Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,765 Zhang Jiulin comes to help

"The fortune teller we were looking for earlier is very famous in the Yulu generation. We have heard of it a long time ago, but we didn't encounter any difficulties and we didn't beg him."

"Even he couldn't do anything about Li Gui, and even lost his life magic weapon. Then you..." The old man looked at me and said: "Little brother, I'm not looking down on your Taoism, but Mr. Yaoyang Brother has already taken the first step, I'm really afraid that you might have another misfortune."

"Old man, don't worry about this. I just went over to take a look, and I will naturally do what I can! You didn't tell me, it seems that Li Gui doesn't want to harm anyone, whether it's the great fortune teller you invited, or you Aren’t all of his disciples dead? Then he doesn’t necessarily want to harm me alone?” I said with a smile.

"I'll go over with you and have a look. It would be best if I can subdue it. If not, I can do it myself, and naturally nothing will happen. Besides, I drank the same wine with you. If you are timid, even If you don’t even dare to go and take a look, won’t you ruin grandpa’s reputation?”

When the old man saw what I said, he nodded and said: "As expected of the Zhang family, this courage and courage are rare in the world! Come! Have a drink!"

The old man grabbed the wine jar, and I also grabbed one and took a sip from each other.

"Brother Zhang." Suddenly, I heard Li Mazi's voice.

Turning around, I saw that it was indeed him.

This guy may have seen that all the Caogang men were shirtless and had bad looks on their faces. Some of them did not dare to come forward and stood outside shouting from a distance.

Seeing me looking towards him, he dared to take two steps forward.

"What are you doing!" The black man who had been fighting with me took a step forward and stopped him.

"I, I...I'm looking for him, he is my friend, my best friend." Li Mazi said timidly, stretched out his fat hand and pointed at me cautiously.

The man grabbed Li Mazi's neck collar and almost lifted him up. He stretched out his head and almost pressed against Li Mazi's fat face and shouted angrily: "Are you worthy?"

Li Mazi's face turned green with fright, and he was afraid of being beaten. He cast a distant look at me as if asking for help. He said weakly: "Really, really, if you don't believe me, just ask?"

"Brother, let him go." I waved at the man, and then said to the old man: "Old man, I still have a few friends over there, let's say goodbye for now. We will meet here tomorrow morning. I I'll go with you to meet the Li Gui!"

"A gentleman's words."

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

The old man and I stretched out our fists at the same time and bumped each other!

Then, the old man and many Caobang disciples stood up and bowed their hands to me.

I cupped my hands around and said "see you later", then stood up and walked towards Li Mazi. As soon as this guy was let go, he quickly ran away to the side.

Seeing me approaching, he said a little aggrievedly: "Hey, little brother, is this wrong? Are you embarrassed of me or what? Why don't you admit that I am your best friend?"

I didn't answer his question, pointed to my face and asked, "Am I blushing?"

"It doesn't matter if you are red or not, you still have a face. I just lost all my face!" Li Mazi scolded angrily.

"I'm not a bad drinker, right? But I just drank five or six gulps in total, and now I'm almost drunk. If I say you are my friend, you will have to be pulled over by them for a drink, and you can't resist. If you use it, you will only be fed more and more, and I won’t be able to save you by then." I explained.

"Do you want to get drunk, sleep for days, be scolded by Teacher Xia, or temporarily lose face in front of strangers? It's easier if you save face. I'll take you back now and let's have a drink together. happy."

"Then... forget it." Li Mazi hesitated and said.

"Who are they? Why do they look so weird?"

"People think you look weird." I pointed to the slim-fitting cropped pants he put on his fat buttocks and straddled diagonally across his chest, making the fat on his left and right breasts look like bumps. Women's small backpack.

Li Mazi glanced at me and said, "You know nothing, this is called a trend!"

"Hey, seriously, who are those people? Why did you just hang out with them? They are all dirty. I can smell a fishy smell even from a distance. If I were allowed to hang out with them, Let's not talk about drinking. I'm afraid I will vomit for a while. I would rather be with chimpanzees than hang out with them!" Li Mazi complained.

"Hey! Don't talk so harshly. We will go with them tomorrow." I said as I walked.

"Ah? With them?" Li Mazi turned to look at the Caobang disciples in the distance in disbelief and said, "What are you going to do with them? Beg for food or fish?"

I replied: "Zhu Shugui, they are from the Cao Gang, and they have a relationship with my grandfather. Now that they are in trouble, I can't ignore them. Besides, I am a ghost dealer, and this is also my responsibility."

"Tsk, tsk, you are so great!" Li Mazi tsked and said, "It seems that my enlightenment was in vain. You didn't take it to your heart at all! You didn't even come to your door, but you took the initiative to take the job yourself. Do it, and it’s just dirty work, so you have to do it yourself, I won’t bear the foreign blame.”

"You really don't want to go? You have thought about it." I smiled slightly.

"I'm definitely not going! I'm not as great as you. I punish evil and promote good, catch ghosts and eliminate monsters. I'm just an ordinary citizen. I just need to eat well, drink well, and live a beautiful life. .Who is going to do that troublesome thing with you? After finally coming out, I still have to accompany Xia Qin... Hey, what is that thing of yours?" Li Mazi, who was just mid-sentence, suddenly saw me taking out my hand. Something came out and was shaking triumphantly at him, and he couldn't help but ask a little guiltily.

"Recording symbols." I said nonchalantly: "I have to let Xia Qin listen to it. The good boy who keeps saying that he only loves him is dreaming of sweet dreams all day long. There are thousands of beauties, all of whom are beautiful. Like flowers.”

When Li Mazi heard this, his expression suddenly changed: "Hey, little brother, isn't this a joke? Don't kill me. Let's discuss this matter again..."

"There's no need to discuss it. Get up obediently tomorrow morning, or you'll have to wait to be dealt with by Xia Qin!" I said, shaking my fart and using the missing soul-summoning talisman to scare Li Mazi.


Suddenly, the spell turned into ashes.

Um? This is……

I suddenly turned my head to look at Li Mazi, and pulled out the invisible needle with one hand!

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