Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,779 Ghost Emperor Zhu Yunwen

"What? Brother, are you kidding me? There is something that can make you suffer even if you let it go. It has to be..." Li Mazi was startled at first, and after thinking for a long time, he didn't know how to describe that thing.

I ignored him, but looked at Mr. Liang seriously and told him that now we should start from the origin of this thing. I can tell that this thing doesn't want to hurt anyone. Otherwise, in the same situation as yesterday, even if I could escape, I would definitely be peeled off!

After hearing this, Mr. Liang was silent for a long time, and finally made a decision that stunned me: he would give me the jade fan for free, and the only requirement was that I take the jade fan away immediately, and he would not get involved in this matter.

"Master Liang, I said this to you..."


As soon as Li Mazi opened his mouth to say something, I interrupted him directly and responded to Mr. Liang with a smile.

I can see that if I don't agree, Mr. Liang will not entrust us with this matter again. Although I am not a good person, I can't just watch the jade fan harm others again.

Immediately, Mr. Liang and I went to his treasure house and brought back the jade box containing the jade fan.

Li Mazi yelled strangely: "Brother, if you put this thing here, aren't you afraid of lighting up the entire antique street?"

I shook my head, this fan would only burn living things, otherwise Mr. Liang's antique shop would have been gone long ago, but I didn't plan to put this jade fan here, otherwise I would be charred if I wasn't prepared.

"Let's go out." I stuffed the jade box in my bag, grabbed some snacks and water, and pulled Li Mazi out of the door.

Driving on the highway, Li Mazi asked me strangely what I wanted to do.

I told him that the jade fan caught fire in the middle of the night every day, and it was not safe to store it in the store. He had to find a place where no one was around to store it, so that if anything happened, it could still be controlled.

Li Mazi groaned, leaning on his seat and scrolling through his phone out of boredom.

After driving for more than an hour, I got off the highway from a section of road where few vehicles passed, then walked on a national highway and turned directly into a cement road in the countryside, and finally even drove onto a dirt road.

"This is it." After another hour, I parked the car.

Li Mazi fell asleep halfway. He rubbed his eyes when he heard me speak: "I'll go, little brother, you don't want to kill people and silence them, do you?"

"Why do you deserve to be silenced?" I glared at him angrily.

The place was desolate and fit the bill.

"Let's see if there's anywhere to put this thing." I walked along the dirt road wide enough for one person with my backpack on my back.

Li Mazi followed behind muttering, very unhappy with my action of taking over the jade fan.

I didn't have time to talk to him. To be honest, I didn't understand why I was so obsessed with this jade fan. It might have something to do with the man who appeared last night, or it might have to do with the fire in my mind... yes, the fire!


"Brother, why did you suddenly turn around when you were walking so well?" Li Mazi rubbed his nose and looked at me accusingly.

I apologized with a smile, and then asked: "Mazi, do you remember which palace in the Ming Dynasty was on fire?"

"Fire? The palace must be on fire in all generations, right? Why do you ask?" Li Mazi asked strangely.

I shook my head and asked him to think about any fires that had a huge impact and killed many people, including high-ranking people.

Li Mazi looked at me strangely. I felt uncomfortable when he looked at me and slapped him on the head: "You are such a person. If you don't know, you don't know. Why are you staring at me?"

Li Mazi looked at me even more strangely.

I was so stared at by him that I didn't bother to care about his mistake, so I turned around and continued walking forward.

"Brother." I had just taken two steps when Li Mazi came up to me and said, "You still read "Twenty-Four Histories" all day long. Do you know about the most famous fire in the palace of the Ming Dynasty?"

"Zhu Yunwen!" I slapped my head suddenly. Li Mazi was right. The most famous fire in the Ming Dynasty was related to Zhu Yunwen.

Speaking of Zhu Yunwen, there are really few records about him in history, and most of them are mixed between true and false.

Zhu Yunwen was the second emperor of the Ming Dynasty and was also Zhu Yuanzhang's favorite grandson. The young Zhu Yunwen was smart and lovable, so Zhu Yuanzhang finally decided to pass the throne to his grandson!

Zhu Yunwen did indeed live up to Zhu Yuanzhang's hopes. After he came to power, he cherished the people and severely punished the eunuchs, which was called the Jianwen New Deal in history.

However, his policy of reducing vassal states offended the powerful princes at the border, especially Zhu Yuanzhang's fourth son, King Yan Zhu Di. This Zhu Di was ambitious and hated his father for not passing the throne to him, so he took the opportunity to rebel.

So Zhu Di led an army of 100,000 cavalry and marched south. They hit the city of Nanjing. The generals loyal to the royal family died in battle one after another, and the ministers who refused to surrender were also skinned by Zhu Di. Fang Xiaoru's loyal ministers even had ten clans exterminated.

