Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,778 The Yin Spirit that Releases Water (Additional Update)

To be honest, just from the spark on my arm just now, I can tell that the Yin spirit this time is not simple, and I am not completely sure if it really encounters me. But Yin Ling took the initiative to retreat after discovering me. Doesn't Yin Ling intend to confront me head-on?

After thinking for a while, I couldn't figure out why, so I had to exit the antique shop first. Li Mazi, who was waiting outside, immediately came over and asked me if I had discovered anything.

I shook my head and explained the matter briefly, and then called Mr. Liang. Although I asked him not to come over at night, he definitely couldn't sleep.

Sure enough, the phone was connected as soon as it rang, and Mr. Liang's urgent voice came from the other end: "How is it? Is it solved?"

"Master Liang," I shouted: "This matter is not that simple. I'm afraid you will have to close the antique shop for a while and wait until it is completely resolved before opening it again. If the problem with the man happens again..."

I didn’t say anything else. If another person dies in this antique shop, even Mr. Liang won’t be able to stop it. The more people who approach the antique shop, the worse the situation will be!

Mr. Liang was silent for a while before telling me to hurry up. He also made an appointment with someone to see the goods in a week. This person was very famous in the collecting world, and he didn't want to offend him unless he had to.

I didn’t say anything else. After hanging up the phone, Li Mazi got angry first: “What the hell, you want money rather than your life!”

I smiled, but I could understand Mr. Liang. The fire didn't burn him, so he naturally didn't feel anything.

There was nothing to do here. Li Mazi and I went back to the store. Before going to bed, I asked Li Mazi to go to the market early tomorrow morning to bring back five live hens. He asked me strangely what I wanted to do, and I didn’t explain. .

The next day, after Li Mazi threw the sack with the hens to me, we went to Mr. Liang’s antique shop.

I beat the five hens with sap and fed them some rice wine. Their heads were drooped and they were motionless. I tied them up at regular intervals in the shop and it was done.

The chicken closest to the treasure house is next to the waiter's body, and the farthest chicken is by the door of the shop.

Li Mazi asked me strangely if this was some novel formation. I shook my head: "No, it's just an ordinary chicken tying."

Li Mazi didn't believe it, so he lay there studying for a long time. I kicked him angrily, turned around and left the shop. Anyway, the jade fan wouldn't start to move until midnight, so I wasn't in a hurry.

But what I didn’t expect was that for three days in a row, I stayed in the dark room with my sun-shading cat attached, and the jade fan didn’t move at all. If it hadn’t been for the charred body of the guy still outside, I really thought something had happened a few days ago. The thing is a dream!

In the past three days, Mr. Liang also called several times to ask about the situation, but I ignored them all, but I heard his tone and was already impatient.

Li Mazi didn't care. After staying up with me for two days, he felt bored and gave up.

On the fourth night, I put the sun-shielding charm on the cat and entered the dark grid again, determined to leave it alone if it didn't respond today. The bones in the cat's body ached in this small place these days.

I fell asleep after a while after leaning on the dark room. When I woke up again, it was already past eleven o'clock. I stared outside, watching the time passing by little by little, and exhaled: It seems that this jade fan is nothing. Big problem.


At this moment, fiery red light shone in, and I immediately became relieved and looked outside with vigilance.

Fortunately, even though I relaxed my vigilance, the sun-shielding charm remained attached to my body, so there was no abnormality on my body this time.

It seems that the lack of movement in the past three days is just the evil spirit testing...

I took out the invisible needle and manipulated it to get close to the jade fan. Who knew that when it was still twenty or thirty centimeters away from the jade fan, the invisible needle stopped, as if it was blocked by an invisible wall!

Even invisible needles can't break through. This Yin spirit is indeed not simple.

I didn't dare to confront the other party head-on before I understood the other party's background, so I could only duck out of the dark room, take out the magic talisman from my arms and paste it in every corner of the treasure pavilion, and drip my own liquid on the talisman. Essence and blood.


Just after I posted the last talisman, a cold laugh came, which sent chills down my spine.

I mechanically turned my head to the jade fan, and saw a shadow appearing on the jade fan. It was a man in ancient costume, but his face seemed to be covered with fog and his appearance could not be seen clearly.

