Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1746: Children offering meat

"Envoys, please!" The village chief was thick and strong, with calluses on his hands, but his movements and tone were very formal, showing a very elegant and ancient style.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Under the leadership of Yin Xinyue, we also thanked him and took our seats one by one.

"As soon as my new capital was established, all the kings came to congratulate me. It was God's will! Today, I and you all will get drunk before we retire." As he said this, the village chief clapped his hands.

As soon as the clapping stopped, a dozen children filed in outside the door.

These children are all about seven or eight years old, and the youngest one may be only five or six years old. Each of them holds his hands high above his head, holding a large plate.

Everyone is like the villagers kneeling outside, looking sallow and thin, looking in a miserable state.

Their faces were full of fear, with tears rolling down their cheeks. They pursed their lips tightly, but did not dare to cry out. They walked in neatly but indifferently. He knelt down in front of us and the big dog in turn, and carefully placed the large plate on the square table.

The plate contained a large piece of meat, both fat and lean. It had just been cooked and was still steaming.

These children glanced longingly at the pieces of meat on the plate, swallowed hard, stood up again, and walked out in a neat queue.

After a while, they came in again, each carrying a wine bottle and placing it on the table.

The youngest child standing in front of Teacher Xia was stunned as he looked at the big piece of meat. He drooled and started sucking his fingers unconsciously.

Everyone else stood up and left, but he remained frozen in place.

"Woof!" General Dog, who was squatting opposite, barked. The child suddenly woke up, jumped out of fright, and hurriedly stood up.

But it's too late!

The two spotted dogs standing at the door suddenly rushed over, wanting to punish this 'slave' for being so disgraceful.

The child cried loudly in fright, backed up repeatedly, knocked over the table with a bang, and the spotted dog pounced on the child, biting him to pieces right before his eyes!

I was about to come to the rescue, but I saw that Teacher Xia, who had no idea where the courage and speed came from, rushed out before me and held the child in his arms.

The rushing flower dog knew that this was a distinguished guest who could not be hurt, so he quickly turned around and crashed directly into Li Mazi's table.

Li Mazi had quick eyes and quick hands. When he saw that the flower dog was about to hit him, he turned the square table sharply and pointed the corner of the table at it.


The flower dog hit his head on the corner of the table, his head was bruised and bleeding, and he howled in pain.

"Woof!" General Dog, who was squatting opposite, stood up angrily.

"Huh?" The dog village chief snorted under his nose.

General Dog had no choice but to hang his head and sit back again.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean by this? Isn't it inappropriate to come to our dog country and hurt dogs for others?" The head of the dog village looked at Li Mazi coldly, with a hint of chill in his words.

"What's wrong?" Li Mazi was already furious when he saw Teacher Xia was almost injured by a vicious dog. When he heard this, he immediately became angry and asked in return: "Then are you a human or a dog?"

"A dog is a king, and a human is a minister; a dog is a master, and a human is a slave. I am born with the character of a dog, but I am just humbled by the human body, so I naturally regard dogs as righteous. Now that your envoy has said this, are you here to provoke me? ?" As he spoke, his words became a little colder.

Even the dog ministers on the opposite side bared their long teeth and looked evil.

"So what if I provoke you? You are a bastard who can't tell the difference between humans and dogs." Li Mazi stood up and left his seat, protected Teacher Xia, pointed at the dog village chief with one finger and shouted loudly.

This guy is usually so cowardly and timid that it's ridiculous, but once the people he cares about are involved, he immediately becomes fearless.

"Woof!" At this moment, the five big dogs on the opposite side barked at the same time and stood up.

Even the big wolf dogs standing at the door of the stone house rushed in at once.

"Dogs are noble and humans are cheap, how can I, the king, not distinguish between them! How dare you, a barbarian envoy, to run wild in our dog country! Come on! Capture them for me." The head of the Dog Village roared angrily, slapped the table and yelled.

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Teacher Xia quickly stood up, blocked the child behind him, and cupped his hands towards the head of the dog village, saying: "It is widely spread that your Majesty respects dogs as high as the sky, but there are a few people who have doubts, so I will give it a try. It turned out to be true when I saw it today! We are so impressed that we will be the king and spread it to the world, so that everyone in the world will know."

What he said has cause and effect, is neither humble nor arrogant, and the words are neat and flawless. What's even more rare and valuable is that it was blurted out in a hurry, which shows that Teacher Xia is still very knowledgeable.

"That's it!" The dog village chief waved his hand, and the dog guards walked out. The dog ministers also sat down, but they looked at us with ferocious eyes as usual. The injured flower dog also slowly got up and staggered out of the door.

Originally, Li Mazi got angry and almost caused trouble.

I just barely missed throwing the charm out of my hand.

Although I can ensure that the few of us are safe and sound, and even kill these big dogs and the dog village chief on the spot, what about the villagers outside? No one can guarantee that those vicious dogs will not suddenly go crazy and attack the villagers!

We were originally here to save the villagers, but what if we harmed everyone instead?

Fortunately, Teacher Xia was quick to use his wits to resolve the crisis.

Seeing that the dog village chief's anger had subsided, Teacher Xia added, "I have heard that the king loves dogs as much as he does himself, and treats people as his own. I would like to invite you, is it okay?"


Although the Dog Village Chief was a little less angry, after all, Li Mazi had just injured a dog in front of him, which made him furious, and there was still a hint of anger in his tone.

"This cheap boy lacks etiquette and education, and is very unbecoming. Why don't you give it to me as a reward? I am willing to give you treasures in return. I wonder what your Majesty thinks?" Teacher Xia said and took off the necklace from his neck.

That necklace was specially bought for Li Mazi as a gift to her when she returned from Tianshan and Xinjiang.

It was a piece of fine Hetian jade, with natural internal lines like a puppy lying on the ground.

Teacher Xia was born in the year of the dog, and according to Li Mazi himself, Teacher Xia called him a little dog behind his back.

Teacher Xia has always liked this necklace, but now she is willing to exchange it for this child, whom she knows all the time, which shows her love.

Of course, I also know that it was because of this child that the flower dog was injured. If Teacher Xia hadn't come forward to get this child, it's hard to say whether he would have survived given the temperament of the Dog Village Chief...

I was a little confused just now, how can I protect this child, but I didn't expect Teacher Xia to be more thoughtful than me.

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