Seeing that the situation was over, Emperor Jianwen simply lit the palace on fire and stepped into the raging fire.

After the fire was extinguished, Zhu Di was still worried and would definitely fight against Emperor Jianwen to see his body alive or dead! Immediately some eunuchs identified a burnt corpse in the palace as Zhu Yunwen, but some people said that Zhu Yunwen escaped from the palace and became a monk.

More than ten years after Zhu Di ascended the throne, he was still painstakingly searching for Zhu Yunwen, a serious enemy of his. Because until Zhu Yunwen died, his throne would not be secure. It is even said that one of the purposes of Zheng He's voyages to the West was to find traces of Zhu Yunwen...

"Brother, why are you asking this so politely? You don't want to tell me that this jade fan belongs to Zhu Yunwen, do you?" Li Mazi opened his eyes wide, looking like he couldn't believe it.

I sighed and said I wasn't sure yet.

After all, so many people died in the fire that year, it's hard to say who this ghost is, but thinking about the aura of scorning the world on the man yesterday, if not an emperor, he was at least a prince or general.

"Hey, there's another Earth Temple here." After walking for more than half an hour, Li Mazi excitedly pointed to an abandoned Earth Temple.

I checked around the Earth Temple. This place must have been abandoned for a long time. Even if the jade fan was placed here, it would not cause any conflict.

So I took out a box from my backpack and placed it where the altar should have been. Then I took out a tent from my backpack and asked Li Mazi to do something.

I deliberately calculated the distance and made sure that even if the jade fan was powerful in the middle of the night, it would not burn the tent, so I quickly set up with Li Mazi.

Li Mazi curled his lips and asked me if I wanted to stay here for a few days.

"Almost, it depends on when this matter will be resolved." I said without raising my head.

Li Mazi sighed, set up the tent as ordered, and then got into the tent to rest.

Although I was tired, I didn't dare to rest. This place is desolate, but there are still villages not far from here. If someone comes here with nothing to do, they will definitely be tempted to take action when they see the jade box.

I took out bread and water from my bag. After eating and drinking, I sat on the ground and took out my phone to kill time.

Li Mazi didn't sleep long. He crawled out of the tent around noon, grabbed some bread and ate it.

There is no entertainment in such a place. The two of us are really bored and want to play a game to pass the time, but the signal here is not good.

"Damn it, I won't play anymore!" Li Mazi threw the phone aside and lay down directly on the ground: "Brother, I still don't have a clue about this matter. Do you still plan to keep wasting it?"

"No." I only said two words. It can be seen from the Yin spirit's attitude towards me that it probably has some unfulfilled wish and is not intending to harm others.

Therefore, it should take the initiative to find me, and I just need to wait.

Li Mazi couldn't sit still, so he lay down for a while and then ran out. He came back most of the day with a bagful of oranges in his clothes.

I jumped up from the ground: "Where did you do this?"

"Hey, there is an orchard not far away. I picked some secretly." Li Mazi smiled obscenely.

I rolled my eyes, how could this man cause trouble wherever he went?

Li Mazi put the orange on the ground, picked up one and quickly peeled off a piece and stuffed it in his mouth. He frowned because of the sourness: "I'll go, what kind of shabby orchard is this? Why are the oranges so sour?"

I am even more speechless. How can a thief think that the stolen things are not good?

But seeing that Li Mazi was probably not noticed by anyone, I didn't hesitate, picked up an orange and started eating it.

With such a joke, the afternoon passed by. When it got dark, Li Mazi and I got into the tent, turned on the flashlight of our mobile phones, and stared at the Earth Temple.

The surroundings were very quiet. I didn't notice anything during the day, but at night it felt very intrusive.

"Brother, do you feel it's a little too quiet?" Li Mazi rolled his eyes back and forth, looking scared.

I broke off a piece of bread and stuffed it into my mouth, and said vaguely that there was no one near here, could you please be quiet?

Li Mazi shook his head and said that he always felt something was wrong.

I don’t know what he felt was wrong. Anyway, I didn’t feel that way, so I gnawed on the bread and stared at the situation in the Earth Temple.

"Brother, I know what the problem is. This is a wild place. How could there not even be a sound of an insect?" Li Mazi pulled me and asked.

I said without looking back, maybe the Yin spirit in this jade fan is so powerful that even the insects dare not scream.

Li Mazi screamed and shrank behind me to tell me not to scare him.

I looked at him speechlessly. No matter how many things this man had experienced, he still looked as timid as a mouse.

"Stop talking, what's the big deal? This jade fan can burn that far away. We'll be fine..." Halfway through my words, the jade fan lit up as if it was specially slapped in my face, even though I was separated by it. The heat can be felt from this distance.

I quickly took out a few sunshade charms and slapped them on Li Mazi and I: Damn, what the hell is this? My skills have become stronger after leaving the treasure pavilion?

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