Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1764: Sacrificing pig heads and sprinkling glutinous rice

"I am Zhang Jiulin, a native of Wuhan, who has opened a shop and is a small businessman of femininity." I smiled modestly.

"Zhang Jiulin...Wuhan." The old man muttered twice and suddenly asked me: "Who is Zhang Yaoyang?"

"It's our ancestor." I replied.

"Is Zun Zu still okay?"

"Sorry to ask, he has been dead for many years."

"The ancestor once said that the water can be used to save the Yin Sutra..."

"I find it fishy!"

"Hahahaha." The old man was stunned, and then laughed: "He is indeed a descendant of Zhang Yaoyang! I also wanted to learn this skill back then, so I asked a fortune teller to borrow a spell book to read. However, absolutely Most of them didn't understand what it meant. Just at this time, your grandfather boarded the boat and was a little drunk. When I asked about this sentence, your grandfather threw a fish and muttered casually, "I don't like fish." ’, and then we both laughed so hard!”

"I didn't expect to meet his grandson again after so many years. But, alas!" The old man seemed to remember the brief friendship with his grandfather back then, and he couldn't help but sigh again and took a sip of wine.

"To measure the yin menstruation without water, I find it fishy." These two sentences were recorded in my grandfather's notes. Like many inexplicable words, I still can't figure out their original meaning. Unexpectedly, this is what it means!

He may have just jotted it down at the time, nostalgic for that period of time.

But I didn't expect that I would meet the old leader of the year.

It’s just that grandpa is no longer there!

I stretched out my hand to take the wine jar from the old man's hand. Regardless of the pungency, I took a sip and said, "Old man, according to the rules, Caobang fortune tellers help each other, and there is no debt between the two. Since you have met Li Gui, and you have been I bumped into you, so of course I have to take action. What’s more, you and my grandfather are still old friends, and I can’t shirk this matter. Tell me what’s going on.”

The old man wiped his stubble and said, "It happened last month..."

It turns out that at the beginning of last month, the old man took the last group of Caobang disciples and sailed south.

The whole journey was uneventful, nothing happened.

Seeing that we were about to reach our destination, we just turned a corner this day, but the boat in the lead couldn't move any further. It didn't work to add some strong men. No matter how hard I tried to hold the pole and steer, I just couldn't move!

The old man has been sailing all his life, so he naturally knows that he must have encountered a water ghost.

Over the years, the old man has also taught himself a lot of fortune telling skills, and ordinary water ghosts and monsters can't trouble him.

Immediately ordered the young men to return the boat first.

Then he sent a small boat to the river bank to buy pork, liquor, glutinous rice and other items.

He followed the old method, first sacrificing the pig's head and pouring strong wine on it. Then they chanted incantations around the wooden boat, sprinkled glutinous rice, and finally threw down a bunch of copper coins.

Wine and meat are sacrificed to the souls of the dead, glutinous rice is used to ward off evil spirits, and copper coins are used to buy wisdom.

It stands to reason that the water ghost should retreat - in the past, he has solved many incidents where the water ghost got in trouble using this method.

But this time it didn’t work, and it couldn’t move no matter what!

They couldn't move, but they saw oil and gas ships passing by one after another without any obstruction.

This time the old man was even more surprised. It is said that such a powerful Li Gui doesn't care what kind of ship you are!

He had seen countless times with his own eyes, relying on the strength of the ship, the modern ship that ventured into the land of water ghosts had no problem, and even a lot of people died.

But what happened to Li Gui? Why do you bully the small and be afraid of the big?

So, the old man thought about it.

When another large ship passed by, he ordered people to row the boats and follow closely behind the large ship.

But strange things still happened.

The big ship was safe, but their ship couldn't get through either.

Not only did this moment not pass, but it was pushed back dozens of meters.

The young man on the boat said that they broke several oars and could not stop. It was as if... something was pulling me back hard.

However, this Li Gui was very powerful, but it did not hurt anyone. It was completely different from the water ghosts we encountered before, which easily caused damage to ships and casualties.

"Then what?" I asked, "You just quit like this?"

"No, we were still unwilling at that time..." The old man shook his head and said: "Seeing that we couldn't leave, we had no choice but to pull closer to the shore. While we were eating, someone suddenly said that there was a very big place nearby. We will beg him repeatedly to ask him to come out of the mountain if he is a famous fortune teller."

"It was calm all the way when he got on the boat with us, but there were still more than fifty meters away from the place where the last accident happened. Suddenly, the calm sky was covered with dark clouds, followed by thunderstorms and huge winds and waves! The waves rolled up out of thin air. Two or three meters high, one after another. In such weather, let alone the ghosts ahead, even if there is nothing, we can't leave. We can only retreat temporarily. "

"If I come another day, it will still be the same. Even though the weather forecast says it will be sunny, the whole journey is fine, but something happens every time I get there!"

"Later, there was a new member of the gang on the ship. The young man who didn't understand the rules got anxious and said that the fortune teller was a dead star, and it would be even worse to bring him here. The fortune teller couldn't get angry, so he took out the magic weapon. Throw it in."

"This time the storm stopped, but something more terrifying happened -"

"A huge figure appeared behind our boat. I saw him half floating in the river, grabbing the stern of the boat with both hands and pulling hard backwards."

"More than a dozen people rowed forward desperately, but it was of no use at all. They didn't even slow down by half a minute! They kept dragging us hundreds of meters. The life master also vomited a mouthful of blood and regained his energy while resisting with all his strength. Serious injury."

"When I went to beg him again, he said that Li Gui was too powerful and couldn't handle it with his ability. If Li Gui hadn't been merciful, he would have died on the spot. He asked us to change our route quickly or hire someone else. .”

"But now, where can we find a real fortune teller? In desperation, we just need to unload the cargo and resell it to the big ship at a loss."

"I thought it was just causing trouble in this area, so we could just avoid this section and not go there."

"Who knows... More than ten days later, we met this guy again on another bend."

"Exactly the same situation, not destroying the ship, not hurting anyone, just dragging you and not letting you go."

"Hey! It seems that Caobang, which has been inherited for thousands of years, will be ruined in my hands!" The old man said, and he took another sip of wine helplessly.

I lowered my head and thought for a while and said, "Well, old man, I happen to have nothing to do for the time being. Please take me over and take a look!"

"Then..." The old man stood up in surprise and joy, then shook his head and said: "It is natural for the master to eliminate ghosts. It is destiny, but I can't let you go."

"Oh, why?" I asked a little strangely.

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