Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,754 The Good Fortune Boy

We followed the snoring sound and looked over. It turned out that there was a small cabin on the side.

There was an old man in his sixties or seventies, sleeping soundly with his chest exposed.

Why is the whole village sleeping?

It's now past ten o'clock in the morning, and even those who have slept in doing nothing all day should get up long ago! And it’s not even nap time yet. Shouldn’t it be time to make lunch now?

It wouldn't be surprising if there were some people in the village who were used to sleeping in broad daylight, but this was the case even when we visited two houses. Based on this, we can deduce that not a single person in the village could be seen, and they were probably all sleeping.

Something is wrong with this!


At this time, the child suddenly started crying again for some reason.

Teacher Xia had little experience in coaxing children, so Yin Xinyue quickly took over.

The old man sleeping in front of us was awakened by the crying. He rubbed his eyes and looked at us blankly. He was stunned for a while.

"Da Linzi, get up!" The old man suddenly jumped out of bed and rushed towards Yin Xinyue.

I hurriedly reached out to stop him. The old man might have just woken up and his legs and feet were not very flexible, or he was caught off guard by me and fell to the ground. But he immediately hugged my thigh and shouted urgently: " Lin Zi, Lin Zi’s wife! Come out quickly! Someone stole the baby!”

Following this shout, the couple in the next room hurried over without even bothering to put on their shoes.

"Give me back my son!" The woman rushed towards Yin Xinyue.

The man also rushed towards Li Mazi who was closest to him.

"Stop." I grabbed the man's wrist and said, "You misunderstood! If we really wanted to steal the child, wouldn't we have run away earlier? What are we waiting for here?"

Yin Xinyue handed the child over to the woman and said, "Sister-in-law, you really misunderstood. We just saw the child running outside and were afraid that he would fall, so we took him back."

As soon as the child was in his mother's arms, he stopped crying immediately, pointed out the door with his little finger and said: "Kui'er, Zu'er..."

The woman ran out the door and picked up the pacifier.

Only then did they become convinced that we were indeed not child-stealers.

The old man holding my thigh let go of his hand in embarrassment, raised his head and asked: "Then...then what do you do?"

"We were just traveling around and happened to pass by this village. When we saw this child running out without an adult to take care of him, we kindly sent him in," said Teacher Xia.

"Thank you so much. You see, I'm so sleepy that I don't even know the child ran out..." The woman smiled at Yin Xinyue sheepishly.

The misunderstanding was resolved, both the old man and the man stood up and let us into the main room.

The woman brought several bowls of coarse tea and thanked us again.

Suppressing my curiosity, I chatted with the old man about our daily life.

The old man said that this village was called Shaoshan Village. His surname was Gao, and the villagers called him Lao Gao.

The young man who was as silent as a dull gourd was his son Gao Dalin, and the woman was naturally his daughter-in-law, who usually made a living by farming.

It can be seen that this family is kind and honest, and they are all farmers who work hard.

But this way, it becomes even more strange!

Since they are all diligent farmers, why do they sleep in during the day instead of working, and stare at the desolate crops outside the village without cultivating them?

I took a sip of tea and expressed my doubts.

The wilted Lao Gao smiled and said: "People in our village can get money without having to work, and they can sleep all day long and still have food and drink."

"Is there such a good thing?" Li Mazi didn't believe it.

"Why not?" said Lao Gao with great pride, "As long as we believe in the Good Wealth Fairy Boy, he will give us money and food. It has been more than half a year, and we have done nothing but sleep in every day. , someone will give out money at the end of the month, and there will be rice and flour every week.”



At this moment, there was a noisy roar outside the house.

Judging from that direction, it should be coming from the back mountain.

I was wondering.

The wilted Lao Gao pointed to the direction of the back mountain and said, "Did you hear that? This is Shancai Boy's power!"

"The mountain behind the village is called Shancai Mountain. Isn't there a Shancai boy beside Guanyin Bodhisattva? It was here that he became an immortal and attained enlightenment, and was accepted as a disciple by Guanyin."

"After the fairy boy gained spiritual power, he did not forget his love for his country and specially gave us money."

When the old man said this, he was very proud, and his face showed an indescribable sense of happiness.

"Is someone really giving you money and food?" Li Mazi asked in surprise.

"Is there still a holiday?" the old man said: "The whole village has not worked for more than half a year, and no one has given food or drink, so they will starve to death long ago? Besides, the money is real! It can be spent outside!"

"Who sent it to you?" I asked doubtfully.

"He Er." The old man said: "This kid was originally a second-rate boy, and no one looked down on him, but he had a good heart and never forgot the villagers. One day he went to the back mountain to wander around, and he didn't know what happened. He fell asleep immediately."

"Then, the boy Shancai gave He Er a dream, saying that this is his dojo. As long as the people in the village believe in and support him, then everyone will not have to work anymore, and the boy Shancai will distribute the money, food and drink on time. .”

“And the more sincerely you believe, the more money you’ll make.”

“Everyone didn’t believe it at first!”

"But He Er was so generous. He sold his land and used his own money to build a temple of good fortune. Then he invited a fairy boy to show his magical powers."

"After the fairy boy showed his power, he said that he would build a dojo in our village and that everyone in the dojo would truly believe in him. Then he appointed He Er as the messenger of good fortune on the spot and asked him to build bridges and roads in the village. Return to Several poor families bought TV sets.”

"Fairy Boy asked everyone to sleep during the day, not to disturb his practice, not to disturb the land, so as not to damage the feng shui, and not to go up the back mountain to see the strange things! As long as everyone abides by these few rules, we will get the money."

"Three days after we did this, He Er sent us the first money, 200 yuan per family, a bag of rice and a bag of white flour. These are all genuine!"

"The more sincere you believe, the more money you will get. No, we can now receive four hundred yuan every month! And rice, flour, grains, oils, and fresh vegetables are all delivered on time. I have lived a long time." , I’ve never even heard of such a good thing.”

"But whoever breaks the rules and offends the fairy boy will be punished by him! For example, the two brothers of Lao Yu's family in the west of the village were disobedient and went to the back mountain at night to see something strange. At dawn, he lay straight in front of his house, foaming at the mouth and out of breath."

"If a girl from a family is lucky enough to be chosen as a maid by the fairy boy, the money will be even more! For example, the second daughter of Lao Xie's family in the east courtyard was chosen, and now their family can get a monthly salary It’s a thousand dollars.”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I lie at home all day long and do nothing, and then I earn money, which is given to rice and flour for free. We live like gods!" When Lao Gao said this, his face was filled with joy. Very happy.

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