Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,773 Sui Yang Ghost Emperor (additional update)

"Thank you!" I handed my head to the old man.

Until this moment, the old leader still stood on my side despite all opinions. I was moved and strengthened my belief in eradicating the evil spirits and avenging the three barbarians.

I immediately made a list and asked them to help me prepare some things.

The boss arranged everything one by one.

That night, taking advantage of the moonlight, the fleet loaded with various artifacts set out for the waters again!

They were far away from the front, so I asked them to throw down the wooden barrels covered with charms, and then rowed a small boat alone, following the barrels down the river.

A thick fog has risen over the water ahead, making it difficult to see clearly even from a long distance.

"Heaven and earth are in a hurry, water and fire are unscrupulous, please eliminate the evil and give me beautiful clothes!" I stood on the bow of the boat, pointed to the sky and shouted, as soon as I finished speaking, I smeared a line of cinnabar on my forehead.

With a snap, the cinnabar on my forehead suddenly glowed, and then the moonlight dimmed. My whole body was covered with a layer of brilliance, as if I was covered in a layer of water-patterned colorful clothes!

This is the method of borrowing clothes recorded in the Yin Fu Jing.

Borrowing clothes and heaven and earth, transforming into the infinite together!

Use fire to create light, don’t be afraid of burning!

Borrow water to create waves, don’t be afraid of waves!

This evil ghost is very powerful, far more ferocious than the average ghost king, and he is in the water, his territory.

If I didn't use this kind of magic, I might be capsized by a big wave, let alone a fight to win!

"Bullfighting star, high tail wing angle..." I raised my finger and pointed at the wooden barrels surrounding me.

The wooden barrels suspended on the water, like veterans who have experienced battles for a long time, followed my orders one after another, and were arranged according to the current positions of the twenty-eight constellations.

Since we are going to fight in person, I will never leave any backup plan. It is true that this water area is the opponent's territory, but the stars in the sky are my backup!

The sky versus the water!

Fight evil with good!

"Twenty-eight constellations, broken!"

With a snap, as I shouted, the thick fog in front of me suddenly dispersed on both sides, and the canal was extremely clear up and down.

Not far ahead, there were two dark figures floating on the water.

The one in front was wearing a brocade dragon robe and an emperor's dragon crown on his head. His face was dark and his facial features could not be seen clearly, but his eyes were extremely bright. He was floating slightly on the water with his hands behind his back and looking at me lightly.

The very tall figure behind me was the guy who had a fierce battle with me yesterday. He also put on a suit of iron armor at this time, holding a thick rope in his hand and glaring at me!

As soon as I saw these two figures, I was stunned.

Why are there two water ghosts here?


When I was sealing it yesterday, the big water ghost followed me far behind, still some distance away from Tieniu. After I cast the first spell on him, he was obviously suppressed and temporarily unable to move. And another force rising into the sky, almost shattering the seal, came from the iron bull.

But at the time, I didn’t expect that there were actually two water ghosts!

What shocked me even more was that these two guys had put on the clothes they wore when they were alive. It seemed that this was their true identity.

An emperor, a general.

The emperor's ghost residing in Shenhe Tieniu?

Could it be that this guy is Emperor Yang of Sui who built the Grand Canal?

"You evil ghost, are you Yang Guang?" I asked.

"Hey!" The tall general behind him took a step forward and roared suddenly: "Your Majesty's holy name, how can it be that a commoner like you shouts it at will! Just die." After speaking, he waved the long sword in his hand. The rope was smashing towards me.

The long rope seemed to be able to guide the waves. In an instant, a big wave rose out of thin air and swept toward me.

I already have a water jacket on me, and the big waves can't hurt me at all. Not even half a drop of water can touch me. It will automatically split to both sides as soon as it comes in front of me.

"It seems that you idiot hasn't suffered enough yet!" I sneered, raised my hand and threw out the invisible needle, and at the same time urged the boat to move forward instead of retreating.

The invisible needle flashed a stream of light and headed towards the giant figure.

And I stood on the bow of the boat, broke through the waves, and rushed straight towards the Yin Ling in the dragon robe.

The guy just now admitted that the Yin spirit in front of him was Emperor Sui Yang!

This guy seems to be unwilling to die, and even hides in the Iron Bull.

What are you doing? Are you planning to recreate the Sui Empire on this canal?

Well, I will give you another rebellion!

"Kill!" I bit my fingertips and pointed fiercely.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The wooden barrels floating around jumped up suddenly, like an ambush, and moved towards Emperor Sui Yang with great speed.

This is the Twenty-Eight Constellations Evil-killing Formation! Even if you are a ghost or fairy, once you are trapped in it, you will inevitably die!

The general who had rushed towards me suddenly turned pale with fright and hurriedly defended himself in front of Emperor Sui Yang.

But Emperor Sui Yang raised his hand slightly without being alarmed. Suddenly, he seemed to notice something, glanced into the distance, and then put his hand down. Suddenly he pulled out a small black ball from his heart.


Bang bang bang bang!

Twenty-eight wooden barrels exploded at the same time!

The successive explosions were deafening, and the entire Grand Canal seemed to have been swept by a swarm of bombers.

Dozens of water pillars rose into the sky, black rain continued to fall from the sky, billowing smoke and dust filled the air, and cool winds swirled around.

This is the evil-killing formation that I prepared with great alarm. It borrows many strange techniques and Yin-Yang Taoism. Even if the level of ghosts and immortals is hit by this series of explosions, they will definitely die!

However, when the water column fell, the dust settled.

There were still two people floating on the water in the distance.

One is Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, and the other is a black-armored general carrying a long rope.

The general was in a bit of a panic, his body made of condensed Yin energy had been blasted with several holes, and billowing black smoke was rising.

But Emperor Sui Yang was unscathed, except that the little black ball in his hand became smaller.

This formation didn't kill him!

I stopped the boat in a hurry, and when I looked again, there were three layers of jet-black halo floating above this guy's head, which was faintly cold.

This is...Ghost Emperor!

Emperor Sui Yang actually had the cultivation of the Ghost Emperor!

The Ghost Emperor is the highest level among the Yin spirits, higher than the Ghost King and Ghost Immortal. He can be called the strongest king among the Yin spirits. This is the first time I have met the Ghost Emperor.

No wonder he was so careless when he saw this big formation coming. With his Ghost Emperor's cultivation, this formation couldn't do anything to him!

However, he could have easily defeated the formation before it was completed, so why did he have to keep the formation close?

He had just glanced into the distance. Was there anything there that he was afraid of?

"It's really rare for you to reach such a level of cultivation at your age. If you work harder for a while, it will be even more extraordinary." Emperor Sui Yang casually dusted off his clothes, nodded slightly at me and said: " However, your Taoism is a bit strange. It was originally a pure Yang formation, but you used Yinxie techniques to display it. I want to see what kind of Taoism you have." As he said that, he gave a slight sigh. Raise your hand.


A jet-black water dragon rushed out from under the water.

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