Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1771 Shen Jiang Tieniu

The invisible needle was aimed at the evil spirit, and the locust tree roots were thrown at Qin Amei.

Although Amei Qin is just a ghost, I can't break my trust with her and treat her as cannon fodder.

Qin Amei was so scared that she had nowhere to hide. When she saw the roots of the locust tree coming, she hurriedly got in.

The evil ghost was swatted away, and the invisible needle had already killed him.

With a snap, it pierced through the evil ghost's body!

Although the invisible needle is small, the power condensed on it is extremely powerful. Especially as my cultivation continues to improve, this full force cannot be underestimated. Even the Ghost King is no match!

The small invisible needle passed through the ghost figure, but exploded a round hole the size of a fist, and smoke continued to rise.

The evil spirit didn't seem to have expected that I would be able to do this, and he stayed on the spot stunned for several seconds.

But how could I leave him any chance? I threw a dozen more charms at him.

Thunder light, expelling souls, destroying souls, leaving fire, flying corpses...

The guy was caught off guard by me. Suddenly, his black figure was riddled with holes and black smoke was flying.

Bubbles popped up.

The guy was beaten extremely miserably. He suddenly became angry and angry. He clenched his fists and roared. His figure suddenly grew larger, and it was as dark as a black cloud, and he smashed towards me!

The water splashed, and a wave of water with black light rushed towards you!

"Good luck!" I muttered to myself and was about to rush into the wave, but before entering the wave, I pressed myself down hard and dived under the water, directly avoiding it.

Although I suppressed it for a while, this guy is the best among ghost kings after all, and he cannot be killed so easily.

Besides, this is its territory, and it's underwater. If it continues to fight for a long time, it will only become more and more disadvantageous for me.

Get around it as soon as possible and find out what it is guarding. This is the serious business!

The evil spirit punched the air, and before me, I was detouring forward. I was furious, and while pushing open waves of water, I chased after him while shaking my huge body.

This very special body of water is not very big, only a few dozen meters in diameter. When the fierce battle started, it was already more than twenty meters deep. After my quick swim, I quickly reached the center of the water area.

From a distance, I could see something half-lying in the mud under the river. It was black and huge.

That extremely cold air is emanating from this thing!

Seeing that the black shadow was getting closer and closer, and was about to rush in front of me, I didn't have time to take a closer look, so I waved my hand and hit it with a sealing talisman.


A green light exploded.

A red light lit up on the black giant, and at the same time, the black shadow chasing behind me suddenly stopped, as if its hands and feet were entangled with something, and it immediately became unable to move.

Boom boom! The giant thing suddenly shook violently, causing mud to splash in all directions, and the water surface suddenly became turbid.

"No!" This guy is going to break the spell!

I quickly waved my hand and threw away all the sealing talismans.

Bang bang bang!

Seven or eight medium sealing talismans flew down one after another. Under the shining green light, the mud splashed and the water surged.

The guy finally stopped moving. When he turned his head, he saw that the black shadow that had been chasing him had also disappeared.

It seems that this thing is its incarnation. Once it is sealed, he will not be able to use it even if he has great abilities.

I just didn't expect that this guy's ability was so vast. I had already put a sealing talisman on it, but he could still stir up such a big storm, and he was almost broken by it! If I hadn't carved out a lot of sealing talismans since I began to study the "Yin Fu Jing" and had no place to use them, I really wouldn't be able to seal it!

When the silt disappeared and the water surface became a little clearer, I leaned over and took a look, and then I discovered the true face of the giant thing in Lushan.

That's a cow.

A giant bull made entirely of mixed iron.

The two horns are like the moon, and the eyes are wide-eyed. The depiction is lifelike, as if it will wake up anytime, anywhere, moo wildly, and spread joy all over the place.

I swam around the iron cow twice, and then I discovered that under the cover of the mud, there seemed to be some writing carved on the cow's body.

After wiping off the mud, I saw that it read "Tieniu suppresses Fubo and enjoys peace forever." The signature below is the first year of the great cause.

great cause?

Isn't that the reign name of Emperor Sui Yang?

Oh, by the way, the Grand Canal was also dug during the Sui Dynasty.

Generally, when a river is being dug, a sacrificial ceremony will be held, and then a giant iron bull will be thrown into the river together with the sacrifices to suppress the river water and ensure smooth weather on both sides of the river.

It seems that this iron bull was thrown into the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal at the beginning of its construction.

After so many years of water waves, the sediment flowed back and was buried here.

It must have reappeared when the river was being cleaned recently and the silt on it was shoveled away!

The evil spirit residing in the Iron Ox also woke up and started making trouble again.

It's just that this guy's behavior is a bit weird.

Neither killing people nor capsizing the boat, just dragging the wooden boat to prevent it from moving forward, as if it was a prank. What on earth is this guy going to do?

I looked around Tieniu again and carefully checked that there were no omissions. Then I turned around and picked up the roots of the locust tree and floated to the water.

When the boss and the three barbarians saw me swimming up, they immediately rushed over and pulled me into the boat.

"Master, how are you?" As soon as I took off my hood, Sanmanzi asked impatiently.

"Look where we are now?" I smiled at him.

Only then did Sanmanzi notice that the place where I surfaced was the water where accidents often happened, and now the boat was floating above it safely.

"Master is indeed amazing!" Sanmanzi praised with a smile: "Much better than that stupid guy who only knows how to brag! But... that guy's story is quite interesting."

After rowing the boat not far, we saw a dozen small wooden boats approaching us from a distance.

When he got closer, he discovered that it was Li Mazi and a group of Cao Gang brothers.

Sanmanzi didn't wait for the fleet to approach, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "It's done! The water ghost has been destroyed by the master, and we can beg for food on this canal again!"

When the person on the other side heard this, he immediately burst out laughing with joy.

That night, the boss and a group of brothers toasted to me one after another. Under such hospitality, I got extremely drunk. For the first time, Li Mazi hugged the wine jar tightly and refused to let go.

It wasn't until the afternoon of the next day that I woke up. I felt very thirsty, so I got out of bed in a daze and wanted to get a glass of water.

The kettle was empty and there was no one inside or outside the house.

I carried the kettle and walked out of the house. I saw a group of Caobang brothers squatting dejectedly at the door. When they heard my footsteps, they turned their heads and took a look, then turned back. Not only did he not even say hello, but his face was full of indifference.

There was even a bearded man who spat at me.

How is this going?

Ever since I boarded the ship, my food, clothing, housing and transportation have been taken care of very carefully. This is a strange thing that has never happened before. Moreover, I just helped them kill the water ghost yesterday. Didn't they keep saying that I am their great benefactor? ?

Why did he become so indifferent after one night, almost like an enemy?

"Brother, what's going on?" I walked over, patted the shoulder of the young man closest to me and asked.

"What's wrong? What do you think is wrong?" The bearded man in the crowd suddenly stood up and yelled at me: "You're a big liar, and you still ask what's wrong with a shameless face. If Uncle Zhang hadn't told me, I would I have thrown you into the river a long time ago! Get out of here."

"That's right, you still claim to be a master! I've never seen you so shameless."

"Bah! Return your life to the Master, just take your life."

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