Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,759 Namo the Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva


He Ercao spoke in a childish voice, nodded slightly happily and said: "From next month, except for Gao Bao's family, each household will add one hundred more. As long as you sincerely respect me, you will be blessed!"

As soon as these words came out, except for the Gao Xie family, all the other villagers beamed with joy, and there was a little more admiration in their faces.

Seeing that He Er's drama was about to come to a successful conclusion, I made a gesture to Li Mazi, who was a little further away from me.

Li Mazi nodded and tore into pieces the charm I gave him.

boom! A colorful light suddenly exploded in the dark night.

The color is bright and colorful, turning into a huge lotus soaring far in the air.

This is not a fleeting firecracker, but a mysterious talisman.

It's almost like hypnosis. Once you hear the sound, the person who is tricked is already in an illusion - the lotus seems to be born from the sky, like an auspicious cloud.

At this time, the whole village was shocked, and even He Er was a little at a loss.

However, this guy reacted quickly and immediately said: "This is the lotus flower of good fortune. I wish you sincere respect for me, so I will bless you specially. If you receive the blessing of this lotus flower, you will be immune to all diseases! If Anyone who shows disrespect will be punished by God."

When they saw the miracle reappearing, everyone was surprised and kowtowed again and again.

"Are you ready?" I asked Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia beside me in a low voice.

Yin Xinyue was fine, and Teacher Xia nodded slightly nervously.

"Don't be afraid. As Mazi and I are here, you can just pretend to be acting out a play with Xinyue." I said and put an invisibility charm on both of them.


The lotus hanging in the sky suddenly bloomed, releasing thousands of rays of light, which were particularly dazzling under the misty night.

He Er was still a little uneasy at first, looking around. But now he is becoming more and more proud, and may still be thinking, this is really God’s will! This lotus flower that floated from nowhere just happened to help him perform this play. The villagers must believe in me now, right?

But at this moment, the lotus flower suddenly turned into a colorful light and shadow, falling from the sky, and suddenly turned into two figures.

The invisibility charm could only last for a few minutes when used on others, but it was enough for the two of them to walk out of the bushes and stand in front of everyone.

As soon as Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia appeared, all the villagers kneeling on the ground were stunned!

Teacher Xia is wearing a colorful dress with colorful ribbons hanging all over her body.

Yin Xinyue is wearing a white dress and holding a willow porcelain vase in her hand.

The two of them looked majestic, their heads illuminated by golden shadows, and their feet stepped on the light of clouds.

Isn't this Guanyin Bodhisattva?

No one needs to say it! They all fell to the ground and kowtowed.

He Er was also dumbfounded!

I'm just a fake good-luck boy, okay? Why did he really attract Guanyin Bodhisattva?

Everyone knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly. He Er was shocked on the spot and couldn't even move. He looked at Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia who were approaching each other in shock.

"Huh?" Yin Xinyue glanced at him, showing a hint of anger.

This guy had something on his mind, so he felt a little weak at this sight, and his legs went weak and he quickly knelt down.

Regardless of whether the Bodhisattva is real or fake, aren't you pretending to be a good and wealthy boy? Why don't you kneel down when you see the Bodhisattva?

Aren’t you deceiving people with miracles? Then I'll give you a more amazing one!

There was just one day left before the temple fair, so we split up to make full preparations.

The dresses and clothes they wore were leftover from Aunt Zhang's daughter-in-law at home. They were just wrapped and sewn with white silk ribbons to create some very exaggerated shapes.

The simple thing is that Yin Xinyue has been with the crew all year round. Although the sewing is not perfect, it is generally not bad. Especially at night, with the addition of my illusion spell, it is just like a Bodhisattva descending to earth! At least, it's much better than He Er's set.

"Welcome to the Namo Great Compassion Guanyin Bodhisattva." Seeing the two people approaching, He Er hurriedly said in a trembling voice.

Yin Xinyue walked a few more steps, stopped about two meters away from him and shouted sternly: "Do you know your guilt?"

He Er hesitated for a moment, and then replied in a childlike voice: "I...ah, no...Tong'er doesn't know."

"Bold evil man! You still persist in your stubbornness." Yin Xinyue raised her eyebrows and said: "How dare you pretend to be a fairy boy, deceive many people, commit lewdness, kill people, and steal money! How can I allow you to steal and destroy the fairy? name."

He Eryi was so frightened that he fell to the ground, not even daring to raise his head, and his whole body was shaking.

The villagers below were a little strange when they heard this.

"Bodhisattva, calm down." Teacher Xia said: "Although these evil people have violated the name of the immortal, why bother Bodhisattva? Just leave the land to the mountain god here." He said with a false finger and said: "Where is the mountain god!"

"Here again, little god!"

Li Mazi, who had his invisibility talisman removed, gave a fierce shout and appeared in front of everyone.

This guy's style was designed by himself. When he was hiding and changing clothes just now, he also hid secretly to the side to prevent us from seeing it, saying he wanted to give us a surprise.

His hair is messy, his face is dark, and he got two goat horns tied to his head from somewhere. He has two big bare feet, and is covered with an ancient Greek-style red cloth robe - in fact, he is just an ordinary person. The big red cloth was wrapped so casually without any seams, but it looked very free and easy.

He was carrying an extra-large three-pronged iron fork, which was covered with red paint, like blood!

Not to mention, anyone who suddenly encounters this look at night will definitely be shocked.

What's more, at his repeated request, I added some special effects to his appearance. The red light and black mist really looked like he had just emerged from the ground.

Li Mazi walked forward, knelt down on one leg in an orderly manner, cupped his hands and said, "The Bodhisattva has called the little god to tell you what he wants."

"Why don't you investigate these evil people who are doing such evil?"

"The little god knows his mistake, but the Bodhisattva doesn't know something. The little god has little magic power and has been relying on jade stones in the mountains to repair his aura. But this man brought in a large number of machines every day to dig day and night, and all the jade stones have been dug out. Now, my cultivation level has been seriously injured, how can I still catch him! Fortunately, the Bodhisattva arrived and could get rid of this disaster."

When they heard that there was jade in the mountains, the villagers were even more surprised. They all raised their heads and looked towards He Er.

"I order you to send him to the underworld as soon as possible. He will not be reincarnated forever, and he will have to endure all kinds of suffering every day." Yin Xinyue said with a stern face.

"Okay, I'll send him down right now. He'll be skinned alive every day in the frying pan... uh..." Li Mazi paused, as if he had forgotten his words, but it didn't matter. With his eyes widened, he rushed forward, stepped on the back of He Er's neck with one foot, and grabbed his hair with the other hand and pressed it hard to the ground.

"Oh my god!" He Er couldn't bear the pain and shouted. This time it’s his true voice.

At the same time, his struggling hands suddenly moved.

call! The shadow child standing next to him suddenly turned around and rushed towards Yin Xinyue.

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