Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,781 Return to the Ming Dynasty and become a master

I hummed, took out some broken silver from my pocket, thanked the fat man and let him go out.

The mass grave... is indeed a haunted place!

After dinner, I covered my head and slept all afternoon, and left the inn around five or six o'clock.

I have consulted the fat man before and found out that there is still a night ban in the Ming Dynasty, and no movement is allowed from 1 to 3 o'clock every day.

The first update is three o'clock, which is almost eight o'clock in modern times. Just in case, I'd better go out early.

After successfully exiting the city gate, I asked someone to ask me where the mass graves were. The person looked at me like I was an idiot for a long time, then pointed in a direction and told me to keep walking until I saw a forest and go straight in. I just left. After that, I was told a thousand times not to die.

"Oh, can't we go to this mass grave?" I became interested in what he said.

But this man ignored me and left in a hurry, as if he was secretive about the mass graves.

The more he behaved like this, the more interested I became in the mass graves, so I followed the path he pointed and walked over.

It's not as modern here, but it's only about six o'clock and there are no people on the road. Occasionally, if you encounter one or two, they all look like they are in a hurry and just focusing on their way.

I just heard the guide say it was simple. Now that I was walking, I realized that the road was very far away. I don’t know how long I walked. It had been dark for a while before I saw a forest.

In the dark, I couldn't see how big the forest was. I just felt it was eerie and a rotten smell came from inside. It seemed like this was a mass grave!

Originally, I wanted to go in directly, but after walking for so long, I was a little hungry, so I took some bread from my bag and ate it. Then I took out a piece of talisman paper and made a sign. The talisman paper turned into a talisman. A fire illuminates the road ahead.

Just now on the road, I was afraid of being seen and thought that it would be useless if I encountered a will-o'-the-wisp. Now I don't need to think too much. I am afraid that I am the only one who will come to this mass grave so late at night.

By the light of the fire, I stepped into the forest. The rotten smell became even stronger, and it almost made me vomit.

I stopped after taking just two steps. Although I was prepared for the mass grave, the scene in front of me still gave me chills.

There are corpses everywhere... and among these corpses there is a road for one person to walk on. There is no grass on it. It seems that people come here often. It is obvious what they come here to do, it is just to throw corpses.

These corpses were just thrown here indiscriminately. They looked like they had died not long ago, and some of them looked like they were asleep.

Holding back the chill in my heart, I walked forward along the path. The further I walked, the more frightened I became, because the further in, the more corpses there were and the more serious the decomposition became.

Before, I thought that the corpses that could be seen as soon as I entered the forest were randomly dumped there by others. Now it seems that this is not the case at all, because the entire forest is full of corpses, and there is no room for them... This is not a mass grave, it is simply a mountain of corpses!


I couldn't hold it back, so I bent down while holding a tree and vomited out.

After being in the world of ghosts for so many years, I thought I had seen big scenes and all kinds of weird corpses. Logically speaking, I shouldn't have any reaction because of these corpses.

But I was wrong. Every corpse here looks normal, but it is more terrifying than those grotesque corpses.

"Jie Jie."

Teeth-grinding laughter came from behind, and I turned around suddenly, only to see a thick wooden stick coming towards me.

I didn't have time to dodge, so I could only turn my head slightly, and the wooden stick that was supposed to hit my head hit my shoulder directly.


There was a clear sound of bones being dislocated, and I took a breath of cold air. Before I could recover, the wooden stick hit me again.

Only then did I see clearly that the person holding the wooden stick was a woman with disheveled hair, but I couldn't see her face clearly.

Without any time to think, I pulled out the dagger from my waist and faced him.

There is no cold weapon in this era that is stronger than my dagger, let alone a wooden stick. However, I cut off the wooden stick in a few strokes and grabbed the woman's hand: "What on earth do you want to do?"

"Ahhh!" The woman yelled at me, bared her teeth and bit me. I grabbed her neck and stopped her movement. I stuffed the dagger back with my other hand and quickly He took out a rope and tied the woman up.

After doing this, I didn't care about the woman. I gritted my teeth and connected the bones of my shoulder, and then I remembered to ask questions.

"Why did you attack me?" I kicked the woman.

The woman stared at me angrily, as if I had killed his whole family.

I thought she was the person guarding the mass graves, so I sighed and explained to her that I just came to the mass graves out of curiosity and had no other ill intentions.

The woman still didn't speak, just stared at me with her eyes. A normal woman would just stare at her, but this woman is very thin and her eye sockets are sunken. If she doesn't speak, she would be no different from the corpses on the ground. I feel creepy when she stares at her like this.

I gave up communicating with her, thinking that there was no danger in the mass graves, so I got up and prepared to continue walking.

I really don’t believe that there are no ghosts in a mass grave like this.


A hoarse voice came, and I lowered my head in surprise. I saw the woman looking at me, her eyes had changed, with a pleading look.

I knelt down again and asked her what happened.

The woman took a deep breath and spoke slowly. It was still difficult for her to speak but I still understood her.

It turns out that this woman is not a night watchman at the mass graves, she is just making a living in the mass graves.

These corpses thrown into mass graves often have something on them, some of which are food and some of which are money. Because the officials who dumped the corpse didn't even bother to search the corpse, they allowed these things to stay, and she didn't touch and eat the corpse as a last resort.

But she didn't dare to come during the day, because she was very likely to encounter those officials, so she came at night. The reason why she attacked me just now was because she saw me taking food from my bag. Although she didn’t know what it was, she wanted it after seeing me eating it, so she kept following me.

It turned out that he was following me from outside the forest, but I didn’t notice it yet. It seems that my vigilance has dropped a lot since entering this world. I thought there would be no one here, but I ignored the cruelty of this era.

I reached out and untied her rope, sighed and said, "I only have so much to eat, not much. It's useless even if you knock me out."

"I, I don't want your food." The woman suddenly said.

I said oh but didn't take it seriously, and was about to leave when the woman's next words stopped me in my tracks.

"You...can you exorcise ghosts?" She hesitated, but her dull eyes shone a little brightly.

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