Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,769 Gu Deng Yu’s Talk

"Please!" The old leader led a group of Cao Gang brothers, led me to the dock, and said with his hands.

I saluted back and walked away.

He stepped on the board of the ship and looked back, but there was still no sign of Li Mazi.

well! Maybe I was too difficult for him.

Mazi may not be suitable for going into the femininity business head-on.

Mazi, don't blame me, I'm doing this for everyone's safety.

Untie the cable and pull up the anchor.

Amid the rolling waves, a row of large wooden boats moved away from the shore one after another.

"Hey! Stop the boat, stop the boat."

"Brother, it's me! Stop, wait for me." The boat was more than twenty meters away from the shore, and suddenly a familiar voice sounded from behind.

I turned around and saw that it was Li Mazi.

This guy was carrying a big baggage and was running out of breath, causing the fat all over his body to tremble.

The three barbarians on the last boat saw that it was Li Mazi again. He raised his long pole and yelled, "What are you doing, you damn Mazi, following us all day long?"

"What do you mean by following you!" Li Mazi ran to the shore, panting from exhaustion, but he was still unforgiving and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and bring the boat over. I'm the Archmage! I don't care. I haven’t boarded the ship yet, what kind of monster are you trying to get rid of?”

"Just you? And the Archmage? It's more like calling you a big idiot." Sanmanzi didn't believe it at all.

"Do you think I'm talking nonsense to you? That guy on the boat is my junior brother. He can't do anything without my guidance. He hugged my thigh last night and begged me for a long time in vain. I just managed to do it. I agreed. If you don't believe me, ask him. Why are you still standing there? Hurry up." Li Mazi started talking nonsense seriously.

"Let him come up!" When I saw that Li Mazi was still in the mood to make jokes, it seemed that he wanted to get over it, at least he didn't have any negative emotions.

As soon as Sanmanzi saw that I had responded, he rowed the boat back and took Li Mazi into the boat.

This guy came to me in a majestic manner and immediately showed his true colors. He took off his big baggage with a bang and complained with a heavy breath: "Brother, why didn't you call me? I've been waiting for a long time and nothing happened. , asked Xinyue that you had just left, and then she chased after her. Hey, who is that? Do you have soy milk, fried dough sticks or anything on the ship? I haven’t had breakfast yet."

Li Mazi said, turning to give instructions to Sanmanzi.

"Why are you still stunned? Hurry up, I can only eat and drink enough before I can..."

There was a bang, and the ship swayed. Li Mazi lost his balance and fell to the ground. The guy lay crookedly on the ground and said, "Well, give me a bed first."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed.

The wooden boat continued along the river. Two days later, Li Mazi finally adjusted well. Not only could he stand on the boat and no longer get seasick, he could even chat with Sanmanzi and the others about the weird business we had encountered before. , talking about each item one by one with embarrassment.

Of course, the protagonist in the incident all became himself.

This guy even gave himself an awesome nickname: "Shock the Three Realms, Suppress the Eight Desolations, Unparalleled Li Dazi!"

He didn't mention it for the time being whether the brothers in the Cao Gang believed it or not, but Li Mazi got very familiar with everyone through this nonsense, especially Sanmanzi, who has now become Li Mazi's most loyal audience, pestering him all day long. : "Master Li, please say one more thing."

At this time, Li Mazi would always stare and say: "What do you mean, say another paragraph? Do you think I am a storyteller? These are all true. I, Master Li, did not get my title for nothing. It’s all in exchange for life.”

"That's right, Master Li is very powerful and unparalleled. Please tell me one more thing and let us learn more about it."

At the unanimous request of everyone, Li Mazi sat cross-legged on the bow of the boat again and started talking decently.

The fleet headed north all the way, traveling very fast day and night.

That night, I was lying in the cabin reading a book by the light of a small oil lamp, when I suddenly felt a cold gaze behind me.

I opened the porthole and saw a dark shadow floating more than twenty meters away from the wooden boat.

The black figure hunched its body, lowered its head slightly, and sat steadily on the water.

Judging from his appearance, he looked like the one-eyed weirdo he met on the train.

Who is this guy? Why are you following me all the way?

And he showed his body to me from time to time, as if to remind me that he was always around.

What is this guy's intention?

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head.

A sparse white head covered half of his face, which was covered with large and small purple-red tumors. One eye was sunken deeply.

Under the pale moonlight, it looks even more ferocious!

"Hey, brother Zhang, you are here..." Li Mazi, who was half asleep, untied his belt and staggered out of the cabin. After a quick look, he was so frightened that he choked back the second half of his words and sat down on the ground with a thud.

The strange man smiled a little apologetically at me, without a single tooth in his mouth, and then disappeared without a trace.

With a snap, a coin suddenly appeared on the water where he was sitting cross-legged just now.

As if someone had just thrown it into the water, the coin slowly sank into the water and fell into the middle of the river.

Is the reason why this guy can float on the water just sitting on this inconspicuous coin?

correct! Every time he appears it seems to be related to metal.

He stole gold and silver silently on the train, borrowed steel pipes to condense into shape in the town, and just now used coins as a boat to float on the water.

"Brother, then... who is that?" Li Mazi asked in a trembling voice, still a little scared.

"Where is there?" I didn't want him to know that there was such a strange man with extremely high cultivation level and unclear whereabouts lurking around us, so I pretended to be confused and said.

"It's just coins. Just now...there was a strange old man sitting there just now. He looked very scary and he was smiling at you." Li Mazi pointed forward, very surprised.

"Who's there? You must be in a trance. I threw the coins around when I was bored." I tried to cover it up by saying, "Hurry up and pee on you, then go back to sleep."

The next few days were quiet, and the weirdo never appeared again, but I could feel that he had not gone far and was always by my side.

A few days later, our group finally arrived at the area where strange things happened.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, the air was also very stuffy, and schools of fish leaped out of the water from time to time.

"Uncle, we can't leave!" Sanmanzi, standing at the bow of the boat, shouted loudly.

In fact, I could see it without him shouting. There were a dozen men on both sides of the boat, half leaning their waists, exerting all their strength, and the pennies in their hands were about to break, but the boat stopped motionless on the water.

Suddenly, there was a click, five or six pennies broke, and several men fell to the ground.

The wooden boat actually went upstream and retreated upstream with incredible force.

The water that was calm just now suddenly became rough and the waves were moving wildly. It was like a shipwreck!

"Master Zhang, you see, it happens like this every time!" the boss said with a stern expression.

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