Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,757 Jade Mountain

"What's going on?" The man said as if he opened a door and walked to a secluded place. The music was much quieter.

"Well, old Xie Tou misses his girl a little bit. He keeps talking about going to the mountains all day long, just in case one day..." the bald man said.

"What are you afraid of? Just do what Big Tou and Brother Yu did. Why do you need to find me for this matter?"

"No, second brother, Lao Yutou is different from those two brothers. Didn't you say that his girl's meritorious deeds in serving the fairy boy are immeasurable, and her family will be protected by the fairy boy? If she dies like this, I'm afraid the villagers have something wrong with her. Thoughts..." The bald man hesitated.

"Well, it's true." The person on the other end of the phone lit a cigarette, thought for a while and said, "Okay, anyway, there is a temple fair the day after tomorrow, I will take care of it."

"Also, second brother, some strangers came to the old Gao family today. I happened to have diarrhea and saw the whole family arriving at the gate." The bald man said.

"Who is it?" There was a warning on the other end of the phone.

"Two men and two women. The two women are both very beautiful, like movie stars. One man is short and fat, with a pockmarked face, and the other one looks very elegant, and his eyes are a little weird. Yes, could it be a reporter conducting an undercover investigation?"

"Where did they go?"

"I don't know. Looking in that direction, it seems to be heading towards the town."

The other end of the phone pondered for a while and said: "Okay, I get it, it seems I have to give the old boss a hard time! If there are no special circumstances in the future, don't call me. You are indispensable."

"Second brother..." When the bald man heard that the man wanted to hang up the phone, he quickly shouted: "I think I want to get some more money..."

"Didn't I just give you two thousand two days ago, why is it not over yet?" The man said in a very bored tone.

"No, haven't I eaten meat for a long time? I also want to..."

"Can you please just calm down for a while? You won't get better if it really causes trouble!"

"Second brother, you can't say that." The bald man was a little unhappy when he heard this: "If I hadn't been in the village to find out the news, something might have happened a long time ago! Don't I just want to find a girl to calm the anger? What could happen then?"

The man pondered for a moment, then took a breath and said, "Okay, you can come tomorrow night, and I'll get you more this time to save you all the trouble."

"Okay, thank you, second brother..." The bald man hung up before he could finish his words.

"Fuck you!" When the bald man hung up the phone, he immediately put on a fierce face and cursed: "Your grandma is living and drinking while I stay in the village and act like a fool! You still have to go to such trouble to ask for money, Don't make me anxious."

After cursing for a while, he realized that it was quiet outside the car, and something seemed wrong.

"Rat, rat?" He called twice but no one answered. He couldn't help but panic. He stretched his neck and looked outside, and immediately found the driver lying on the ground.

He bravely got out of the car and touched under his nose. As soon as he saw that he was still alive, he shot the driver left and right and slapped his big mouth.

The driver was woken up, stunned and grabbed him and said: "Yu Laoba, why did you hit me?"

"Don't bite Lu Dongbin, you don't know a good heart!" The bald man scolded: "You are unconscious here and don't know anything. I can wake you up, okay?"

The driver stared for a moment, and then he remembered that this seemed to be the case. When he was moving the rocks, Yu Laoba was still in the car. How could he have fainted all of a sudden?

"Hey, what a fucking ghost!" Yu Laoba looked around and said, "Isn't this in the town? Where is the fish pond?"

The driver was stunned for a moment, then got up and took a look, but that was not the case.

The truck was lying in the middle of the street, empty both front and back.

"Damn it! Let's go quickly! This place is really evil." Both of them were a little scared and quickly climbed into the car.

The big truck turned its head again and drove forward.

I weighed the stone in my hand and already had a pretty good guess as to the ins and outs of this matter.

This stone was taken out of the carriage just now.

What's strange is that the carriage is actually full of stones of different sizes.

But this is not an ordinary stone, but a raw jade stone. This is He Er's secret!

He secretly pretended that some fairy boy had appeared, not letting the villagers go out, and sealed off the back mountain, just to secretly mine these stones alone.

Compared with the carts of jade, the rice noodles and the hundreds of dollars distributed to the villagers are simply not worth mentioning!

But the villagers all believed in this, and the best way was to find the most appropriate time to expose him face to face.

Isn’t the day after tomorrow the temple fair where the fairy boy appears?

See you then!

When I put the jade away and walked back into the house, Yin Xinyue was still sleeping soundly with the quilt in her arms. A ray of white moonlight shined through the curtains and fell on her face, just like a fairy in a dream.

I kissed her gently on the forehead, lay down, closed my eyes slightly, and thought about the details for a while, and then fell asleep.

When we were having breakfast the next day, I noticed something was wrong with the way Li Mazi and Teacher Xia looked at me, as if they were trying hard not to laugh.

I thought there was something on my face, so I reached out and touched it.

"You still know how to be shameless." Li Mazi teased me and said: "You talk about my lust all day long. It's better for you. If I'm not lustful, I'm not lusty. It's really terrible when I'm lustful. Even the bed will collapse! I don't know how to show mercy to women." .”

As soon as he heard this, Teacher Xia immediately laughed non-stop, scratched his face at Yin Xinyue, and made a shy expression.

Yin Xinyue blushed with embarrassment, nudged her and said with a smile: "I only discovered last night that Teacher Xia's voice is really beautiful. Not only is the bel canto vibrato so amazing, but even the dolphin voice is also wonderful."

Teacher Xia immediately blushed, and started pushing each other with Yin Xinyue.

Li Mazi didn't blush at all, and was very proud of himself. He was eating and drinking while watching the two of them having fun.

After breakfast, I briefly told a few of them what happened last night.

Li Mazi scolded angrily: "I knew a long time ago that it must be that kid! I didn't expect that he was secretly digging for jade."

"That's right!" Teacher Xia continued: "The stone mine should be the common property of the villagers, but he wants to take it all for himself! That's all. He has harmed so many people, so we must not spare him."

"That's natural." I nodded: "Isn't tomorrow the temple fair where the fairy boy appears? We just go to join in the fun. But first, we need to prepare some gifts."

Then, I told all the plans I had thought about last night.

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