Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,749 Bronze Dog Chain

"Master Zhang, so you have a way to save everyone?" Zhao Ershuan asked excitedly.

"Yeah!" I nodded and said, "You can say that, but it still requires everyone's joint efforts! Come on, let's study how to implement it."

I listed all the required conditions and necessary items one by one.

With everyone's continuous improvement and reminders, the plan became more and more perfect.

Afterwards, everyone went their separate ways!

Zhao Ershuan went to his aunt and asked his uncle where he was most likely to hide the chain. It would be best if you can find it on the spot. If you can't find it, you can only wait until the Yin spirit is forced out of the village chief's body and then track it down, but that will be much more troublesome!

Teacher Xia and Li Mazi worked together, pretending that the child had a high fever, and went to the villagers to find medicine. Secretly spread the news that they are going to rescue them, so that they can prepare in advance. There's no need to worry about anyone snitching. Except for the head of the dog village, everyone is living a life of being enslaved by evil dogs that is worse than death. They have already had enough!

The vicious dogs couldn't understand what they were saying. The head of the dog village was so happy that he got Teacher Xia's necklace that he was already drunk.

I used local materials, found some straw and branches, and woven them into magic tools.

Yin Xinyue pulled off the sheets and curtains and roughly sewed a robe according to the costumes on the set.

After a while, Teacher Xia and Li Mazi returned from their mission. It was reported to me that when the villagers heard that we were going to help everyone free themselves from the enslavement of vicious dogs, they were all very happy. Many people cried on the spot and wanted to kneel down in front of them.

With the help of Li Mazi and Teacher Xia, the magic tools and robes were all ready.

Now we just have to wait for Zhao Ershuan!

But I waited and waited, but there was no news.

It's almost an hour past the agreed time!

I told him at that time that no matter whether he was found or not, he had to come back as soon as possible, otherwise once the matter was revealed, not only us, but also the whole village would be in danger.

"Brother, has this kid regretted it?" Li Mazi said worriedly.

"Repent? What are you regretting?" I asked.

"Look." Li Mazi clapped his fingers and said to me: "Didn't he tell you earlier? His father died early and he was raised by his uncle. The reason why he didn't call the police was because he was afraid that his uncle would be shot. , I’m sorry for his uncle and dad. Now we plan to destroy the evil spirit and eradicate the evil dogs. Do you think these villagers will let his uncle go afterward? "

"Now he has been pardoned by his uncle and is treated like a dog. He can live in a house, drink wine and eat meat. He doesn't have to work, and his life may be more comfortable than before."

"What's more, this kid is quite old. Looking at how shy he is, he might not even have a girlfriend! Now he is the only one who can dominate the village besides his uncle. I really want to take a fancy to him. If he dies, the girl will immediately go back to her old life, and she might even compete to be his wife."

"When he went all the way to Wuhan to beg us, he probably didn't think much about it. But now, when I think about it, it seems that if he doesn't get rid of his uncle, he will just be the emperor's nephew in this dog kingdom. It seems pretty good to be below and above everyone!”

Li Mazi’s analysis is indeed very reasonable!

The good and evil in people's hearts can only be determined by one thought. Over the years, I have seen many examples like this! Who knows whether Zhao Ershuan, who was originally honest and honest, might have some evil intentions.

"That's not right!" Yin Xinyue said: "If he was really a whistleblower, I'm afraid the head of the dog village would have brought the vicious dogs to kill him long ago! How could we wait until now?"

"Woof! Woof woof woof!" As soon as Yin Xinyue finished speaking, a series of dog barks sounded outside the door.

We looked through the window and saw Zhao Ershuan running in front, and behind, a large group of vicious dogs led by General Black Dog were running towards us from a distance.

"Look! I really guessed it." Li Mazi said angrily: "We are still here pretending to be good people and busying around! People are coming with an army of vicious dogs to kill us."

When Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia heard this, they couldn't help but become nervous.

"What should we do?" Teacher Xia was also panicked and at a loss, and rubbed his hands anxiously.

"What else can we do! Brother Zhang and I will hold on for a while, you two, run away." Li Mazi said, and like a man, he ran to the kitchen and picked up a kitchen knife and a big ax for chopping firewood.

"No!" I didn't pick up the ax handed over by Li Mazi. I stared out the window and shouted, "Do you see what Er Shuan is holding in his hand?"

"It's too far to see clearly," Li Mazi replied.

"Those vicious dogs didn't follow him, they were chasing him!" I shouted.

Getting closer, I finally saw clearly through the hazy moonlight. Er Shuan was holding something green in his hand, waving his hand in our direction, and shouting something loudly.

"Quick! You two put makeup on Mazi quickly, and I'll go rescue Ershuan." After saying that, I grabbed the ax, rushed out the door, and faced the vicious dogs.

I read it right, those vicious dogs were chasing Er Shuan, and they were getting closer and closer.

As soon as he saw me rushing out, Er Shuan raised his hand and threw the thing towards me, shouting: "Master, run! Hurry up... ah!"

Before he could finish shouting this sentence, the big black dog in front of him threw him to the ground and gave him a hard bite on his thigh.

I rushed forward, rushed for another dozen meters, and threw the ax with a whoosh.

The big dog seemed to be on guard. He raised his claws with disdain and smashed the ax aside with a snap.

"Woof!" It barked wildly with its two big eyes, let go of Zhao Ershuan, and rushed towards me!

"Well done!" I pulled out a Thunder Talisman and threw it out of my pocket.


There was an explosion, and the big dog was blown to pieces and fell to the ground with a snap.

This is a new spell I figured out by combining the "Yin Talisman Sutra" and Taoist Master Bai He's Thunder Talisman. It can not only kill the body, but also penetrate the soul. In fact, it might be more appropriate to call it the Yin Thunder Talisman.

Although the power is far less amazing than the divine thunder talisman, it is still comparable to ordinary high-grade talismans. In terms of killing power alone, it may be even stronger.

It's just that my cultivation level is not very advanced. It takes about seven or eight days to make such a charm.

At this time, I only have this one picture in my body!

This giant black dog is the most ferocious of all vicious dogs. Wouldn't it be just right to use it on it?

This vicious dog was really strong. Almost all its body was blown to pieces, but it still survived. It fell to the ground, writhing and wailing. But he also completely lost his fighting ability and couldn't even get up.

The other evil dogs were all shocked by my attack. The strongest big black dog among them was killed by me with one blow. The evil dogs couldn't figure out how much of my killer weapon like a talisman, and they didn't dare to do it for a while. Come forward.

I took this opportunity, ran a few more steps, picked up the green thing that Zhao Ershuan was still on the ground, and rushed to him.

Whoosh! The invisible needle rushed out and penetrated the throat of the vicious dog that was biting Er Shuan.

The vicious dog rolled over and fell down without even barking.

"Master Zhang, the dog leash, I have already stolen the dog leash. Everyone, we all rely on you..." Zhao Ershuan said out of breath.

"Stop talking, save some strength!" His back and thighs were a blur, and they were bloody as if they had just taken a bloody bath. I said urgently, stepped forward to pick him up, turned around and ran away.

"Woof woof!" I had just ran two steps when another low barking sound came from the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the group of vicious dogs behind them roared and pounced on them again, as if they had received some order.

"Woof, woof, woof..." Dogs barked one after another everywhere, as if all the vicious dogs in the village were coming here at the same time!

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