Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,756 Late Night Truck

That face was so lifelike that I recognized it at a glance. It was Long Qingqiu!

What does it mean?

Could it be that the hunchbacked figure is from Longquan Villa?

its not right!

If you really are a master of Longquan Villa, why are you still trying to trick me? Both the human faction that wants to kill me and the ghost faction that wants to take me back have already taken action, so why bother?

Besides, no matter which faction they belong to, they would never dare to make fun of Long Qingqiu. What's the point of making up his appearance out of thin air?

I held Yin Xinyue in one hand and stared blankly at the scene in front of me, feeling a little confused.

Among Longquan Villa, apart from the owner Long Qingqiu, the four supreme elders probably have the highest cultivation level.

Among them, I have seen the abilities of Mr. Dong and the Jiang brothers. Although they are also unfathomable, they definitely do not have this ability! It is expected that the other two elders who have not yet appeared should be similar to them.

But now this person's cultivation level far exceeds theirs several times!

Regardless of my cultivation or experience, I am no longer weak now, but I can't even detect this person's position, let alone the method used to twitch metal at will and change things out of thin air. There is no record even in the Yin Fu Jing.

Who is this person? What is the purpose?

The face of Long Qingqiu, made of steel, was resolute and sinister, as if he was looking at me coldly.

With a snap, several gleaming long knives flew from all around and plunged straight into it. Long Qingqiu's face suddenly fell into pieces and fell into pieces!

What does this mean?

Could this person also be Long Qingqiu's enemy? I have some deep grudge against him and came to me to form an alliance.

If that's the case, why wouldn't he show up and say it to his face?

I was just wondering, but the pieces of iron filings disappeared again!

With a soft clicking sound, the wooden bed that had collapsed on the ground rose again.

The steel pipe iron frame that had been kneaded returned to its original state, supporting the wooden bed. It was as if everything had never happened!

At the same time, the cold gaze staring at me disappeared!

I was stunned for a while before I finally came to my senses, and found that my face was covered in cold sweat, as if I had just woken up from a nightmare.

But this is definitely not a dream!

The rust on the steel pipe has disappeared, and the roots are as bright as a knife.

call! A heavy truck passed by outside the door, causing the doors and windows to tremble slightly.

call! Another one.

Four or five trucks roared past one after another. I was completely sleepy now. I gently covered Yin Xinyue with a quilt, got dressed and walked out - I wasn't worried about the man just now treating Yin Xinyue, Li Mazi and the others. unfavorable.

If he really wanted to do that, it wouldn't make any difference whether I was here or not. Besides, he really doesn't seem to have any ill intentions, at least not yet.

The night sky in the countryside is exceptionally clear, and the stars and moon are densely packed in the sky, shining brightly.

There was no one on the empty long street of the town, but it was filled with dust, presumably kicked up by the trucks just now.

The town is extremely remote, there is not even a decent road, and it is full of potholes.

drop! At this moment, there was a harsh car honking from behind me.

Turning around, I saw another heavy-duty truck driving in the distance, its bright headlights making it difficult for people to open their eyes. I don't know what was being pulled in the carriage, but it was covered tightly with a thick canvas.

Didi! The truck honked twice more, but its speed did not slow down at all.

As soon as I hid aside, the big car roared past me carrying billows of dust.

The moment I passed by, I suddenly noticed that the man sitting in the passenger seat looked familiar. He was about thirty or forty years old and slightly bald.

Huh? This guy is not the first person we saw in Shaoguan Village.

Why did he get here?

wrong! This is probably related to the so-called good money boy.

When I thought of this, I immediately took out a 'Road Trapping Talisman' and threw it out.

The 'Road Wrapping Talisman' is similar to a ghost hitting a wall. It can borrow Yin Qi and charm people's minds. They can regard a good road as a boulder cliff. No matter how familiar the road is, they will be fascinated.

As soon as the Yin Fu came out, I don't know what the driver thought of the clear road in front of him, and he suddenly stopped with a click.

I quietly leaned over.

"Where are you driving?" the bald man sitting in the passenger seat asked sideways, holding a mobile phone in one hand.

"I don't know either." The driver stared straight ahead and said with a confused look on his face: "How come a big fish pond suddenly appears like this? I remember there isn't even a puddle nearby."

"Who knows what you're thinking? It's only one way back and forth, and you're still going astray! Turn around quickly." The bald man said angrily, and continued to dial his cell phone.

Music was ringing on the phone, but no one answered.

The big truck backed up, turned around, and stopped again not far away.

"What happened again?"

"It won't start. It seems to have hit something." The driver said a little strangely.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go down and take a look! If you delay things, let's see how the second brother deals with you." The bald man cursed.

"It's not your fault!" the driver complained: "Either you peed or you pooped. How many times did you go through this process? Otherwise, we would be here by now."

"Aren't I having a stomachache? Besides, I really have something urgent to call my second brother, and the phone has been unreachable. What if I don't come over? If something goes wrong, you can afford it, so get off quickly." The bald man glared at the driver. One glance.

There is a large stone lying across the front wheel of the truck, which I moved just now while he was making a U-turn.

The driver cursed strangely, bent down, flipped the stone twice to the side of the road, clapped his hands and was about to stand up, when I hit him from behind and knocked him unconscious.

The bald man was still dialing his cell phone without realizing it.

"His grandma! What is this grandson doing? He still doesn't answer the phone." He muttered impatiently.

"Hello..." Suddenly, a very arrogant voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

The background sound was very noisy, with loud laughter and intense disco music from time to time, which obscured the person's voice. It sounded like he was in a disco or nightclub.

"Second brother, it's me, Yu Laoba." The bald man quickly changed his tone like a dog slave.

I quietly pressed into the car door, raised my ears and listened carefully.

The person on the other end of the phone burped and reprimanded impatiently: "Didn't I tell you? Don't call me if you have nothing to do. If you let those stupid robes in the village figure it out, no one will get any good results."

"No, no." The bald man quickly replied: "Isn't this a bit of a situation?"

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