Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,766 Beat you to death, you little goblin

"Brother, what are you doing?" Li Mazi immediately panicked when he saw my sudden change in expression, staring at him with a sullen face, and pulling out the invisible needle. He retreated continuously: "I'm going, it's not okay for me to go, don't..."

"Don't move!" I shouted loudly, then grabbed his hand and pricked his middle finger.

Bo Bo's blood flowed out. The blood was black and exuded an unpleasant fishy smell.

"Am I possessed of evil?" After all, Li Mazi had experienced so many things with me. When he saw this situation, he instantly became alert.

I squeezed out the black blood and said, "It's ghost energy. Fortunately, I discovered it early and the poison wasn't too deep."

Seeing that the blood turned from black to red, Li Mazi was fine, and I felt relieved.

But suddenly, an unknown premonition arose in my heart: "Who did you come into contact with just now?"

"Who? There's no one there." Li Mazi thought for a while and said, "After you left, I lay there for a while and then fell asleep. Just now I felt someone kicking me. When I opened my eyes, I saw it was Xia Qin. She said she had enough fun with Yin Xinyue and it was time to leave. Let me call you. By the way, Oyu also came out, but she seemed to have some trouble and was not very obedient. Yin Xinyue held her hand and said something What, I didn’t hear very clearly..."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier! Take me there quickly." I said urgently.

"Huh? It can't be...they'll be okay!" As soon as Li Mazi saw my expression, he immediately understood that the ghost spirit might be caused by the two of them.

Weiyu is the incarnation of Daji and is the most sensitive to mountain spirits and ghosts, so I placed her next to Yin Xinyue.

Now her injury has not healed and she is resting peacefully. Under normal circumstances, she would never run out on her own.

She must have noticed something!

Not far after Li Mazi took me out, I saw a group of people gathered on the beach in front of me. They all stretched out their necks and raised their feet, looking at it with sly smiles, and commenting from time to time.

Naturally, Li Mazi and I were not interested in watching the excitement. Just when we were about to go around, Oyu's yelling came from the crowd: "Where are you running! I'll beat you to death, you little demon."

Then she heard Yin Xinyue yelling hurriedly: "Stop fighting! Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you?"

Teacher Xia also screamed.

"Mazi, here it is." I hurriedly called to Li Mazi, turned around and rushed into the crowd.

But the crowds of spectators gathered on three levels inside and three outside, and they were all in high spirits. How could they give in?

Li Mazi and I couldn't care less. We ignored the angry looks of others and rushed in through the crowd.

Sure enough, it was Yin Xinyue, Teacher Xia and Oyu who were gathered in the crowd.

But this situation was a bit unexpected. Oyu grabbed Teacher Xia's clothes with one hand and beat him hard.

Teacher Xia screamed and wanted to escape.

Yin Xinyue stood between the two of them and kept trying to persuade them.

The three of them circled around and became a mess.

Teacher Xia's clothes were torn and her hair was messed up. She was very embarrassed.

Although Oudama's body shape is similar to that of a child and her injuries have not yet healed, she is a demon fox after all and has great strength. Yin Xinyue fell to the ground inadvertently, and quickly hugged Weiyu's feet, shouting urgently: "Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you?"

Mazi and I rushed forward and pulled the two of them apart.

Li Mazi took off his coat and put it on Teacher Xia, comforted him a few times, and shouted angrily at Oyu: "What are you going to do?"

Oudama was grabbed by my hand and couldn't move. She still stared at Teacher Xia and said seriously: "She is a fairy!"

"What kind of monster are you? You are a monster yourself, and you are talking about someone else and you don't even recognize Teacher Xia? What are you crazy about?" When Li Mazi saw Teacher Xia being chased and beaten in such an embarrassing state, Li Mazi became furious.

I bent down and helped Yin Xinyue up, and said to several people, "Let's go back first!"

When they saw my serious expression, they knew there might be something wrong here, so they all fell silent.

Teacher Xia glanced at me sideways and couldn't help but shudder.

Seeing that there was nothing exciting to see, the crowd of onlookers dispersed.

The group returned to the hotel where they stayed, and Yin Xinyue and I also entered Li Mazi's room and ordered them to close the doors and windows, draw the curtains, and get a basin of water.

Until then, Li Mazi also noticed the problem and asked nervously: "Brother, what's wrong with Xia Qin?"

Teacher Xia stood aside obediently, his face was pale, he didn't even dare to look at us, and he lowered his head deeply.

"I'll give you a chance to quit on your own! Otherwise, I'll throw you into the eighteenth level of hell, where you won't even be able to become a ghost." I said coldly to Teacher Xia.

Teacher Xia was so frightened that he trembled all over, then raised his head and fell down.

Li Mazi, who was standing aside, hurriedly held him up and asked in fear: "Brother, what's going on?"

I took out a talisman and handed it to Li Mazi and said, "Put it on Xia Qin's forehead. She will be fine after she wakes up." Then I pointed to the basin of clear water on the ground that was slowly turning black and said, "She was trapped by the water." The ghost has invaded her soul, and now Xia Qin is completely unconscious and can’t remember anything at all. Don’t mention it in the future to avoid scaring her.”

"Oh." Li Mazi looked at the basin, nodded repeatedly and carried Teacher Xia into the bedroom.

"Well done!" I patted Oyu's little head and praised.

Oudama is extremely sensitive to the aura of ghosts. If she hadn't discovered it early and ran out, Teacher Xia would have been in danger.

After all this tossing, Weiyu was a little tired, made a face at me, and got back into the ice jade gourd.

I took out a handful of cinnabar and threw it into the basin. The water immediately boiled with blood-red bubbles.

Immediately afterwards, a black mist rose up and gathered into a human shape floating in the air.

Yin Xinyue moved closer to me with some fear and held my hand tightly.

The jet-black human figure looked like a girl, with two big braids, but her facial features were a little blurry.

"Thank you, Master, for not killing me." Black Shadow bowed deeply to me and said, "My name is Qin Amei. When I was crossing the river by boat fifty-five years ago, I encountered an evil person who wanted to do evil. I vowed not to die. From then on, I plunged into the middle of the river. From then on, I became a water ghost in the Yangtze River, but I have never harmed anyone..."

"Have you ever harmed anyone? Then what are you doing?" Li Mazi rushed out of the room angrily.

"I...I've really never harmed anyone..." the female ghost defended in fear.

"She didn't lie." I waved my hand.

Although the yin energy in this ghost is very heavy, it is all made up of resentment. It is extremely pure and has no impurities at all. Moreover, when she inhabited Teacher Xia just now, the soul-stealing method she used was very crude and she had no experience at all.

She has been dead for fifty-five years, but she is still a low-spirited little devil. It is enough to show that she has not harmed others in these years.

"Since you never harm anyone, what's going on?" I asked coldly.

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