Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1774 Zhang Jiulin VS Shui Long

This water dragon is as thick as a bucket and about tens of meters long. It is black and shiny, its scales shine against the moonlight, and it opens its mouth wide open at me!

This is not an ordinary water dragon technique, but the Emperor's Heart Ghost Dragon.

Whenever the emperor's Yin spirit cultivates to a certain level, he will condense into a protective ghost dragon, because the emperor has been hailed as the true dragon and the emperor since ancient times.

According to legend, this ghost dragon specializes in devouring all kinds of souls. Even the ghost king level is no match for it!

With the means I have at this time, I simply can’t figure out how to deal with it!

"Roar!" The ghost dragon glanced at me sideways, screamed and pounced on me, and the water waves followed closely.

Seeing that the ghost dragon was about to rush in front of me, I had no time to think about anything else.

At that moment, he formed a sword with his fingers, gathered all his spiritual power, and yelled angrily: "Cut!"

Shocking chop!

Whether it is a ghost dragon or a ghost, it is still an evil thing after all.

My Shocking Slash is specifically designed to deal with evil things. This is also my most proud trump card at the moment!

It's a pity that I don't have any swords around me, so I can only use my fingers as swords for now!

Uh-huh! A black light slashed down from the sky.

The ghost dragon had already rushed two or three meters away from me. When he saw the black light slashing down, he couldn't help but be startled. He turned aside sharply and then swung his big tail.

call! A dark wind rose out of the sky, and billowing black mist rushed towards us, carrying icy water vapor.

This is different from the water wave just now.

No matter how big the waves are, it is still water after all, but this is the poisonous mist of Yin Shui. Once you inhale half of it, your soul will freeze instantly and you will die on the spot!

Although I can rely on the danger of losing my cultivation to hold on, no one can afford to go head-to-head with this thing!

I quickly controlled the boat and retreated quickly.

But no matter how fast we retreat, how can we get through the fog quickly?

The water robe was stained with mist, suddenly dimmed, slowly became transparent, and then shattered with a pop.

I quickly held my breath and threw a spell.

After the mist broke through the cassock, it was originally very weak, but when it was charged by the spell, it immediately dissipated.

But then the ghost dragon rushed over again, grabbing my heart with a big black claw.

"Kill!" I shouted loudly, and another black light rushed out.

The ghost dragon was already on guard against my shocking move. It shrank its giant claws and dodged away, but the huge and ugly dragon head suddenly stretched out and bit my neck.

I quickly leaned forward to avoid it.

But I was standing on the boat at this time. I had difficulty moving to begin with, and I had just used the Shocking Slash, which caused me to lose a lot of spiritual power. Besides, no matter how fast I was, how could I be faster than the ghost dragon?

Seeing that the ghost dragon's shining fangs were close before my eyes, I suddenly felt cruel, hugged the ghost dragon, and bit back on its neck!

This is not me seeking death.

But like dragons and snakes, the seven inches of their necks are their vital points.

Once this place is attacked, the instinctive reaction is to dodge. Sure enough, the ghost dragon didn't expect me to have such a move!

He suddenly retracted his head, broke away my hands, raised his claws, and grabbed my belly.

"Fuck your grandma! I don't want to play anymore."

Whoever wants to engage in hand-to-hand combat with a ghost dragon is simply mentally ill!

I originally thought that the person occupying this water area was just a ghost king, or at best a ghost fairy. The Twenty-Eight Constellations Evil Killing Formation prepared earlier was enough to deal with it. Who would have thought that there was even a Ghost Emperor-level Emperor Sui Yang! And there is such a ferocious ghost dragon.

A good man never suffers any immediate loss! It's not too late for me to go back and make preparations before fighting.

When I thought of this, I turned around without hesitation, jumped into the water with a splash, and swam straight in the direction of the fleet of the old leader Li Mazi and his crew. In order to prevent the evil spirits from attacking them, I also set up a line of defense there. Moreover, it was far away from Shenhe Tieniu. Even if Emperor Sui Yang was at the Ghost Emperor level, after all, he had just woken up from the Tieniu where he had been living, and it had not been long. After being far away from this body of water, his power would naturally be greatly reduced. At least, this ghost dragon cannot move outside the territory of Emperor Sui Yang.

Of course, although I was helpless at this time, I was also a little stupid!

You can't escape the ghost dragon standing on a boat, and you can't escape it swimming in the water!

Fortunately, it was not far from the edge of the water, only a dozen meters away.

I waved my arms and legs and paddled forward desperately.

Click! The ghost dragon smashed the small wooden boat I was standing on with one claw, then roared and leaned down to grab at me.

At this moment, I watched helplessly as a small iron rod as thick as a finger suddenly appeared on the water.

The iron rod suddenly produced a small hook at a speed visible to the naked eye. It hooked on the clothes on my chest, and then there was a very strong force that pulled hard.

Like a pebble that was deliberately thrown into the water, I flew out and left the water in an instant! The small iron rod also disappeared out of thin air.


Where I just left, the ghost dragon struck down with one claw, causing a huge wave of water!

"Roar!" It saw me rushing out, but couldn't catch up, so it yelled unwillingly, and then a jet of black mist spit out from its mouth again.

It’s the Ice Ghost Mist again!

What is slightly different this time is that not only is the water surface filled with layers of thick black mist, but also the surface of the water. It seems as if someone has suddenly poured tons of ink on it. The entire water surface is black, with layers of rising ink. Huge waves.

This is troublesome!

Even if I can rely on my cultivation to avoid these layers of ghost waves and poisonous fog, what can those people on the fleet do?

I am not far away from them now, and the boss and Li Mazi may be a little worried, so they drove the boat away from the fleet. Just now they saw that I had fallen into the water and were rushing here!

It would be dangerous if they were contaminated with poisonous gas!

"Don't come here!" I raised my arms and yelled. But at the same time, the poisonous fog has spread.

I quickly covered my mouth and held my breath.

The poisonous mist spread past me and rushed towards the fleet.

The mist was moving extremely fast, and it happened to be with the wind. Even if they wanted to escape now, it was too late!

good! Since you are so vicious, you can't blame me.

Regardless of whether you are the Ghost Emperor or not, go to hell!

As soon as I thought of this, I no longer hesitated and stretched out my hand to use the Eternal Spirit Ring.

call! At this moment, a dark wind blew from far behind.

The dark wind was everywhere, and the poisonous mist dissipated.

"Hey, who is helping me?" I turned around and looked strangely.

Emperor Sui Yang and the huge black shadow were still in the water, while the ghost dragon huddled up and leaned in front of Emperor Sui Yang.

"Obstacle!" Emperor Sui Yang pointed at the ghost dragon and shouted angrily: "I just ordered you to spar with him. Who asked you to use the ghost mist? If it's just a fight, he can still withstand it with his cultivation. , but those in the distance are ordinary people. Once they are touched by the ghost mist, how can they still survive? Why don't you retreat?"

The ghost dragon quickly nodded to admit his mistake, turned into a black light and disappeared.

As soon as I heard what Emperor Sui Yang said, I suddenly woke up, turned around and swam towards Emperor Sui Yang again!

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