Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,775: Gong Yu did not have much merit

Seeing me leaving and returning, the burly general quickly guarded in front of Emperor Sui Yang.

However, Emperor Sui Yang seemed to have read through my thoughts. He waved his hand gently to indicate that he was not so nervous, and then pointed to the river.

An ice floe the size of a tabletop suddenly formed on the river, floating in front of me without moving.

I stepped on the ice floe and stood up. I cupped my hands towards Emperor Sui Yang and said, "Although you have been gone for thousands of years, you still don't want to hurt any common people. This is something I admire very much. But why do you insist on making trouble here?" "

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty stood there arrogantly and said: "After Tieniu appeared, a large whirlpool was created under the Grand Canal. It is impossible to detect it from the water surface. Once a boat passes by, it will inevitably be involved in it, and it will cause personal death and capsize! I I once wanted to repair the whirlpool, but in the end my cultivation was severely damaged and I still failed. So I hid back in Tieniu to train and ordered Uncle Ma to guard this section of water. Whenever there were wooden boats or small boats passing by, they must be stopped. "

"I didn't expect that you thought you were an evil spirit. You circumvented Uncle Ma and sealed Tieniu. I was deeply afraid that someone would be killed in the whirlpool, so I forced myself to break the seal and bump into you."

So that’s it, the boss and I both blamed him wrongly!

The reason why he stayed here was to prevent someone from falling into the whirlpool and dying.

Qin Amei said that he tore apart all the water ghosts up and down the canal, presumably to maintain the safety and smoothness of the canal, and not to want any more common people to be dragged into the water by the water ghosts as substitutes.

Just when he was fighting with me, he tried his best to seriously injure his cultivation and forcefully took over the Twenty-Eight Constellations Evil Killing Formation. It was precisely because he was concerned about the fleet docked far away and was deeply afraid of hurting innocent people. It wasn't until the ghost dragon spit out ghost mist and was about to hurt everyone that it took action again!

So not only is he not an evil ghost, on the contrary, he is also an extremely rare and good ghost emperor!

When I heard this, I couldn't help but was extremely moved and bowed again: "It seems that I really blamed you wrong! Not only are you not a harmful ghost, but you are also the patron saint of this canal. Then why don't you entrust dreams to these boatmen? , or should we use such extreme means to announce a slight miracle to the world?"

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty sighed desolately and looked at the Taotao River: "Although I have just woken up for more than a month, I have heard many stories about me. When it comes to Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty, he is a coward and a tyrant. , even if I ask for a dream to appear, how many people will believe it? It is better to do good things silently and not seek that vain reputation."

"The construction of the Grand Canal is the greatest thing in my life. Fortunately, after a thousand years, it is still unobstructed. Naturally, I will not allow any evil people to do evil here. As long as I can guard this canal and watch it continue to penetrate Bei Nan, I am content!"

Although Yang Guang spoke very freely, I could hear a hint of helplessness and loneliness in his tone.

Sure enough, as he said, when mentioning Emperor Sui Yang, the first impression that comes to the world is that he was a debauched and immoral man.

But where did he faint? Many people must not be able to tell.

Some people say that he killed his father to usurp the throne, but he was the most dutiful son in history;

Some people say he was lewd and lustful, but he only had two wives throughout his life;

Some people say he is fatuous, but the imperial examination he promoted gave hope to poor students all over the world and is still used today!

Some people say that he exploited the people, but he suppressed the powerful landlords and reduced taxes and taxes, which no king could do. Of course, the people of the Sui Dynasty did suffer some hardships in order to build the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and conquer Goguryeo.

But Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who also went to great lengths to conquer the Huns, has been passed down from generation to generation. This is obviously unfair!

Even standing next to him, Ma Shumou, the famous general who supervised the excavation of the Grand Canal, was said to be a devil who loved to eat babies. But when we saw him today, how could he not be a kind and honest general?

I once heard a saying before that the Tang Dynasty started as a rebel, and Li Shimin did everything possible, forcing his father Li Yuan to abdicate, and shooting the crown prince Li Jiancheng to death. His whole body was covered with stains, but he was also an extreme lover of fame. Emperor, I hope that I can be immortal. So while pretending to be a humble and famous emperor, he also asked the historian to extremely vilify all his enemies, including Emperor Sui Yang, so that he could be justified. In this way, it was passed down from generation to generation and turned Emperor Sui Yang into a tyrant. At that time, I sneered at this statement, but now it seems that it is 80% true. History is really written by the victors, and wise kings and tyrants are all under the thumb of the historian.

