Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,777 Staying at the Treasure Pavilion at Night

I was mostly awakened by the cool breeze, but now I was completely awake.

Because the fire in the Treasure Pavilion was not what Mr. Liang said. He was talking about a man who was burned to death...

I was shocked. I just gave the magic talisman yesterday, and today such a disaster happened. Even fools who say that the two are not related will not believe it. But I didn't mention it. After all, I didn't see the scene, so I couldn't tell what happened.

From a distance, I saw the door of Mr. Liang's antique shop wide open, but there was no sign of fire.

After running two more steps, I finally reached the place. I was about to go in, but Mr. Liang paused and said with a pale face: "Brother, you better go in. My heart can't stand such a big stimulation."

I hummed and walked directly into the antique shop without saying much.


Although I was prepared, I was still frightened by the scene in front of me and took a breath.

Just outside the Treasure Pavilion, a charred corpse was lying there. From the twisted appearance, it was easy to see that this person had suffered great torture before his death. The strange thing is that the floor under him is intact, and there are no signs of being burned even around him...

After staring at the corpse for a long time, I found nothing except that there was something strange about the corpse. I exhaled, carefully walked around the corpse, pushed open the half-open door of the treasure house, and walked in.

It seemed that Mr. Liang was really frightened, otherwise he would not have left the Treasure Pavilion open like this. Any missing antique in it would make him cry.

It was said to be a fire, but the damage in the treasure pavilion was not serious. Only a few antiques around the jade fan were affected, but most of them were jade products, so the damage was negligible.

I looked towards the grid where the jade fan was placed. The grid was intact and there was nothing wrong with the jade fan, but the talisman underneath had been burned to ashes!

I reached out and touched the ashes, and couldn't help but gasped: the ashes were actually wet.

There are no traces of water being splashed in the Treasure Pavilion, which means that the reason why the ashes are wet is because the yin energy is too strong!

I exhaled, knowing that I couldn't see anything in broad daylight, so I left the treasure pavilion.

Mr. Liang still didn't dare to come in. I went out to talk to him about the situation and told him that I would stay in the Treasure Pavilion at night. Only in this way could I find out what the jade fan was.

Of course he didn't refuse, but hesitantly asked me if nothing happened to him, why did the guy die?

"Were you in the Treasure Pavilion last night?" I looked at Master Liang in disbelief. Seeing how well he looked, I thought he wasn't here yesterday, but this could also explain why he came to me so early in the morning. .

Mr. Liang nodded: "I am a person, it is strange to say that I am timid and very curious! Didn't you give me Zhang Lingfu? I also made a lot of decisions in my heart, so I stayed. I want to see what’s going on.”

I urged him to ask what happened next?

He told me with a wry smile that at night he felt very hot, so hot that his whole body couldn't stand it. He didn't know what he was thinking at the time, but he felt that he had to run out. As a result, he fainted before he could open the door of the treasure pavilion. After waking up from the cold early in the morning, he saw a charred corpse and the treasure pavilion that was on fire.

"Then where was the guy when you came out?" I frowned, always feeling that Mr. Liang's words were somewhat contradictory.

Mr. Liang looked at me for a long time, and finally sighed deeply: "This guy shouldn't be here yesterday."

I understood just such a sentence. I guess this guy had selfish motives. Seeing that Mr. Liang had taken possession of the treasure in the past few days and was still distracted, I guess he wanted to pass it on, but he didn't expect that his life would be lost.

I still didn't believe it and asked, which turned into coke. How did Mr. Liang recognize this person?

"Look at his right hand, is he missing a little finger?" Mr. Liang explained.

I said yes and didn’t dwell too much on the issue. I just told him that before the matter was finalized, it was best for the police to keep the boy’s body. If not, it would be fine to keep a part of it.

Then I went back to the store to get ready.

He was pulled out early in the morning with nothing but a few spiritual talismans on his body. This meant that he had no choice but to seek death if he encountered a Yin spirit.

"Brother, where did you go this early in the morning?" Li Mazi raised his head from the table, looking like he hadn't woken up.

I kicked him angrily: "Stop sleeping, get up and do things quickly."

Li Mazi jumped up when he heard about the work and asked me if I had taken on any big case.

