Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,770 The Territory of the Evil Ghost (Additional update)

"Quick!" I took out a magic talisman and threw it toward the stern of the boat.

boom! There was a bang and a plume of smoke rose from the stern.

The rapidly retreating wooden boat stopped immediately, but it was still floating motionless on the water.

"Broken!" I bit my fingertips, added a few more strokes to the spell, and threw it towards the stern of the boat.


A thunder suddenly sounded, and a dazzling light broke through the dark clouds and slanted down, illuminating the entire river in a white light.

Everyone on the boat was startled and looked at me blankly, thinking that I had the ability to control clouds and make rain.

In fact, this thunder was not caused by me, on the contrary, it was caused by the nameless evil ghost.

The thunder struck the spell without any deviation!

At this point, I finally understood why the great fortune teller they invited before was seriously injured as the boss said.

What he was hit was a magic weapon that cultivated both life and life. Damage to his cultivation was a trivial matter. If the water ghost had even the slightest malice, he might not have survived long ago!

Fortunately, what I just threw was just a charm!

This was also the evil spirit's warning to me, telling me not to meddle in other people's business, otherwise I would be rude.

"Turn around, go back first!" I looked around and said in a deep voice.

This evil ghost is far more sinister than I thought before, and I haven't figured out its details yet. If we insist on force, regardless of whether we can win or not, so many Caobang brothers and Li Mazi will suffer.

When the boss saw this, he quickly made a gesture and ordered the whole team to move backward.

Oddly enough, as soon as the boat moved backwards, the wind and waves subsided immediately, and the dark clouds in the sky dispersed. The scene just now was like a dream.

It seemed extremely dangerous just now, but from beginning to end, only a few boat poles were broken, and no one was even scratched.

After returning to the shore, I asked the boss to prepare a diving suit. I planned to go to the bottom of the river to find out!

According to the female ghost Qin Amei, this canal ghost only appeared in the past month or so, and it only makes trouble in this area.

From this, I thought, might this guy be guarding something? For some special reasons, he could not move the object, so he drove away all the ships that dared to approach.

Although this evil spirit is very fierce, if I were alone, even if I couldn't handle it, I should be able to escape.

Although I brought Li Mazi with me because I wanted him to make progress as a ghost merchant, the evil spirits here are too ferocious, and I won't let him take any risks, let alone be in a hurry. So, this time I went alone.

Without further ado, after changing into the diving suit, I asked the boss and Sanmanzi to drive a small boat and take me back to the place of the accident.

"Okay, I'm going down, lest that guy notices and comes to trouble you again." Seeing that we were not far from that place, I signaled them to stop the boat, and then told them: "No matter what happens, Don't come close to me for anything. If I haven't come out after an hour, don't wait any longer and go back first."

After saying that, I plunged into it fiercely.

Among all the people on the Wusuli River, my diving skills were the worst, absolutely terrible, but that was just because their water quality was so good that it made me look very different. In fact, my diving skills are quite good. At least I can swim back and forth in this canal for a few times without any problem.

Not long after I sank into the water, I noticed an extremely powerful Yin Qi spreading out from the bottom of the water, faintly forming a unique, slightly square body of water. The water was much colder than the surrounding areas, and was exceptionally clear. Just like an aquarium.

But there are no swimming fish there.

All the fish in the water took a detour, and even the algae and microorganisms were not seen at all. It was simply a death zone!

I held the invisible needle tightly in one hand and swam around the area first.

The range is not large, only seventy or eighty meters in radius.

The silt and sand at the bottom of the river all show traces of being salvaged and cleaned.

When I was on the shore just now, I heard from nearby boatmen that the water level in the canal has risen somewhat in recent years. In order to prevent the river from flooding, the relevant departments not long ago organized a large number of manpower and material resources to thoroughly clean up the entire Grand Canal.

It seems that there should be something buried under the water, but this time cleaning up the sediment accidentally revealed it.

I took out a willow root covered with cinnabar and threw it inward.

With a breath, a column of black smoke suddenly rushed out, tightly wrapping the roots of the willow tree.

There was a splash of water with a bang, and the willow roots turned into bright red pieces and flew everywhere!

no! The yin energy in this water area is too strong, and it has turned into a killing array. Once any life breaks into it, it will definitely die.

No wonder there isn’t even a single aquatic plant or microorganism in the entire body of water!

But since you can't force your way in, what should you do?

I thought for a while, then took out the root of the locust tree with the primary All Souls Soul Gathering Array carved on it, and called out the female ghost Qin Amei.

Qin Amei's soul floated out, bowed to me, turned around and looked at the area in front of her, and couldn't help but step back in fright. He said in shock: "Master Tian, ​​this... this is the territory of the evil ghost."

I nodded at her to show that I knew. Then she pointed toward the inside, and then pointed at herself, indicating that she should lead me the way, and I wanted to go in and take a look.

When Qin Amei saw it, she was even more frightened. She floated far away, as if she wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

I shook the invisible needle in my hand and warned her, if you dare to run away, I will deal with you now and make your soul fly away immediately! Then, he shook the locust tree root towards her.

The meaning is obvious. If you agree to lead the way and cooperate with me, this thing will be yours.

Although she only stayed there for a few days, her soul was much stronger than when she first met her. This was one of the beauties of the All Souls Soul Gathering Array. Being able to gather the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, no matter whether it is human or ghost, as long as you practice here, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, my cultivation is far from enough, and my research on this formation is not thorough enough. Compared with the real Ten Thousand Spirits Soul Gathering Formation, it is simply heaven and earth.

However, for Qin Amei, it was a good thing that she had never even thought about!

She looked at the invisible needle in my hand, then at the roots of the locust tree, finally made up her mind, turned around and rushed into the cold and transparent water.

I asked her to lead the way, not because I wanted her to be a pathfinder, but out of pure intention to harm her.

But the methods used by this evil ghost are too fierce and full of yin energy.

Qin Amei is a ghost herself, so the yin energy cannot hurt him at all. Even if the evil ghost noticed her existence and wanted to kill her, he would not use this method. But according to what she said, he showed up directly and tore her into pieces.

At that time, I can take advantage of the opportunity to take action!

Besides, the biggest use of letting her fight in the front line is to break the killing formation. If I follow closely behind her, the murderous energy in the water will not be able to cause harm to me.

This can be considered a disguised cooperation.

The two of us, one person and one ghost, swam forward not far.

The water wave suddenly turned violently, and he saw a group of black energy rushing straight towards him.

As we got closer, we discovered that it was a tall, dark ghost figure wearing a large collared robe, swimming towards us with its teeth and claws open!

Qin A-mei was suddenly startled, and her body, which was originally composed of Yin Qi, was trembling continuously and was about to break apart immediately.

That guy's momentum is very strong, and his pressure is very fierce. Even among the ghost kings, he is considered the best. It is easy to deal with a brat like Qin Amei!

I was swimming towards the evil ghost, and raised my hand with a 'swish', invisible needles and locust tree roots flew out at the same time!

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