Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,745 The witty Yin Xinyue

Yin Xinyue's sudden appearance not only stunned Li Mazi, me, and Teacher Xia, but also the village chief on the platform and even the group of vicious dogs that were about to rush towards us were all stunned.

"Hurry up, everyone bow! This guy may be crazy. He can't tell who he is a long time ago. Let's act like he's acting in a costume drama with him." Yin Xinyue still didn't look up and urged in a low voice.

"What a great idea, just do what Xinyue said." I ordered in a low voice and bowed: "Congratulations to my king!"

Although Teacher Xia and Li Mazi were still a little unable to turn around, they immediately followed the instructions.

The vicious dogs all stopped one meter in front of us. Even the paws of each dog were arranged in a row, like elite soldiers.

I held the charm and stared at the dog's paws. If they dared to take a step, I would immediately throw out the charm and never let Xinyue and the others make any mistakes.

The village chief, who was standing on the earth platform, seemed to be confused by Yin Xinyue's move. After a while, he came back to his senses and laughed loudly: "It turns out that it's an envoy visiting. Please forgive me! Come on, let's pay tribute to all the officials." , please sing music."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Yin Xinyue said solemnly, standing up straight.

We quickly followed her lead and rose in response.

Yin Xinyue has not acted in so many costume dramas in vain, at least she still remembers the lines and action essentials quite well!

From the broken door of the earthen castle, dozens of big dogs ran out with a loud roar. This time they were no longer menacing, but walked slowly and in an orderly manner, as if they were holding some important ceremony, neatly and neatly. They all stood in front of us. Then they formed two teams and lined up in front of the door.

The vicious dogs that had rushed out earlier adjusted their formation and stood aside.

"Woof woof, woof woof woof." A bald old dog with almost all its teeth barked twice feebly.

"Woof woof, woof woof woof!"

All the dogs barked in unison.

Although they are all dogs barking, we can clearly hear that the sound this time is completely different from the sound of yelling at Otama before!

Neat, long, and even a little bit like the chiming bells at a state guest ceremony.

"Woof woof, woof woof woof!"

"Woof woof, woof woof woof!"

All the dogs drank together, the sound was like a loud bell.

They line up in an orderly manner and look high-spirited.

"Please!" The village chief on the high platform waved his hand and said proudly.

Originally, we wanted to sneak in secretly, but now it's better. In the blink of an eye, we have become distinguished guests of the dog country, and we have to walk in openly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" I also imitated Yin Xinyue's behavior just now, cupping my hands towards the village chief on the platform, and reminding me in a low voice: "I'll walk in front, and the pockmarks will be on the back. Don't stay too far away from me, be careful." As he spoke, he stepped forward.

Judging from the situation just now, although these dogs can understand the village chief's words, they know nothing about the conversation between us. As long as the village chief does not hear them, they will be fine.

At this moment, a snow-white long-haired dog slowly came forward, nodded slightly to us, and stepped forward. It seemed that this was the courtesy officer who greeted us.

Dozens of big dogs lined up in two neat teams, like a guard of honor, barking and barking as the bald old dog kept barking.

This feels very strange, how should I put it?

It has a sense of solemn ceremony, but also a bit funny, but at the same time it is very novel.

Even Teacher Xia, who had seen so many vicious dogs for the first time, was no longer so scared. He couldn't help but look left and right, and he couldn't help but want to laugh.

This earth wall is about four or five meters high, and inside the wall is Xiaolianzi Village.

The other buildings in the village are very ordinary. They are all ordinary residences from the southeastern generation, but they are slightly dilapidated.

As the polite white dog led us all the way inside, the scene in front of us became more and more strange!

There are some simple straw sheds set up under the eaves or at the door of each house. There are pots, pans, clothes and bedding placed under the sheds. It seems that someone is living in them.

The base of every big tree in the village was neatly repaired, and many flowers were specially transplanted, but there was a very unpleasant smell of urine.

After turning around a big willow tree, the sight in front of me was even more surprising!

Men, women and children all over the village knelt neatly on both sides of the road.

Everyone was in a miserable state, almost everyone had yellow complexion, muscles and sunken eye sockets, and they were all malnourished and depressed.

Right next to the kneeling row of villagers, there were vicious dogs standing, watching like government officials.

It suddenly dawned on me that those low thatched huts were inhabited by villagers, and their houses had become doghouses!

The reason why those big trees are filled with flowers and renovated is because they are convenient toilets for dog owners.

The dog stood, the man knelt, and the whole village became slaves of the dog!

How ridiculous and ridiculous this scene must be! So pitiful and hateful.

We looked at the villagers, and the villagers looked at us.

There was confusion, surprise, panic, and anger in their eyes!

They don't understand why these vicious dogs are so polite to us, even though they are also humans.

They were afraid that there was another group of demons coming to the village that would enslave them.

As I walked, in addition to being surprised and angry, I also felt a sense of shame!

I also feel like I've turned into a dog!

A dog that enslaves the villagers - at least this is what the villagers kneeling on the ground think. You are not a dog, why would the dog treat you like a dog?

"Damn it! These vicious dogs are so hateful." Li Mazi said hatefully.

"Don't move around yet, just act according to the opportunity!" I was also full of resentment, and at the same time I was afraid that Li Mazi couldn't help but reveal his flaws.

Now that we have entered the village, there are at least a hundred vicious dogs that we have seen so far.

If any flaw is revealed and the evil spirit residing in the village chief's body notices it, it will be difficult to deal with it once trouble comes!

Even if we can escape, if we get involved with the villagers again, wouldn’t we be harming them?

The White Dog Ceremony Officer kept leading us past the village and towards a small stone house at the end.

In front of the stone house, there were eight strong and powerful wolfdogs standing on the left and right sides, each with wide eyes and full of energy.

It seems that this is the palace of the dog village chief, and these big dogs are his personal guards!

The white dog stopped in front of the door, lowered his head and barked inside.

"Please envoy!" Chief Dog Village shouted.

The door opened with a creak, and a large black-and-white dog stood on either side of the door, nodding slightly toward the door.

At this moment, on a small half-meter-high platform built against the wall, the head of the dog village was sitting at attention.

There were five square tables on his left, and a big dog squatted beside each table. Among them was the big black dog who was leading the team and was about to pounce on us, and the old bald dog was also among them. Look Here is his Minister of the Dog Kingdom.

There are also five square tables on the other side, which seem to be reserved for us.

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