Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,748 A generation of faint king Jin Linggong

"This... Brother Zhang, aren't you scaring me?" When Li Mazi heard this, he couldn't help but swallowed and asked tremblingly.

"Why am I scaring you? I just realized this. Although those vicious dogs only look stronger and more ferocious than ordinary dogs in appearance, there is nothing special about them. But I just noticed that their shadows are strange. "

"No matter what it is, its shadow keeps changing as the subject moves, but the shadows of these vicious dogs are completely unaffected by the body, as if they all exist independently. Just now I secretly looked at those dogs with my celestial eye. The shadows are actually blood red, that’s not blood, but the resentment accumulated from too many souls that have been bitten.”

"There is only one kind of dog like this, and that is the Yin Dog!"

"I don't know what the origin of the Yin spirit that invaded the village chief's body can actually make these Yin dogs obey his orders. If this guy is not completely eradicated, those Yin dogs will definitely go crazy at the same time. By then, everyone will It can't be stopped!" I said warily.

"This... how did I know this! I will listen to you, little brother, and I will never do anything random again." Li Mazi knew the seriousness of the problem and immediately became honest.

"Husband, what can you do?" Yin Xinyue said: "The people in this village are too pitiful. As long as there is a slight possibility, we cannot give up and must rescue them."

"We must not deal with this guy forcefully. Even if we use exorcism to force the Yin spirit out of the village chief's body, it will never disappear. He has already been able to communicate with many Yin dogs. It seems to you , he is giving orders to the dog, but actually he is telling us that he communicates with the Yin Dog using his soul, not words."

"Once I use the exorcism technique, the evil spirit can be transferred to any evil dog at any time and issue the same orders. At that time, it will be impossible for us to kill all the evil dogs at the same time, and we will not be able to find out who is possessing him. Which dog would be in trouble?"

"The only way is to find out who this guy is, and then force him to return to the thing that possessed the village chief. At that time, I will..."

"Master Zhang." Suddenly, Zhao Ershuan, who had been silent all this time, said, "You mean my uncle became like this because he touched something?"

"Then there's no need to ask." Li Mazi continued: "You heard what he said, always in a formal manner, as if he was singing in an opera. If he hadn't been possessed by a Yin spirit, would your uncle have been able to say it in just a few seconds? "

"Mazi, don't interrupt." I noticed that Zhao Ershuan seemed to have remembered something, so I asked him, "Has your uncle ever gotten anything strange?"

"Yes!" Zhao Ershuan nodded and said. More than a month ago, when he was plowing in the mountains, he pulled out a copper chain and showed it to us. But no one could tell what it was for. Later, he thought about it and said that it should be a dog leash, so he rubbed off the patina and tied it to their old dog - to lead the dogs to bark. That old bald dog. "

"But within two days, the dog died. It turned out that he liked dogs very much. Besides, he had kept the old dog for more than 20 years. Even after the dog died, he was not willing to eat it, so he buried it on the back hillside. After that, About seven or eight days later, the old dog crawled out of the mound on its own for some reason. At that time, everyone in the village thought it was a strange thing. But not long after, my uncle completely changed..."

"Yeah!" I nodded and said, "It seems that the copper chain is the culprit! Er Shuan, think carefully about where your uncle would hide this thing. If you can identify him from this thing, It will be easier to deal with his true identity.”

Teacher Xia also suddenly recalled: "Then you just asked me to help you secretly and talk to him about as many historical books as possible. Do you want to find out his true identity?"

"Yes!" I nodded and said, "Xia Qin, you majored in liberal arts. Have you discovered anything?"

"Yes." Teacher Xia sorted out his messy thoughts and said, "He should be from the Spring and Autumn Period, and his status was very prominent at that time, and his temperament was very cruel."

"In the Spring and Autumn Period, he had a cruel temperament, a prominent position, and loved dogs as much as his life..." I put all the clues together, and a name immediately flashed in my mind.

"Jin Linggong, this guy is most likely Jin Linggong!"

It is said that Jin Linggong was a tyrant of the Jin Dynasty during the Spring and Autumn Period. He loved dogs since he was a child and believed that dogs were more loyal than people. So he built dog pens in the palace, dressed the dogs in official uniforms, and made them officials.

In order to be favored, the slaves under his command could only praise the dog first to win the favor of Lord Jin Linggong.

Duke Linggong of Jin had a hot temper. He would often chop the palace maids into mincemeat because they encountered his dogs, or the dogs were not willing to eat the dishes cooked by the chef! There was also a law: if anyone offended a dog among the people, his feet would be cut off. So Chinese people are afraid of dogs and keep a distance from dogs on the streets.

Later, Jin Linggong's atrocities were duly punished. He was assassinated in Taoyuan by brothers Zhao Dun and Zhao Chuan. Even his litter of dogs were slaughtered.

There is no one who respects dogs in thousands of years. It seems that the Yin spirit must be him!

Only he can be so loyal and convinced by so many Yin Dogs.

I guess his ghost originally resided on the bronze dog chain and slept in the ground for thousands of years, but was accidentally dug up by the village chief. As a result, he possessed the body of the village chief, summoned many hell dogs, and blatantly established a dog kingdom here!

"Brother, I have a solution!" Suddenly Li Mazi's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and laughed.

"Oh, what can you do?" Although Li Mazi was not very capable, he would often come up with some crooked ideas, which would work wonders.

"Isn't that simple?" Li Mazi stretched out a finger in a pretentious manner, waving it while smiling slightly: "Let's treat the person with his own body...that person, what the hell."

"What are you still pretending to be? Tell me quickly!" Teacher Xia couldn't stand it any longer and urged.

Li Mazi quickly replied honestly: "Don't he like dogs as much as his life? Then let's find a dog-killer to deal with him."

"Who is the most famous for killing dogs? The most awesome! Didn't Liu Bang have a general under his command... What is his name?"

"Fan Kuai." I blurted out. Legend has it that Fan Kuai was a dog butcher on the street before he took refuge with Liu Bang. Later generations also recognized him as the originator of killing dogs and selling meat.

"Yes, let's pretend to be Fan Kuai! As soon as this guy comes out, regardless of whether he is Jin Linggong or Yin Linggong, he will definitely be so scared that he will pee and hide away." Li Mazi said.

"Using Fan Kuai to scare Duke Lingyin of Jin? You can really imagine it." I sneered.

"How's it going? I'm still smart, right?" Li Mazi said with a proud smile.

"You are smart, you big-headed devil!" Teacher Xia twisted his ears and said, "How come you have been in the antique business for so many years and don't even know this basic common sense? Jin Linggong was from the Spring and Autumn Period, and Fan Kuai was from the Qin Dynasty. They have never seen people from the late Han Dynasty and early Han Dynasty."

"When Jin Linggong died, Fan Kuai's great-grandfather didn't even know whose belly he was in." I continued, "The person Mazi thought was not quite right, but the method is good."

"The ghost of a person who died violently will naturally be full of fear of his murderer, unless it is a resentful spirit full of resentment in his heart."

"Although Jin Linggong was a fatuous tyrant of a generation, he was worshiped by the royal family. I am afraid that his resentment would have disappeared long ago. Otherwise, his ghost spirit would finally reappear, and what he would never forget would not be the establishment of a dog kingdom. The one who killed Jin Linggong It's brothers Zhao Dun and Zhao Chuan, we just need to find the right opportunity to dress up as these two people!" At this time, I already had an idea in my mind.

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