Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,782: Eating Dead Human Flesh Alive

I didn’t say whether it would happen, I just asked her why she asked that.

The woman pointed to the fire that was still hanging in front of me and said, she just saw me outside and made the fire light up without using anything, so she thought I should be able to exorcise ghosts, because those heavenly masters who exorcise ghosts are all This is how it is done.

"So what if it can exorcise ghosts?" I sat on the ground and asked with interest.

Anyway, it's a long night, so I don't mind asking a few more questions.

The woman grabbed my arm in surprise and said eagerly: "Master, please help my sister!"

I frowned and was about to ask her what was wrong with her sister. Who knew that before I could ask, the woman poured out the whole thing as if she was pouring beans, as if she was just pretending to be rude before.

It turns out that these two sisters are orphans. When they were still young, they could survive by washing clothes for other people and working as female workers. But as wars broke out, most people's money and food were confiscated for fighting, and the two of them naturally lost their income.

Seeing that they were about to starve to death, the two of them set their sights on the corpse. Originally, they wanted to take off the clothes from the corpse and sell them for money, but they didn't know that there was no shop to take them.

Or she accidentally touched something to eat from the corpse, and the two sisters found a way to survive!

Originally, they thought they could just make do with it, but one day after her sister came to the mass grave, she suddenly went crazy. She looked like a different person most of the time, and even fought against her neighbors for no reason. The woman couldn't stand her sister's behavior, so she tied her up at home and refused to let her come to the mass grave. She went back to get something for her to eat.

I looked at the person in front of me, and I didn't know what to feel in my heart. I saw this kind of scene a lot in novels and TV, but when it happened in front of me, I still felt it was unbearable.

"What's going on with the corpses in this forest?" After listening to this, although I was deeply touched, I still knew what was important at the moment.

The woman smiled bitterly and said that these were all people who died of starvation. Most of them were villagers near the capital, and some were old, weak, sick and disabled people who came off the battlefield. They were left here after they died.

I took a deep breath and didn't react for a while, until the woman called me again.

"Let's go to your house and have a look." I smiled. Since this woman's sister had a problem in the mass grave, it could be a breakthrough. It was better than me running around like a headless fly here.

The woman hurriedly climbed up from the ground and led the way.

The woman was walking on the same road as when I came here. I thought about it and realized that I did pass a village on the way here, but it was very dilapidated. I thought it was an abandoned village, but now it seems that there are people living there.

Sure enough, about half an hour later, the woman stopped in front of the village: "My home is right here."

"Yes." I nodded and motioned for her to continue walking.

After spending a few minutes in the small village, the woman stopped in front of a thatched house and said that this was her home.

I was surprised to see the thatched house in front of me that could collapse with a gust of wind and didn't even have a door. I couldn't believe that there were still people living in it.

The woman seemed to know what I was thinking, and said a little embarrassedly: "The world is not good these days..."

"You all deserve to die!" A rough voice interrupted the woman.

The woman got into the thatched house with a panicked expression, but within a moment her voice came out: "Ayue, you, don't do this."

Ah Yue?

As soon as I heard this name, the image of Xinyue came to mind. I haven't seen her for a while. If this matter can be solved, I will definitely go to the set to accompany her.

To be honest, ever since I entered this world of femininity, I couldn't help but panic. If nothing else, I am always afraid that I will not be able to get out. Then I will not be able to see Xinyue, Fanfan, Mazi, and the people who have been by my side all this time.

"Ah!" The woman's exclamation brought me back from my thoughts, and I rushed in immediately.

I saw a little girl about fifteen or sixteen years old staring angrily at the woman, with a pair of skinny hands squeezing the woman's neck.

There was a circle of rope scattered around her, which should be the one the woman said tied her up.

I took a deep breath, quickly took out the magic talisman from my arms and put it directly on Ah Yue's forehead. I saw her roll her eyes and fall softly to the side with a bang.

"Master, what happened to Ah Yue?" As soon as the woman was freed from her confinement, she threw herself at Ah Yue's side and looked at me nervously.

I told her that Ah Yue was fine, but was temporarily restrained by my charm. No one knew what would happen to her when she woke up.

The woman wiped her tears and was speechless for a long time.

"When she wakes up, tell me that you picked me up from the mass grave. She didn't notice me before she fainted. You can't let her discover my identity. You can't call me Master either, just call me Xiao Zhang. !" While Ah Yue was still asleep, I quickly told the woman.

