Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,753 Accumulating negative virtue

After leaving Xiaolianzi Village, we walked all the way and always helped when we encountered poor villages.

Some roads are muddy and bridges have collapsed, so we will help them fund bridges and roads.

Sometimes I heard that if there are elderly people in this village who are unable to take care of themselves, or children who cannot afford to go to school due to poverty, some money will be left to send them to nursing homes or schools.

Although Li Mazi has always been a tough guy and takes money very seriously, this time, he is also generous!

I don't know if it's because Teacher Xia is here, or because Li Mazi has finally figured it out and wants to accumulate some karma for himself and do more good deeds.

Not only Li Mazi, but also Teacher Xia and Yin Xinyue were all happy, saying that they had never known that helping others could be such a pleasant thing. This trip can be regarded as the most meaningful and beautiful memory in my life.

Since Oudama's injury has not fully recovered and she still needs further training, and it is inconvenient for her to accompany us on long journeys, I only call her out to play with her for a while when I occasionally encounter beautiful places with beautiful mountains and rivers.

Along the way, I wandered around and accumulated good fortune. Although I was happy, there was a shadow in my heart, and I could never feel completely at ease.

Because, I noticed that there seemed to be a pair of eyes that had been staring at us.

Almost all the time!

But I never discovered the owner of these eyes.

It seemed like a ghost!

On this day, I saw another small village in the distance.

Looking at the situation, the village is not very wealthy, and is relatively more shabby than other villages we saw along the way.

But what is extremely strange is that we walked into the village for a long time and didn't even see a single person.

The crops at the head of the village were deserted, and no one was cultivating them. The free-range chickens and ducks crawled into the small vegetable garden unscrupulously, pecking at will.

There were about fifty or sixty households in the whole village, but there was no sound at all. It was so quiet that it was a bit scary!

Chickens and ducks are raised in the village, flowers and plants are planted in front of the door, and dry clothes are hung in many yards. It doesn't look like it was abandoned and moved, but why can't even a person be seen?

"Brother, is there something wrong with this?" Li Mazi also felt that something was abnormal and asked in confusion, "What are the people in this village doing?"

"It's indeed a bit abnormal." I pointed toward the back of the village and said, "Look, isn't that little white building also weird?"

Behind the village is a hill slightly shaped like a steamed bun, and a two-story white building is built on the hillside.

Looking at the style of the building, it doesn't look like a residential house, but more like a temple.

This temple is right behind the village, built half way up the mountain, and right in the middle of the path behind the village.

No matter from the perspective of Feng Shui layout or walking convenience, it is extremely inappropriate.

This temple must have been built not long ago, and it has only been roughly completed. Even the sleeping beast on the eaves has not yet been placed. But there are bright lights inside. Even in broad daylight, you can see the light in the inner hall from such a distance.

"There's someone alive!" Suddenly, Li Mazi shouted.

"What do you mean there are living people?" I said with a bit of a wry smile: "It seems that we are the zombies in those American blockbusters. There are still living people. Aren't we living people?"

"No, little brother, I just saw someone running over in a hurry, yes! That's right there!"

As Li Mazi explained, he pointed to a low shed.

"Is there anyone there? Are your eyes blurry?" Yin Xinyue stared at it for a while and said.

"That's right, Mazi, you can really scare yourself." Teacher Xia also said with some dissatisfaction.

"Really, really, I really saw something... Hey, look, it's come out!" Li Mazi shouted again.

This time we all saw a bald old man in his forties or fifties walking out of the small shed while lifting his pants.

That shed should be a toilet, which this guy went to just now.

"Hey, old man!" Mazi called to the man.

But the man didn't seem to hear him and wandered into the house again.

"Damn it, is he deaf?" Li Mazi said angrily.

This man was not far away from us, less than twenty meters away. Li Mazi shouted, but he didn't even hear him.

"Let's go over and have a look." After I said that, I opened the courtyard door and walked in.

"Is anyone there?" I called into the house.

No one answered, and there was no movement.

There are some vegetable leaves mixed in the chicken bowl, and they are all green and fresh.

From this, it seems that at least there were still people there before yesterday.

When I opened the door, I saw that the stove was clean and there was no dust in the room. Everything was normal.

But what about people?

Just now, we clearly saw that person walking in.

"Here, Brother Zhang." Li Mazi stood in front of the bedroom door nervously, lowering his voice and waving to me.

I walked over and saw two people lying side by side on the bed.

One of them is the bald man we just saw, and the other is a fat sister-in-law.

Both of them were wearing very little and were lying there sound asleep.

It seems that we have taken the liberty and they are just sleeping.

I waved my hand to signal Li Mazi not to wake others up, and quietly withdrew.

Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia did not go in with us - after all, the man was wearing a little less, and it would not be good to burst into someone else's house suddenly.

As soon as they saw us walking out, they both said anxiously, and saw a child walking out of the room next door.

The child was very young, about three or four years old. He had a pacifier in his mouth and was not walking very steadily. His little hands were holding on to the wall and he was still wobbling, but there was no adult following him.

"Let's go and have a look!"

A group of us pushed open the door of the courtyard next door. There were many children's clothes hanging on the clothesline. We reached out and touched them but they were not dry yet.

The child looked up at us with two big eyes and his head raised. He suddenly felt a little scared, twitched his mouth and was about to cry.

With a snap, the pacifier fell to the ground.


Teacher Xia quickly walked over and picked up the child.

Yin Xinyue also held the small bell on the key and shook it in front of him. The little guy flashed his big eyes and shed a few tears. He looked at it and laughed again.

Li Mazi and I pushed open the door and walked in.

The same thing happened in this room. It was eerily quiet, with no movement at all.

When I walked to the bedroom, I discovered that two couples were sleeping half leaning against the head of the bed.

The woman's arms were covered with a small flower quilt, which must have been holding the child outside the door.

It's just that I was so sleepy that the child didn't even notice when he woke up and ran out.

At this time, there was a faint snoring sound from the other side of the concierge.

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