Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,760 Yin Boy

Since this guy can come up with such a trick to deceive the villagers, he is certainly not a fool.

He even dared to pretend to be a good-luck boy, so naturally he didn't really believe in the Bodhisattva's incarnation.

I was just temporarily frightened by what we did. After calming down for a while and thinking about it, and then hearing us direct the conversation to the jade in the back mountain, I might have guessed right away that we were pretending! It's just that I haven't figured out how to deal with us yet.

After all, he pretended to be a good-luck boy and really wanted to angrily beat Guanyin in front of him. How could he perform this drama? How can you justify yourself?

However, we don’t plan to leave him any more time to think!

The reason why he controlled the black shadow and rushed towards Yin Xinyue may be because he felt that women are more timid and easier to deal with. As long as this so-called Guanyin is subdued, our play will naturally fail! When the time comes, he can convince the villagers to attack us and just justify himself.

But what he never expected was that among these people, Yin Xinyue's acting skills were the most sophisticated, and her calmness in adapting to situations was much better than Li Mazi's. And the white porcelain bottle in her hand was not just ordinary water, it was soul-cleansing water specially used to deal with this black shadow!

Seeing the shadow child rushing over with a roar, Yin Xinyue followed my instructions in advance, pulled out the willow branches, and poured out a bottle of soul-cleansing water.

Stab! A puff of white smoke rose from the black shadow.

The black shadow suffered severe pain, screamed and retreated, turning around to escape.

But it's too late!

Although I didn't know what He Er relied on before coming here, but judging from the fact that he pretended to be a fairy boy, he probably didn't have much ability. The so-called fairy boy was probably a Yin boy.

Yin Tongzi is made from a recently deceased child and is the most common soul refining technique.

Because the child is mentally retarded, the soul is easy to control, and the Yang soul is not strong, so it is not difficult to refine it.

Of course, Yin Tongzi's power is also very limited, and he can be completely subdued with just soul-cleansing water.

As soon as the soul-cleansing water fell on the body, big holes were immediately burned out.

With a bang, the soul shattered and turned into a wisp of smoke, flying straight to the back mountain.

This is what I've been waiting for!

According to the advance plan, the three of them are enough to handle this scene at this time. My mission is to eradicate Yin Tongzi!

I held the shovel in one hand and chased the remaining smoke.

There is a road built on the back of the mountain, and at the end is a large dark hole. It seems that this is the entrance where He Er secretly dug out jade.

Maybe it's because there is some kind of temple fair going on today, so there are no people or machinery to do the work.

From a distance, the hole looks like a mouth.

A big, dark mouth that seemed to want to say something, but also seemed to want to swallow something.

The smoke flew all the way, went straight under a big locust tree and disappeared. It seemed that this was where it was!

I swung the shovel and didn't dig very deep when I touched a bluestone slab. When I opened it, I saw a little boy lying in the shallow pit underneath.

The facial features of the whole body were intact, and even the skin was not damaged, but the whole body was black, as if he had been poisoned and died.

The child's eyes were wrapped with a red cloth, and a peach wood nail was hammered into his belly button!

"Damn it!" When I saw this, I couldn't help but curse in secret.

What kind of bastard is so cruel!

This Yin boy was not made after death, but his eyes were gouged out, his mouth and nose were blocked, and he was cooked to death before he was alive! Let the resentment turn into evil spirits, and then use peach wood nails to gather on the corpse.

The Yin Tongzi refined in this way has a very short-term effect and can be used after three days.

It seems that He Er was so ruthless in order to monopolize a mountain of jade!

I took the child's body out of the shallow pit, recited the Tao Te Ching silently twice, then offered the talisman and threw it on him.

A red-yellow Yangming fire rose up.

The child's body gradually turned into a piece of white bones, and a black smoke floated up. In the void, a six or seven-year-old child bowed deeply to me and dispersed with the wind.

The last image was of the child with big shining eyes and a childish and innocent smile on my face.

I stayed for a while, collected the bones, and buried them deeply in the soil.

After thinking about it, he cut off another willow root and planted it in front of the grave.

When we returned to the small temple again, we could hear the roar of people far away.

Several villagers grabbed He Erhe and asked him what he was talking about. The guy was kneeling on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He no longer had the majesty he had just before.

Li Mazi was holding a steel fork in one hand and talking to the villagers in a arrogant manner.

Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia comforted the Xie family while wiping their eyes.

I stood in the distance and smoked a cigarette, staring blankly at the scene in front of me, not knowing what I was feeling.

Seeing the villagers kowtow to the three of them with great gratitude, and then press He Er to disperse, they walked over.

Li Mazi was still talking with interest: "His grandma's! Only now do I realize that being a good person is so damn satisfying!"

Yin Xinyue and Teacher Xia's eyes were still a little red. They said that He Er was all beaten after being brutally beaten.

A long time ago, when he was wandering in the mountains, he threw a stone to play with. The stone broke into pieces, and the green inside was very beautiful.

Although this guy didn't have much money, he was not stupid and immediately thought that this might be a good thing.

When I took it out for identification, it turned out to be jade!

After selling for a sum of money, he returned to the mountains, secretly thinking that it would be nice to find another piece.

Unexpectedly, after searching around, he discovered a secret - there was a jade mine hidden in the mountains!

But the mountain is close to the small village, and I found that jade is also everyone's property. How can I just take it for myself?

There was originally a legend about the Good Fortune Boy here. It is said that this was where the Good Fortune Boy under the Guanyin Seat manifested himself.

Occasionally, he heard a friend talk about Yin Tongzi, so he searched all the way and finally found this method.

The child he killed was the eldest grandson of Lao Gao.

The child had been lost for a long time. Both the old man and his son knew it, but they did not dare to tell their daughter-in-law. They said that the child's aunt had picked him up and went to kindergarten in the city.

But Gao Dalin's wife kept thinking about her eldest son, which made Gao Dalin feel more and more uncomfortable, and he became taciturn.

He Er had long been attracted to the second daughter of the Xie family, but she didn't like him, so he used the name of a fairy boy to trick Xie Ying away.

That night, he used poison to defile Yingzi.

After Yingzi woke up, He Er showed his loyalty and told the whole story in order to comfort her.

Yingzi refused to obey, and said that he would tell everyone about it, and then ran away from the door while he was not prepared.

When the two struggled, Yingzi's head hit the corner and died on the spot.

So, this guy pretended again and gave the Xie family more money to compensate.

He also killed the two brothers of the Yu family - they thought there was something fishy about this, so they went up the mountain in the middle of the night and happened to see him transporting jade outside. They started yelling and swearing on the spot, and He Er killed them both with Yin Tongzi.

But unexpectedly, this scene was discovered by Yu Datou, who had just returned from going out to fool around.

This guy was a little smarter than the Yu brothers. He didn't show up immediately, but followed He Er who was carrying the body to the village. It wasn't until he entered the village and saw He Er putting down the body and leaving that he showed his face. However, he said he was willing to work as an undercover agent for He Er and asked him for information in the village.

At first, he got some small money, but in the end he died in the hands of He Er because of his greed.

As for He Er's final fate, let's leave it to these villagers.

The night became darker and darker, and after walking far away from Shaoshan Village, a few of us turned around and took another look.

On the top of the dark hill, there is a small white temple built, with clear black and white.

But what about good and evil?

He Er is not common, but Guanyin Bodhisattva is not common either!

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