But I can be sure that the man’s eyes are staring at me...

The aura of the man made my heart palpitate. It was obviously just a Yin spirit, but he just stood so quietly, and the air around him seemed to freeze. This was obviously far beyond the level of a ghost king.

I bit my finger sharply and dripped the essence and blood on the last spiritual talisman: "Trapped Spirit Array, get up!"

Four red lights soared into the sky from the four corners of the Treasure Pavilion, complementing the red light emitted by the jade fan.

The man sneered again, not taking the trapped spirit formation seriously at all.

I exhaled. Even though I felt unhappy at being slighted, I also understood that this trapping spirit array really had no way to deal with the man in front of me, and my original intention of setting up the trapping spirit array was not to deal with him.

I sneered, and the invisible needle suddenly stabbed the jade fan.

The sound of collision between the invisible needle and the jade fan was heard. The man in front of him tilted his body, and then stretched out his hand to grasp into the void.


The thick yin pressure made me breathless, and my head buzzed as if there were thousands of flies flapping their wings around me. I made a sound, quickly retracted the invisible needle, and looked at the man in front of me warily.

Just now, I just wanted to use the trapped spirit formation to attract the man's attention so that the invisible needle could break through the obstacle. This strategy was successful, but it had no effect at all.

The man just stared at me. He didn't move, and I didn't dare to move.

I know my own strength very well. This man can put me at a disadvantage because he can be so light. His level should be one of those legendary existences that surpass the ghost king, ghost fairy, or even ghost emperor.


The man sneered again, and then the flames covering the jade fan receded, and the man's figure disappeared. Except for the light emitted by the trapped spirit formation, the entire treasure pavilion once again fell into deathly silence.

I exhaled, quickly put away the spirit gathering array, and stepped forward to check the jade fan.

It was already past one o'clock, and the jade fan looked the same as an ordinary antique. I was doubtful. Could it be that this evil spirit could only appear during this period of time?

I sat down on the sofa holding the jade fan and wanted to study further, but my head was so dizzy that I fell down before I could realize what was going on.


A loud roar startled me, and I jumped up like a carp: "What's wrong?"

Li Mazi looked at me helplessly and said that he didn't see me early this morning, so he came here to look for me, but he couldn't wake me up no matter how he screamed. He had been screaming for several minutes.

He sighed and asked, "Did something happen?"

I shook my head and didn't know what to say. After I fainted yesterday, there was always a scene in my mind, but I couldn't see it clearly. I could only vaguely remember that it was a fire, and many people seemed to be burned to death in this fire. people……

Li Mazi nodded, and then said with a strange expression: "Well, little brother, you'd better come outside and take a look first."

After saying that, he pulled me out of the treasure house.

"Huh?" I was a little surprised, but before Li Mazi could explain, I had already seen the scene outside the door. Three of the five chickens I prepared have died, and only the two far away from the treasure pavilion are still alive.

I nodded, and I had expected the scene before me. The reason why I bought these five chickens was just to see if there was any limit to the power of this jade fan! After all, Mr. Liang was also in the antique shop that night when the man was burned to death. He was able to escape from the treasure pavilion unharmed because of my talisman, but it was absolutely impossible for him to stay in the antique shop safely with just one talisman. Nothing happened, so I guess the power of this jade fan is limited by distance.

"It's okay, pack up and ask Mr. Liang to come to our store again." I waved my hand, feeling very tired.

That night my mind was filled with dreams about the fire, and I felt really tired.

Li Mazi didn't say anything. He quickly put the five chickens in the sacks and called Master Liang to inform him to come over.

"Brother Zhang, has the matter been resolved?"

Master Liang asked as soon as he came in. The closer it was to the time to see the goods, the more anxious he became.

I shook my head: "Master Liang, I advise you to postpone the time to see the goods."

Before I finished speaking, Mr. Liang opened his mouth to say something. I waved my hand and interrupted him: "I'm not being alarmist. The things in this jade fan are not simple. I only encountered them twice in total, but both times they were... I suffered a loss! And...this is even if it intentionally releases water."

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