Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,761 The man in the T-shirt replies (more updates)

After leaving Shaoshan Village, our group continued south.

Playing and giving alms, I am extremely happy every day, and my heart is extremely fulfilling.

At ten o'clock at noon that day, we arrived at the dock in Zhejiang.

The blue river is rolling, the sky is as blue as a mirror, the sparkling river water glows with golden light under the sunlight, and the green shore is surrounded by golden sand. The picture is simply beautiful!

Yin Xinyue suddenly became interested, and she insisted on going into the water to play, saying that she wanted to wash her feet, get rid of fatigue, and maybe catch two small fish by the way.

Teacher Xia, who was originally quite quiet and shy, was driven crazy by Yin Xinyue along the way. He immediately agreed with both hands and even ran faster than her.

The two took off their shoes and stepped on the beach, splashing in the water and playing non-stop.

Li Mazi and I looked at each other and smiled silently, leaving it to him.

The two of us were leaning lazily in the woods, smoking, watching them play wantonly, with cool and comfortable breeze blowing around us, and suddenly we felt that gods were nothing more than that!

"Brother, I say we should just call it a day. What a beautiful life we ​​are living."

"Why, you, an old money geek, have made enough?" I laughed.

"That's still enough? Who thinks there's too much money?" Li Mazi replied: "But it's not like back then, when I worked so hard for a few dollars! From now on, we will also pick up jobs, and it will be relaxed, happy and hassle-free. Of course we can't let go of jobs that are not dangerous; if they are dangerous, or hard and tiring, we will let others do it."

"Isn't that breaking the rules?" I asked.

"What kind of bad rule is that? It's the same when we transfer it to others. The rule in the industry is that you can't refuse someone who comes to your door, but it doesn't say you have to do it yourself, right? Just like what happened in the Dog Village this time, isn't it just high-end? Is it a big job? He can push it out, and so can we." Li Mazi defended.

"You have become more famous now, and you are getting more and more jobs. Even if you want to finish them all by yourself, you may not be too busy? Besides, you have to leave something to eat for other colleagues, which is terrible It’s not a one-man business, and it’s not good if you’re jealous.”

"Hey, Mazi, you haven't been busy with your lower body recently, and your mind hasn't been idle either." I blew out a puff of smoke and chuckled.

Li Mazi glanced at me sideways and said: "Although I don't have the ability to catch ghosts and eliminate monsters now, after all, I have been in the business of ghost merchants for so many years, and I am already an old man in the world. I can't see this. Qing, you underestimate me too much! Seriously, let’s study it when we get back. Push what should be pushed and what should be changed hands, so you don’t have to open a store every day.”

"Ask those patrons to go to Boss Bai if they have something to do. If he can't handle it, or if it can't be transferred, you can deal with it. If there is no business, you don't have to go. Or on the first, fifteenth, or two days of every month, just deal with it. . When I have nothing to do, I usually go for a walk with Yin Xinyue and travel around the world. How nice is this?"

"Are you planning to retire early?" I looked at him curiously.

"Shit, do you understand this is the interest in life? I don't believe that all the evil dealers are as stupid as you. They only think about doing good deeds and accumulating bad virtues all day long. How can there be so much bullshit justice? Yes, you don’t have to let us do it, right?" Li Mazi said.

"I think the virtues we have accumulated over the years are enough. Even if we go to the underworld, we will definitely not suffer. Maybe the King of Hell will open the little book and look, oh! You two have completed your good deeds and will be emperors in your next life. Go! Live a long life, and each of you will have thousands of wives! All of them will be as beautiful as flowers."

I turned around and looked at him and said, "Do you believe I told Teacher Xia this?"

Li Mazi glared at me and said, "Aren't we just joking? Even if it's true, I still have to make Xia Qin the royal empress."

"It seems that Teacher Xia's educational achievements are not very good. She has not trained you well for so long. I have to ask her to make up for you." After saying that, I stood up.

"Hey! I'm joking, don't kill me." Li Mazi hurriedly got up, but when he saw me, he turned around and walked in the other direction, turned over and lay down again, muttering obscenely : "It's fun to make up classes, but I'm a little tired."

Of course I wasn't that bored and went to Teacher Xia to complain. I just didn't want to listen to Li Mazi anymore.

In fact, I also had the same idea as him at this moment.

From now on, take some time off, or simply retire and live a relaxed life.

But what about the heavy responsibility on my shoulders? Who should complete my mission?

One day, what face do I have to see my grandfather and even all the heroes lying under the cemetery?

If nothing else, this feeling of guilt is enough to make me regret it for the rest of my life!

No matter where you go, you can't escape, and you won't forgive yourself no matter what.

At least, I have to destroy Longquan Villa, get rid of Long Qingqiu, and complete the important mission entrusted to me by my grandfather and Bafang Mingdong before I can consider retirement.

After leaving Li Mazi, I walked along the river with a cigarette in my mouth and unconsciously took out my mobile phone to send a message to the first grade of junior high school.

"Okay?" There are only two simple words, but there are so many longings in them.

There has been no news from the first grade of junior high school for a long time. What has he been busy with recently? Nothing will happen, right?

Will not! With his ability, nothing unexpected would happen.

I have asked myself this question more than 11 million times, and then rejected it one more time.

But there has been no news from him! My worries became more and more serious.


At this moment, a text message rang on the phone.

I picked it up and saw that it was from the first year of junior high school!

"Fortunately, I will go find you in a month."

Fortunately, I finally received a reply from the first day of junior high school with news!

As long as you have the news, there is no need to ask more.

As for where he is now and what he is doing, I don't need to ask. He will tell me when necessary.

Come to me a month later, what's the deal?

After getting the news about the first grade of junior high school, I couldn't help but be ecstatic. I felt like I had nowhere to vent my strength. I picked up a stone and threw it out like a child.


The stone flew more than ten meters away, threw out a large arc, and fell straight to the river.

I was very satisfied with my shooting range, so I picked up another piece casually, rounded my arms and was about to throw it out, when I saw a figure half floating on the water where the stone I just dropped fell!

This man covered his head with one hand, glanced at the river, pointed at me from a distance, shouted something, and then swam towards me quickly.

Uh... Did I hit someone?

Is it such a coincidence? There is a row of black lines on my forehead, so I might as well wait for someone to swim over and make amends.

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