"That's not entirely true!" I thought for a while and then said: "In Chinese history, the reputations of the Sui and Qin dynasties were not very good. History books say that Qin Shihuang and you, Sui Yang Emperor, were both tyrants of the generation. But looking at the millennium, there can be There are only a handful of emperors with such talents as you two. Even the widely praised Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty are only benefiting from your blessings..."

"Your misfortune is that your dynasty was too short, and the subsequent dynasties were too long. No one can continue to write your official history in a fair and just way! On the contrary, because of political needs, writing your history is full of dirty words and deliberately smearing. Your reputation will be greatly damaged."

"However, even so, there are still many sensible people who have seen through the truth and restored the truth. Shortly after your death, someone wrote a poem saying: "Even though the Sui Dynasty died in this river, it still depends on Tongbo for thousands of miles. If there was no water palace dragon boat incident, Gong Yu would not have much merit. "

"Moreover, with the recent rise of Chinese studies, more and more people have begun to face history, and no longer regard you as a generation of foolish kings like those who talk nonsense! For example, there is now a TV series called "Heroes of Sui and Tang Dynasties", It praises your achievements. If you are interested, I can give it to you tomorrow." I said.

When Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty heard this, he not only looked at me very moved, but also trembled for a long time, and then asked: "Is this the truth? The world really compares my achievements to that of Dayu."

I nodded and said: "The merits and demerits of right and wrong will be judged by future generations. The merits and demerits of good and evil are not allowed to be written by a rebel!"

"Well said!" Emperor Sui Yang said with a smile: "It seems that my thousand-year dream has not been in vain."

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty looked overjoyed and said to me: "The reason why I don't blame you is precisely because you didn't know the truth beforehand, and you came here to eliminate harm for the people. I showed up today because I wanted to tell you the truth. , it can be seen that although your cultivation level is not weak, I want to test your true ability. If you really encounter a very evil ghost, your cultivation level is still a bit unsatisfactory. Although once the ultimate killer weapon you wear on your finger is taken action, I and I will Ma Shumou must have died unexpectedly, but your cultivation level has also been severely damaged because of this. I am afraid that even a person who has been practicing for a year and a half cannot cultivate well. If you can find a replacement method in a short time, that would be the best. If not, it will be a last resort. Don’t use it lightly.”

"Also..." Emperor Sui Yang said, lowering his voice slightly: "The man who helped you just now has very extraordinary cultivation. Even though I was not injured at all, when I just woke up, Even at the peak of his powers, he may not be his opponent! As for whether he is an enemy or a friend, and what his intentions are, you have to think carefully about it. Well, let’s just say goodbye. Whether it’s true or not, thank you for that comment just now. These words are the most comfortable words I have ever heard in a thousand years."

After saying that, he called up Ma Shumou and slowly sank toward the center of the river.

"By the way, the man who sank into the vortex yesterday was rescued by me a long time ago. You can look for him downstream. He is very strong and there should be nothing serious. I can repair the vortex below after a while. It’s complete, don’t worry, the river is not smooth, I’m more anxious than anyone else!”

"Thank you!" I bowed to Emperor Sui Yang who was gradually sinking to the bottom of the water.

There was a soft click, the ice beneath my feet melted, and I fell into the water.

"Quick, it's over here!" As soon as I entered the water, I heard Li Mazi yell.

When I turned around, I saw that the boat he and the boss were riding in was about five meters in front of me!

It seemed that Emperor Sui Yang had just used some kind of forbidden formation to isolate them.

"Quick, Sanmanzi may not be dead yet, hurry up and send people to look for him downstream." I shouted at the two of them.

When everyone in Caobang heard this, they were immediately overjoyed.

Sanmanzi was indeed found. It is said that he was discovered by a village girl who raised ducks on the river beach and later married this girl.

When the boss heard me explain the truth about Emperor Sui Yang's protection of the Grand Canal, he was so moved that he even built a temple on the bank of the canal.

The temple is not big, but it is perfectly repaired, especially the two statues of Emperor Sui Yang and Ma Shumou, which are even more lifelike. Later, as boatmen and merchants who often traveled on the canal came to offer incense to pray for peace, the incense in the temple became more and more prosperous.

The small temple has always blessed the people on both sides of the strait with good weather, and no one has drowned in the Grand Canal since then.

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