Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,768 Cultivating Li Mazi

"Mazi, have you ever thought about it, I can't always be by your side. If there is any special situation, I can't be separated for a while. What should you do?" I said.

"Let alone protecting Xia Qin and Yin Xinyue, how can you do this if you don't even have the ability to defend yourself?"

Li Mazi was a little confused when he heard it, and said in a daze: "What special situation could there be? It wasn't always like this before."

"The past was before, the present is now, who can say for sure what will happen in the future." I said with a sullen face, and my expression became more serious: "Mazi, I'm not joking. From today on, I will carry out all small businesses that are not dangerous. You! But what’s different from before is that you are the one who handles it personally, and I’m just checking it for you. Until you can fully cope with it and stand on your own."

In fact, I have been thinking about this for a long time.

As early as in the mirror maze of Siberia, when I was immersed in hallucinations, I saw the extremely miserable looks of Li Mazi, Yin Xinyue, and Fanfan. Subconsciously I have been worried about their safety.

After I came back, I thought about this issue.

What should they do if they are in danger when I am not around?

Even if I am by your side, what if the situation is special and I have no time to be around?

Fanfan is protected by the Zhang family in Jiangbei, and Yin Xinyue has Weiyu, but what about Li Mazi? Where are Teacher Xia and Li Xiaomeng?

If that day comes, no matter who has an accident, I will not be able to forgive myself, and Li Mazi must also regret it extremely.

Over the years, although we have done more and more good things and helped many people, at the same time, our potential enemies and opponents have become more and more complex!

Leaving aside Longquan Villa, our biggest enemy, there is no guarantee that the villain in any incident will hold a grudge and secretly attack them since they can't deal with me.

Of course, I didn't expect that Mazi's ability would suddenly become so great, that he could even be on par with a master of femininity. But at least you have to be able to deal with some stray cats and dogs, right?

Otherwise, it would be too dangerous and completely unpredictable!

If Li Mazi can concentrate on practicing and improve his skills a little, the safety of the rest of them can be preserved, and he can also help me share some trivial matters.

In the future, if there is any small business that is not dangerous, I can let Mazi handle it alone, and I can calm down and practice.

After all, I now know how heavy the burden is on me!

I really don’t have that much energy anymore!

Li Mazi's expression was very serious when he saw me, and he didn't look like he was joking at all. I couldn't help being frightened, and took two steps back: "Brother, you know that I have no ability. Didn't we all agree on it at the beginning?"

"What if I'm not here today?" I interrupted him and asked coldly: "What if you and Teacher Xia go out for their honeymoon, and another ghost invades her soul and really wants to take her life. I won't give it to you. As soon as I received your call, I flew over right away, and it might be too late. By then it will be too late for you to learn!"

"Mazi, you also know that our industry is very special. All the troubles and dangers are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. If something really happens, even if there are 111,000 people standing around you, you will be unable to do anything, and you may even not be able to even You can’t tell what’s going on. You also know how ferocious and cunning our enemies are. It can also be said that there are dangers lurking around us anytime and anywhere. If that day comes, it will be too late for you to regret it!”

"Compared with before, my abilities have improved a lot, but at the same time, I am also deeply aware of how powerful the enemy I face is, how arduous my mission is, and how heavy my burden is. It’s so heavy. I must always be vigilant and work hard to improve my cultivation, so that I can live up to the great trust and do all this.”

"Did you also see it last time when he was recovering from his injuries in the store on the first day of junior high school? You also know how badly he was injured. If...if something really happened to him, you could do it with just tears and guilt. Can I get it back?" I said.

"Mazi, things are different now. When I took over this small shop from my grandfather, it was just to make money, but now it is different. I can only tell you that I must complete this matter! No matter what the cost! Mazi, just help me."

"Of course, I don't want to force you. If you really don't want to, just pretend that I didn't say anything and continue your happiness." After that, I stood up and walked out the door without looking back.

Li Mazi was shocked by my words and stood motionless on the spot.

After returning to the room, I lay directly on the bed, resting my head on my hands, staring blankly at the ceiling.

I really don't want to force Li Mazi, but the current situation really doesn't allow me to be soft-hearted.

I also yearn for the kind of leisurely and comfortable life that Li Mazi mentioned. I also want to take Yin Xinyue and Fanfan to enjoy their family happily and happily.

But now, I really don’t have much time left!

Before this important mission is completely completed, Zhang Jiulin no longer belongs to me, and I have no right or qualification to enjoy it.

And I really don’t want to see any accidents happen to them due to my involvement.

Mazi, I hope you can understand me!

Yin Xinyue knew that I was worried, so she lay beside me quietly and rested her head on my chest: "Husband, no matter what happens, no matter what choice you make, I will always support you."

Early the next morning, Yin Xinyue packed her bags and booked a return ticket according to my instructions.

I kissed her forehead gently, told her to be careful on the road, turned around and walked out the door.

I walked to Mazi's door, raised my hand and put it down again.

Forget it, this is my own mission, why should I impose it on others?

Who doesn’t yearn for a relaxed and comfortable life? Who doesn’t want to live a stable and happy life?

Mazi has the freedom of his choice, I have no right to drag him into it.

Thinking of this, I turned around and walked out the door, running directly towards the beach where I had made an appointment with the Caobang boss.

The brothers of the Cao Gang had already stood neatly, looking towards this side.

As soon as they saw me appear, everyone showed admiration and held their hands together.

I can see that except for the old boss, everyone else is a little bit happy!

Maybe they thought that the words I dropped yesterday were just polite and would never appear again.

Only the boss, as expected, nodded to me with a smile.

Because he knows that I am Zhang Yaoyang’s grandson, I will keep my word and will definitely come as promised!

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