Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,755 He Er’s conspiracy

As soon as I heard this, I understood.

It must be He Er's fault!

What Guanyin and Fairy Tong are all nonsense!

How stupid do you have to be to believe that you can spread renminbi out of charity and create rice and flour out of thin air?

But these villagers actually got benefits and killed two more people who had doubts. Such a combination of kindness and power convinced these villagers.

Moreover, according to Lao Gao, the Fairy Tong Temple has repeatedly shown its power. It seems that this guy is also pretending to be a ghost!

However, looking at this situation, the whole village was confused and completely obeyed He Er's method, sleeping in broad daylight and ignoring the fields. I'm afraid that no matter what I say, they won't believe me, and it may even arouse their resentment. Even if I inform He Er early, it will alarm the snake.

Thinking of this, I glanced at Li Mazi and the others, signaling them not to tell anything.

Then he followed the old man and said, "It seems that He Er is really a kind man. He never forgets his fellow villagers when he receives blessings. The lives of people in your village are good!"

"That's it, that's it!" Old Gao said repeatedly.

I chatted for a while, and after telling the old man everything he knew about He Er and Xiantong, I left with Li Mazi and the others.

Old Man Gao and his family sent us out of the gate. They watched us walk away and then went back sleepily.

"Brother, are you just leaving like that?" Li Mazi asked me with some confusion: "I feel like something is not right about this! There must be something wrong with that boy named He Er."

"Of course that kid has a problem, but why did he do this?" I pointed to the houses on both sides of the road with some confusion and said: "According to what the old man said, each family pays 400 yuan per month, plus grain, oil and vegetables. , it doesn’t seem to be much money, but there are about fifty or sixty households in this village, and it has been distributed for more than half a year, so it is not a small amount. What is his purpose in spending so much money for nothing? "

Yin Xinyue thought for a moment and said, "What if he gets more money from this?"

"Yes!" I nodded and said, "This is probably his real purpose! He made up some kind of philanthropic boy to deceive the villagers and seek greater benefits. If he continues to be so lazy and lazy, the village will be doomed! "

"He also killed two people." Li Mazi said: "Who can guarantee whether he will kill again in the future."

"There are still a few girls who were chosen." Teacher Xia added: "It's just like you said, these girls must have been ruined."

"So, we can't ignore this matter." I said in a deep voice: "Let's pretend to leave here first, so that the boy will not be prepared. Didn't Old Man Gao say that the day after tomorrow there will be another temple fair where the good boy shows his power? When the time comes, let’s see what kind of tricks he does!”

Seven or eight miles outside Shaoshan Village, there is a small, run-down town.

There are few outsiders coming and going in the town, let alone hotels, there are no restaurants.

We found the small shop at the front door and asked the shopkeeper if there were any vacant houses for rent.

It happened that a sister-in-law came to buy something, and the shopkeeper pointed at her and said: "Aunt Zhang's house has a vacant room, go and ask her."

Teacher Xia came forward and said that we were tired from playing and wanted to find a place to rent for a few days to rest.

The people in the town are very simple, and it seems that they have never encountered this kind of thing. Aunt Zhang hesitated for a long time, and then said sheepishly: "Then let's calculate it as ten yuan a day. Do you think that's okay?"

I took out a thousand yuan and handed it to her. Aunt Zhang was stunned and didn't dare to take it. She kept saying, "It's no use, I can't use this much."

I put it in her hand and said: "There is no place to eat in this town. This money covers food and accommodation for the four of us. No matter how little you think it is, we are really embarrassed to live here."

The sister-in-law accepted the call, thanked her profusely and walked out.

The dinner was particularly sumptuous. The sister-in-law was probably worried that she would take advantage of us, so she cooked more than a dozen dishes, including fish, shrimp, and a plate full of chicken and duck.

The house is divided into two rooms, east and west, both of which are very spacious.

Aunt Zhang said as she was clearing away the dishes that these were for the wedding of her two sons. Who knew that the two children had gone out to work for a few years and would never want to come back again. This house was considered a good one in the town, but she wanted to sell it but couldn't, so she had to take care of the house and clean it from time to time. Fortunately, it was not far away.

After Aunt Zhang left, we each entered the house.

After a while, Li Mazi and Teacher Xia started tossing and shaking, causing the bed board to rattle.

Yin Xinyue chuckled softly: "Li Mazi was so tired from shouting all day that he couldn't walk. It seems that all his strength was used here."

I hugged her with a wicked smile and said, "Unlike him, I'm never tired..."

After the storm, Yin Xinyue fell asleep sweetly, with a happy face.

I kissed her gently on the forehead, and I couldn't help but feel a little bit more withdrawn.

Be it fame or profit. The world is vast and endless, how can there be any end?

It would be more satisfying to grow old with the one you love.

It's just that others can do it, but I can't.

At least, Zhang Jiulin can't do that now!

I have not yet completed the important task left to me by my grandfather and the famous people from all over the world. Longquan Villa has not yet been wiped out, and Long Qingqiu is still arrogant and domineering...

If I give up here, they will naturally not say anything on the first day of junior high school, but how can I be worthy of everyone?

Senior Shu, Master Feng... they risked their lives without hesitation to save me. Is it just to let me enjoy happiness alone?

When I think about Chu Yi, I feel even more strange when I miss him.

Since the last time he came back from Siberia and he stayed here to recuperate, there has been no news from him. I have never been able to contact him.

If you think about it carefully, it took a long time.

What on earth is he busy with? Will something happen?

Suddenly, I felt a little uncomfortable all over my body.

Seems to be……

Someone is staring at me closely!

This feels very strange!

This inexplicable look seems to have been following me all the way.

Ever since that strange piece of gold jewelry was stolen, this strange look has been staring at me.

I have a hunch that it must be related to that hunchbacked strange figure.

But who is this guy?

His cultivation level is extremely high, and he comes and goes like the wind. Let alone fighting, I can't even tell where he will appear next moment.

However, he didn't seem to want to harm me, otherwise I would have died countless times.

Click, click...

Suddenly there was a strange clicking sound under the bed.

Then there was a bang and it collapsed.

"Ah?" Yin Xinyue screamed and hugged me tightly: "Jiulin, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's the bed, be good, have a good sleep, we'll talk about it tomorrow." I held the invisible needle tightly with one hand and gently stroked her hair with the other to comfort her.

Yin Xinyue didn't know what she thought of, she smiled shyly, closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

The bed did indeed collapse, but the reason for the collapse was very shocking. The bed frame and the four-corner steel pipes all disappeared out of thin air!

Then like a ghost, it appeared out of thin air and floated in front of me.

The steel pipe and iron frame seemed to be pieces of plasticine, being pinched and spliced ​​together at will by a pair of invisible hands.

Seeing the many softened steel pipes being pinched together to form a face!

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