giant black-haired dog as strong as a calf stood up half-upright, arched its two front paws and stuck out its tongue, as if to say, "The end is here."

"I order you to lead your headquarters and capture this rebellious minister together with the enemy's spies." The village chief commanded majestically.

"Woof!" The giant dog barked again and leaned down.


The wooden shaft rang again, and a wide and narrow hole opened in the earthen wall below the castle, and dozens of vicious dogs rushed out.

The one running at the front was the giant black dog.

As these big dogs ran around in an orderly manner, they were arranged neatly and without any disorder, just like a military formation!

Seeing the vicious dog approaching, Teacher Xia huddled behind Li Mazi, trembling with fear.

Even Zhao Ershuan couldn't help but take two steps back.

I held the talisman tightly in one hand and was about to protect everyone when I saw Yin Xinyue suddenly took two steps forward, saluted respectfully with both hands, and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: "Your Majesty, please calm down. The envoy of the vassal country has come to see you and congratulate my king on his enthronement." He will rule the country. I sincerely wish my king good health and a long life!" After saying that, he bowed heavily to the village chief on the earth platform.

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