Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,780 The Feminine Space

Li Mazi was trembling with fear and stared blankly at the jade fan: "Little... little brother, the evil spirit has come out, no, it's coming!"

"I'm not blind!" I yelled. Li Mazi hid behind me. Could I see what he could see?

The invisible needle was sacrificed instantly, and the yin-yang umbrella was also held in Li Mazi's hand. This thing had not been used for a long time, but Li Mazi unexpectedly brought it with him this time.

I rolled my eyes: "When did you pack your things? Why didn't I see it?"

"What are you packing? Of course you have to carry this kind of life-saving thing with you. Hurry up, it's coming. Don't you care about these minor problems?" Li Mazi pushed me.

When I came back to my senses, the invisible needle followed Yin Ling, but Yin Ling didn't care at all. He walked straight in front of me and stretched out a white hand to me.

"Brother, he doesn't want to shake hands with you, does he? Hold a personal ghost friendly exchange meeting?" Li Mazi said with a confused look.

I said impatiently, you ask me who the hell should I ask?

Li Mazi pushed me and asked me to try it in confusion.

After listening to his words, I stretched out my hand out of nowhere, and held it with Yin Ling...

"Are you Emperor Jianwen?" I asked again in a strange way.

Yin Ling actually nodded, and then my vision became blurry.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Wake up quickly." The next second I heard Li Mazi's panicked voice.

What happened? Am I not good?

I opened my eyes, and just when I was about to say something, I felt that the scene in front of me was very strange.

The antique buildings, the people in ancient costumes coming and going, everything made me unable to react.

Which crew is this? No, there's no camera. Besides, a second ago, wasn't I in the wild with Li Mazi preparing to fight the ghost in the jade fan?

Is this the underworld? Looking at the antique buildings around me again, these four words came to my mind.

I have only seen the world of Yin objects in the Yin Fu Jing, and I have only mentioned it in a few words.

It is said that the Yin spirit is so powerful that it can create a world of its own. The appearance of this world is the environment in which the Yin spirit lived. Of course, in this world, the Yin spirit is still alive, and its thoughts cannot control the world. In other words, the Yin spirit can only stay here and watch itself make the same mistakes over and over again...

Therefore, I don’t know whether this world of Yin objects is good or bad for Yin spirits.

I sighed, and then retracted my mind. Now I should worry about myself first. The world of ghosts only exists in legends. Who knows what trouble will happen.

"Mazi, you..." I turned my head out of habit, only to find that the person next to me was not Mazi, but a short, fat man.

The fat man grinned at me: "Sir, do you want to stay in the hotel?"

I was shocked. Did Li Mazi not follow him, or was he taken to another place?

When the fat man saw that I was silent, he asked again. I feel strange in my heart. After all, the clothes I am wearing are modern clothes. Doesn’t he feel strange?

But I didn't have the time to think about these things. I secretly dug into my pocket and found that there was money in it. Then I nodded to the fat man and said, "Give me a guest room! Also, prepare some wine and food."

"Come on, please come in." The fat man smiled more cheerfully, bowing slightly and ushering me into the inn.

He first asked people to prepare the food and wine, and then took me up to the second floor: "The food and wine will be there for a while. The guest officer will come up first to take a look at the room."

"Yeah." I responded lightly.

The fat man led me into a room. The room was not big. There was a small hall when I entered. There was a bed separated by a screen on the right.

Anyway, as long as I can rest, I don't care. I put down my backpack and said to the fat man: "The wine and food will be served later."

"Come on, sir, please rest first." The fat man stepped back with a smile.

I sat on a chair and hurriedly opened my backpack and checked it out. Fortunately, everything in the backpack was still there...

By the way, since it was Zhu Yunwen who brought me into this world of ghosts, what about him?

I patted my head, but the jade fan was not in my hand now. I guess even if he was here, I would have to wait for him to come to me.

Although I was very curious about the Ming Dynasty, I became irritated when I thought about where Li Mazi was. I just wanted to solve the problem quickly so that I might be able to go back.

It's just that Zhu Yunwen didn't say anything before bringing me in. Even if I wanted to solve the problem, I didn't know where to start.

Oh shit!

I punched the chair with a bang. At the same time, there was a knock on the door. I asked impatiently: "Who is it?"

"Sir, it's me. The food and wine are ready. I'll bring them to you." The fat man's voice came in, and I responded. He pushed the door in from the outside, holding a tray in his hand. A bottle of wine and two side dishes.

He placed the tray on the table, arranged the food and wine, and said with a smile: "Your welcome, sir. If you need anything, just call me."

As he was about to go down with the tray, I called out to him: "I have something to ask you about."

"Sir, please speak." The fat man held the tray and still smiled, which made me think he only had this expression.

I coughed and asked him what year it was.

The fat man told me with a strange look that it was April of the fourth year of Jianwen, and asked me why I was asking this?

"Haha, it's nothing. There's something wrong with my brain. I can't remember some things clearly." In desperation, I could only come up with this ridiculous reason.

The fat man looked at me sympathetically, and I waved my hand: "So, is this the capital?"

"Yes." The fat man sighed, "But the capital has also had a few good days."

"How do you say this?" I opened my eyes wide.

The fat man simply sat on a chair to the side and chatted with me. From his words, I heard that wars were raging in various places. The army of King Zhu Di of Yan was overwhelming, and I was afraid that they would soon reach Nanjing.

I stood up suddenly and walked around the room uneasily. Why didn't I think that the fourth year of Jianwen was not the year when Zhu Di's rebellion was successful?

"What month did you just say it was?" I grabbed the fat man's sleeve.

The fat man said, "Four, April."

April... If I remember correctly, Zhu Di's rebels will enter Beijing in June, and after he enters Nanjing, Nanjing will be in chaos. In this chaos, a fire breaks out in the palace compound, and after the fire is extinguished , three charred corpses were found. According to the eunuch, they were Zhu Yunwen, the queen and their eldest son.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were still two months left, so I should be able to do it in time.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?" The fat man tugged at me hesitantly.

I coughed: "Nothing, do you know if anything strange has happened in Beijing recently?"

Although I know history, I can't just rush into the palace and tell Zhu Yunwen that you are going to die soon, so run away with me, right? Let’s not talk about whether he believes it or not. Even if he believes it, I can’t do it.

It is true that this is the world of ghosts, but no one has ever been there. Who knows whether what happened here has any impact on real history. If it does, then my sin will be too great.

So I still plan to start from the path I am familiar with. This is the capital. The strange things that happen here are somewhat related to the capital. Maybe I can really find some clues.

The fat man clicked his tongue twice: "Sir, the world has become like this. How can there be a day when strange things don't happen? You suddenly appeared outside my inn today, which is also a strange thing."

I touched my nose and felt a little embarrassed: "Well, the strange thing I want to ask is, is there anything haunted recently?"

"Haunted? Are you still interested in these things?" The fat man stared at me in surprise: "I don't know about this, but you can go to the mass graves outside the city. There are always people dying every day. There is no better place for strange things to happen than this mass grave.”

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