Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,758 The Appearance of the Temple Fair (Additional Update)

Another day passed in the blink of an eye. After we were ready, we thanked Aunt Zhang and returned to Shaoshan Village.

According to Lao Gao, the temple fair is always held in the evening, and there is one on the first and fifteenth day of each month.

I know what He Er's plan is. He wants to show off his 'divine light and power' from time to time, so that the villagers will be more convinced and obey his requirements honestly. They will not go out and wander around or ask questions suspiciously. , let alone go up the mountain casually. This makes it easier for him to steal jade.

Originally, I planned to take advantage of the crowded temple fair and squeeze in the crowd.

However, the bald man Yu Laoba had already filed a complaint secretly. He Er had been on guard for a long time, and this trick of blending into the crowd was useless.

Therefore, we set off early and lurked in the bushes next to Xiantong Temple early!

There is no one around, and the ground is full of trees and grass.

After we prepared everything according to the plan, it seemed a little boring.

Just when Li Mazi and the others couldn't bear the loneliness, they saw a figure sneaking over from a distance.

This guy was skinny, wearing designer clothes and carrying a black leather bag under his arm.

According to what I heard from Wei Ergao, this guy is probably He Er.

He walked very carefully and looked back, as if he was afraid of being discovered. After walking into the temple, he stretched out his head and looked around, then dragged something and walked out of the temple.

It's actually a person! The limbs were dry and hard, almost like a piece of hard wood. They had been dead for a long time.

Getting closer, I finally saw it clearly.

It’s Yu Laoba!

It seems that He Er became suspicious of Lao Ba and was deeply afraid that this guy would take advantage of him and reveal his secrets, so he lied to him and told him to come to the mountain to withdraw money yesterday and find an opportunity to kill him.

This guy is really cruel!

However, today is a temple fair, and the villagers will gather soon. Why is he dragging the body out at this time?

I was wondering to myself when I saw He Er throw down the body, go back to the temple, take out something, and pour it on Yu Laoba's body.

The corpse immediately turned black, and then a puff of white smoke emitted and dispersed in the wind.

The smell must be very unpleasant. He waved his hand to fan the air, looked at the body again, showed a mocking sneer, turned around and walked back.

After a while, when He came out again, He Er had changed his clothes.

Wearing a blue-grey Buddhist robe, his shiny hair was combed, he wore an eight-treasure gold crown, and held a wide wooden sign more than one meter long in his hand, making him look like a boy. Stand solemnly in front of the temple.

After a while, there was a dense and chaotic sound of footsteps coming from the bottom of the mountain.

Looking through the trees, I saw the villagers from Shaoshan Village rushing over.

Some of them were holding children, some were supporting old people, and some were even carrying old people with gray hair and skinny bodies on their backs - no one from the whole village was left behind.

Everyone stood in a large, dark area on the slightly lower flat ground in front of the temple.

Everyone saw the corpse displayed prominently in front of the temple, with a look of horror on their faces.

However, no one dared to speak, not even the cry of the child could be heard.

"In front of the Fairy Tong Temple, all living beings kneel down!" He Er cleared his throat and shouted loudly.

Following this sound, the whole village knelt down in unison, everyone was so pious that they didn't even dare to raise their heads.

"The fairy boy has arrived, and blessings will shine!" He Er shouted seriously.

Strangely enough, as he shouted, a red light suddenly emitted from the temple.

The sound spread instantly, and the entire temple was illuminated with red light, which was really dazzling!

I noticed that at the same time, He Er's hand hidden in his sleeve moved slightly. There was no doubt that this red light was controlled by him!

But this guy has no cultivation at all, so what kind of trick is this?

"The soul boy showed up and taught the immortal words!" He Er said and shook his arm secretly.

With a snap, the red light on the temple platform suddenly brightened, and a black shadow jumped out from inside.

He looked like a child, all black and shiny, as if someone had stuck a bucket of asphalt from head to toe.

It jumped out of the temple and stood in front of He Er.

He Er walked up to the villagers, knelt down in front of the shadow child in a polite manner, and then shouted loudly: "The Fairy Boy is supreme, we are waiting to kowtow!"

"Kowtow once, kowtow twice..."

As he shouted loudly, all the villagers kowtowed obediently.

Even the ignorant little baby had his head pressed down by his parents.

After kowtowing and saluting, the black shadow shone brighter and brighter, and He Er suddenly began to tremble as if he had been electrocuted.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up in a flash, faced the villagers, glanced majestically and said: "Raise your head."

At this time, his voice suddenly changed.

He looks like a seven or eight-year-old child, young and crisp.

The villagers quickly raised their heads, but did not dare to get up. They knelt on the ground with awe and piety on their faces.

He Er pointed at Yu Laoba's body and said in a suddenly cold voice: "This person has evil thoughts and is bewitched by demons. He wants to steal the treasure land and destroy my practice. I have already killed him. I hope you can This is a warning! Don’t offend the immortal power, and you will be punished by being killed!”

All the villagers were too frightened to say anything.

Several children who were about to cry were quickly covered by their parents.

"Where is Gao Bao?" He Er asked coldly.

"Here, here..." The wilted Lao Gao, who was kneeling in the crowd, was a little confused about the situation and raised his hand slightly.

"You secretly told outsiders about miracles and celestial phenomena, and leaked the good fortune boy's dojo. What crime should you do?"

The old Gao withered was confused when he heard this. He was so frightened that he babbled all over and kowtowed repeatedly: "I am blessed by Fairy Tong. I am so grateful that I can't report it. I just want to pass on the name of Fairy Tong..." He still wanted to defend himself. What, but was pulled by his son.

The old man was stunned for a moment, then quickly kowtowed and begged for mercy: "I am guilty, I am guilty, I will never dare to do it again, I will never dare to do it again..."

"It is inevitable that you will be punished by death, but because of your good intentions and sincerity, I will not pursue the punishment! However, starting from next month, I will exempt your family from paying for half a year as a warning to others. Are you willing?"

"This..." Old Man Gao was stunned for a moment, and his son quickly pushed him again.

Lao Gao replied with some heartache: "Yes, yes."

He Er nodded with satisfaction.

I know that this guy didn't spare the old man out of kindness, but he had no way to punish him in public. He only knew that the old man cherished money, so he used the method of deducting money and giving him a small punishment to prevent others from doing so. Talk nonsense to outsiders again.

"Where is Xie Kangnian?" He Er shouted again.

"Here..." An old man with gray spots on his face in the crowd raised his hand slightly.

"Your daughter Ying'er has served me very well. Starting from this month, your family's salary will be increased to two thousand. Are you satisfied?"

"Great Immortal, I, we miss Er Yatou so much. We really want to see her." The old man hesitated, and the old lady kneeling next to him also wiped the corners of her eyes.

He Er paused and said: "I have given her the Immortal Code and she is currently practicing in the Taoist temple. If she gives up halfway, she will be doomed! You don't have to worry about it. It is expected that she will be successful in her cultivation soon, and then she can also Ranked among the Immortal Class! This is something ordinary people can only hope for, aren't you satisfied?"

There was already a bit of anger in those words.

"Great Immortal...we are..." The old lady couldn't help but wanted to say something else.

His wife quickly pulled her sleeves and whispered back: "Yes, yes."

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