The woman asked me strangely why, and I had to explain to her that to see what was wrong with Ah Yue, we had to observe secretly, so as not to alert the snake.

Maybe I was able to restrain Ah Yue with just a piece of talisman. The woman trusted me very much and kept reassuring me that she would never reveal my identity.

I breathed a sigh of relief and let her tie Ah Yue up again, then tore off the talisman and destroyed the traces.

"Sister?" After tearing off the talisman, Ah Yue woke up soon. Now her mind seemed to be clear, and she asked her in a low voice if she had made another mistake just now.

The woman touched her head to reassure her that she was fine. Then she pulled me aside and introduced Ah Yue with a smile: "I picked this up from a mass grave. He is very strong. We will have hope in the future."

I was a little embarrassed to hear what she said, but I also knew it was the safest thing to say, so I didn't refuse.

Ah Yue glanced at me timidly and didn't say anything, just clinging to the woman.

The woman took out half a piece of moldy cake from her arms and fed it to Ah Yue, then coaxed her to sleep, and then she pulled me out.

She was hesitant to speak, and I asked her funnyly if she wanted to ask me when I would exorcise Ah Yue from ghosts?

The woman nodded sheepishly, and I told her to start observing Ah Yue from tonight to reassure her. Then I asked her name again, otherwise she didn’t have a title, so I might not know what Ah Yue would know.

After the woman told me her name was Aying, she took out half a piece of cake from her arms and handed it to me. I shook my head and refused, telling her to rest quickly and pretend not to hear anything she heard in the middle of the night.

Ah Ying snorted, got into the thatched house and slept on the other side of Ah Yue.

I sighed, something could happen at any time this night, and Aying had better not sleep with Ayue. But this thatched house is only so big. If she doesn't sleep here, she will have to sleep outside. It will still be a bit cold to sleep outside in this weather.

I walked straight out of the thatched hut, walked around to where Ah Yue and the others were sleeping, poked a hole as big as a bowl in the thatched hut, and stood aside.

In fact, the reason why they dared to poke such a big hole was because there were many large and small holes in this thatched house, and even Ah Yue and the others would not find any clues.

Time passed slowly, and I didn’t know what time it was, but I felt it was almost late at night.


At this moment, my ears immediately stood up, and the sound of the rope rubbing against the ground came clearly.

I immediately leaned forward and looked inside the thatched house, and saw that Ah Yue had already woken up. She just lay on the ground twice before the rope was opened.

She looked at Aying with a sneer, kicked her impatiently, and then left the thatched house.

I hurriedly put a sun protection charm on my body and followed quickly!

After following Ah Yue for a while, I looked at the figure in front of me strangely. Logically speaking, she was the evil spirit in the mass graves, so she should go directly to the mass graves, but this direction was obviously opposite to the mass graves. .

But I couldn’t care less, so I followed her with concentration and breathlessness. Fortunately, her speed was not too fast, so she never lost track of her.


Looking at the city gate in front of me, I couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ah Yue seemed to feel something, and turned around to look back. I hurriedly rolled into the grass to the side, so that she didn't notice.

When Ah Yue walked forward again, I carefully climbed out of the grass. I was still confused. What was Ah Yue doing in the city?

However, she was not able to go in. She was seen walking around the city gate, looking anxious. After a while, she stamped her feet angrily, turned around and walked back.

I was startled and ducked away as usual. It wasn't until she walked some distance that I followed her.

I thought she would go home, but what I didn't expect again was that she ended up going to the mass grave!

Watching her enter the entrance of the forest, I quickly followed her with my invisible needle.

There is only one path inside, and I can't follow too closely, otherwise I will be easily discovered, so I can only let the invisible needle follow, while I fall far behind.

After about a quarter of an hour, the invisible needle stopped moving, which meant Ah Yue stopped.

I approached slowly, because in the dark, I was afraid of making any noise, so I walked very slowly. Fortunately, Ah Yue had no intention of leaving after she stopped, so even though I was slow, I still got closer to her.

Through the moonlight, I saw Ah Yue lying on the ground not knowing what she was doing.


A clear sound of swallowing came. I clasped my hands tightly on the tree on the side, for fear of making a sound. She...she was actually eating dead human flesh?


Ah Yue suddenly turned her head and smiled at me, her mouth filled with meat scraps and black-red blood.

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