Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,762 Caobang

The man swam very fast and was close in a blink of an eye.

He rushed over angrily, punching me without saying a word!

This punch was extremely strong. If the punch hit him squarely, the nosebleed would be minor, but it might knock the person unconscious directly.

I'm a little unhappy about this!

My stone hit you, it was my fault. I can accept it if you ask me to apologize or pay some money, but why do you just hit me without saying anything? And you hit me so hard. If I were an ordinary person, wouldn't I be beaten to death by you?

Thinking of this, I quickly took a step back and easily avoided it.

But this guy turned around, straightened his waist, and swung his other arm towards my chest.

This time it's faster! It was too late for me to step back.

I quickly pushed his fist away with the palm of my hand. Although I used my skill, the shock still made my palm go numb!

Oops! This guy has so much strength.

Just when I was shocked, the guy twisted his body slightly, and with the momentum just now, his left leg was like a whip, and he swept straight towards my neck.

I just pushed away that palm, but my center of gravity had already shifted. This kick was running towards my supporting surface. I had no time to avoid it! Moreover, this guy's legs are very powerful. If I were to block this attack, my arm bones would be broken.

I didn't have time to think about it, so I hurriedly leaned back and used the iron bridge move, and then rolled back and hid far away.

"This big brother." As soon as I landed on the ground, I shouted: "That's almost enough. If you hit me again, you'll have to fight back!"

"Then let's have a fight!" the guy replied blankly, and charged forward again with his teeth and claws bared.

Although I sound tough, I still feel a little guilty.

This guy's punches, wind and leg strength were extremely ferocious, and I didn't even dare to fight him head-on. His speed was so fast that it was hard for me to even change his moves to dodge, let alone fight back.

Moreover, this guy's moves are both cruel and fast, with no false moves at all. They all use the shortest distance to attack your whole body's vital points!

What’s even more puzzling is that he just swam ashore without taking a breath!

If this really breaks out, I will definitely suffer!

Of course, this is on the premise that I don't borrow invisible needles, charms and other onmyoji.

This guy rushed in front of me and punched me in the head. I took a step back to avoid it, and he roared and punched me again...

Hey, aren't these the two moves just now?

After I was on guard, I secretly mobilized my spiritual power, and sure enough, another flying leg flew towards my neck.

This time, I wasn't as embarrassed as before, and I grabbed at his lower abdomen at a faster speed.

But this guy didn't block or protect me, and punched me in the head again. It was the first move just now!

Now I finally understand!

This guy was hitting him back and forth, seemingly extremely ferocious, but he turned out to be such a three-handed axe.

Once you figure out his routine, it will be easier to handle.

After a few back and forths, not only did I no longer dodge, but I struck out again and again, and he couldn't even touch my clothes.

However, this guy was as hard as steel, and a few punches on him had no obvious effect. Of course, I took care of myself and didn’t use my spiritual power to hit him.

"No fight, no fight!" As he was beating, the guy suddenly stopped and shouted: "It's boring, you are more cunning than a fox."

I was so engrossed in the intense fight just now that I didn't notice my surroundings.

Only then did I realize that a large circle of people had gathered around me, all of them dressed exactly like the man, wearing white headscarves and black short coats.

It seems that they are all in the same group.

However, they had no intention of helping each other, and stood at a distance with their arms folded, watching with interest.

"Hahaha! Even the three barbarians have their moments of failure." An old man with a white beard in the crowd laughed.

He is said to be an old man because his face is covered with wrinkles and the short, needle-like beard on his chin has turned white.

But if you cover his face and just look at the bronzed muscles, no one will believe that he is an old man. His muscles are simply stronger than those of young people, which is enough to make those nymphomaniac girls who are obsessed with muscular men look at him. Shine!

The old man's whole body shone brightly in the sun, his upper body and feet were bare, and he was wearing wide-leg pants. His image was both tough and free, much like the old leader of a gang in ancient times.

The old man took two steps forward, walked up to me and clasped his fists, saying, "I'm here to help Zhang Jianyu!"


What a gangster! In this day and age, such characters are too rare.

I was stunned for a moment and had to return the greeting: "Zhang Jiulin."

The old man was a little surprised to see that I only gave my name but not my family name, but then he smiled and said: "So we both have the surname Zhang, so we are one family, three barbarians!"

With the old man's loud shout, the strong man who was fighting with me lost his arrogance and walked over, like a child who had made a mistake, touching the back of his head.

"This is my nephew Zhang Kangbao. Although his temperament is a bit reckless, he is not a bad person. If I hadn't seen the little brother throw it so far just now, he wouldn't have attacked you. If you have offended me, please Please forgive me." After saying this, the old man cupped his hands and said to the man: "You still won't apologize?"

The man rolled his eyes and said a little unconvinced: "Second uncle, I didn't hit him again. He first hit me with a stone and then punched me several times. What should I apologize for?"

As soon as he said this, everyone around him burst into laughter.

I also quickly said: "This brother is right. It is indeed my fault. I hit him first..."

"As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. This is also fate! Come and have a drink." The old man waved his hand boldly and sat down on the ground with a big smile.

Before I could resist, someone handed me the wine jar.

It turned out that those people standing in the outer circle were holding wine jars and some river side dishes in their hands, and were preparing to go ashore to drink.

This time I don’t even have to choose a place, it’s right here.

The old man took the wine jar and opened it without letting me go. He just took a sip from his pocket and then handed it to me and said, "Please!"

This action may seem rude, but it is actually the greatest courtesy!

The Cao Gang originated in the Qing Dynasty and was a gang responsible for transporting food and goods on the Yangtze River. They lived on the water all year round and had moisture on their bodies, so they could only rely on drinking every day to warm up. If they could share wine with others, they would be on the same boat. The friendship that only brothers can have.

Moreover, they live on a boat, the space is cramped, and they don’t pay much attention to it. It’s nonsense that you have a cup and I have a cup, pouring a small flask and drinking slowly. The most common way to drink it is to open the jar like this and take a sip!

There is another saying for his way of toasting, it is called one bite!

When you drink this wine, you become a brother, a friend, someone who shares weal and woe.

If you don't drink, then you are treating me as an outsider, and don't say anything else. We break up, you go on your Yangguan Road, and I'll go on my Naihe Bridge!

Separate friend from foe in one breath! It's so straightforward, it's so simple.

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