Seeing the way his eyes were shining, I waved my hand feebly, ignored him and went straight upstairs to pack my things.

After preparing the usual things, I covered my head and fell asleep, which made Li Mazi complain: "Brother, you woke me up and you fell asleep yourself? Please tell me quickly. I have no idea what is going on."

I turned over and put the quilt over my head and continued to ignore him. I drank a lot yesterday and my head is still a little dizzy. I don't get a good night's sleep for fear of something going wrong at night.

I slept until four o'clock in the afternoon. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Li Mazi's sad eyes. I explained to him helplessly, but he suddenly lost interest: "Isn't it just a fan? Brother, you are making too much fuss. ”

"Go, go, I still don't know what this thing is, so be careful! Don't go in tonight, stay guard outside Mr. Liang's antique shop. If I get tricked, you have to save me." I said seriously. He ordered.

Although the noise caused by this jade fan is not big, the strong yin energy always gives me an ominous premonition.

Seeing that I was so serious, Li Mazi said nothing, prepared his things and followed me.

I had informed Mr. Liang in advance, and he was already waiting outside the antique shop when we arrived.

"Brother, it's not dark yet, are you going in now?" Mr. Liang asked strangely.

I hummed. It seemed like there was nothing wrong with the jade fan during the day. It was probably that it only caused trouble at night. It was better to go in early to take precautions. But I didn't say this to Mr. Liang. The more I talked, the more questions he had. I only asked him if there was any place in the treasure house where he could hide someone.

Mr. Liang is also a smart man. He directly handed me a small golden key and said that it was a small secret compartment in the treasure house. It was not big, but it was no problem to hide a person. After saying this, he looked at it awkwardly. Look at Li Mazi.

"I will go in alone. Li Mazi is waiting outside. Mr. Liang, please don't come here tonight. I'm not sure what the situation is now. You are here to distract us." I stepped into the antique shop and turned around. commanded.

Mr. Liang nodded repeatedly, turned around and left without any hesitation. Li Mazi was stunned when he saw it: "Damn, this old guy is more timid than me!"

I didn't say anything, closed the antique shop and entered the treasure pavilion alone.

The hidden compartment was facing the jade fan, which was convenient for observation. I squatted in like a cat, leaving a gap and closed my eyes to relax.

Of course, I didn’t dare to rest too much, so I kept staring outside around seven or eight o’clock!

However, the jade fan has been silent. It seems that the pattern discovered by Mr. Liang is correct. This fan will not respond until twelve o'clock.

Knowing the approximate time, I was determined, but the next time was also very difficult. Although I wanted to make more preparations, I didn't know what was in the jade fan, so I could only use the invisible needle to prevent it. In an emergency, nothing else can be done.

Just like that, I was fine in front of me. After ten o'clock, I felt a little drowsy and fell asleep without realizing it.

Why is it so hot?

When I woke up from my sleep, I felt hot all over my body. I moved uncomfortably, and then I was shocked because there was a faint firelight coming through the gap.

Along with this light came a powerful resentment, which made me breathless!

I exhaled and carefully pushed the secret door further open. I saw that the jade boxes containing the jade fans lit up, as red as if they were burning.

I took out the invisible needle and was about to explore, but I found that my body was getting hotter, almost as if it was about to burn.

My heart was shocked, thinking of the charred corpse outside the Treasure Pavilion, the hairs all over my body stood up!


A trace of fire started burning on my sleeves and spread quickly. Before I had time to think about it, I took out a few sun-shading charms from my arms and put them on both shoulders.

Seeing the fire on my sleeves go out, I breathed a sigh of relief. Although my body was still hot, I could still bear it.

The situation was urgent just now and I had no other emergency measures. Now it is considered a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. If it is later, the skin will peel off even if it is not dead.

Thinking of this, I felt chills in my heart. We just met... no, I suffered a big loss before we met. I couldn't help but be even more wary of this Yin spirit.

I stayed in the dark cell for a while and then carefully exited the dark cell. The invisible needle slowly approached the jade fan without any hindrance. Even the resentment that had just made my heart palpitate disappeared.

"Damn it, we were still discovered!"

I cursed lowly and looked at the jade fan that was still glowing with flames, feeling even more confused.

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