Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,783 Ah Yue’s Conspiracy

I covered my mouth tightly for fear of making the slightest sound. It wasn't that I was afraid of her, but I still wanted to find a breakthrough from her, so I couldn't alert the snake.

But the scene in front of me still makes me feel chills all over...

Ah Yue didn't seem to notice me. She turned her head and laughed just spontaneously. After laughing for a while, she turned away again, buried her head in the corpse and began to chew on it, just like a wild beast.

I don't know how long I was hiding aside, but Ah Yue finally finished eating. She wiped her mouth, even straightened her clothes, and then walked towards the way she came from.

After she left, I took a look at the corpse. The originally complete corpse had now had all the flesh on its chest eaten away, and there were still many maggots squirming on the thick white bones.

I finally couldn't hold it back anymore and vomited it out. It wasn't until my entire stomach was emptied that I felt a little better.

Recalling the invisible needle, I returned to the village without much delay, still huddled in the same place as before.

Ah Yue has indeed come back, but what surprised me is that she is still tied up well. If I hadn't followed her, everything just now would have been just a dream!

I looked away and fell asleep for a while when I heard someone calling me.

I opened my eyes and found that it was already dawn, and I saw Aying staring at me anxiously. I quickly asked her what was wrong.

She waved her hand and said it was okay, but she didn't wake up after calling me for a while, thinking something had happened to me.

"I'm fine, where is Ah Yue?" I asked hurriedly, remembering what happened last night.

Aying sighed and said she just woke up, she fed her some food, and she was now in the house.

I nodded and followed Aying into the house. I saw Ayue sitting there blankly, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Ah Yue, what are you thinking about?" Ah Ying shouted, her expression seemed a little panicked.

I'm a little surprised. Is there any trick to Ah Yue's daze?

Sure enough, after Aying called her, she laughed like crazy, and two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks: "Die, you all deserve to die!"

These words were the same as what I heard last night, except that they were filled with anger at that time, but now they are filled with sadness, as if there is some unsolvable sadness.

Aying stepped forward and hugged Ayue, crying: "Ayue, what's wrong with you? How can you let your sister live?"

"You all deserve to die, deserve to die!" A Yue couldn't hear A Ying's words at all, and only repeated this sentence from beginning to end.

I frowned and stepped forward as if to comfort A Ying, but in fact I quickly glanced at A Yue.

The yin energy on her body is indeed very strong, no, it should be said that the death energy is very strong, which means that this is probably not the first time she has eaten a corpse. Now even if the Yin spirit is no longer in her body, she doesn't seem to have the breath of a living person anymore. If this continues, she will definitely die!

I pretended to be casual and said to Aying: "Aying, I want to go to the city and see if I can find some work."

"What kind of work is there now?" Aying smiled bitterly.

I winked at her, and she immediately said: "That's right, you might as well go there for a while, maybe you can find a labor job."

"Well, I'll go first then." After I finished speaking, I glanced at Ah Yue. Seeing that her eyes were rolling, I knew better.

I pretended to go into the city, had a big meal at the inn and took a shower before heading back.

It was already afternoon when I arrived, and I said excitedly: "Aying, I found a job and am working as a cook in an inn. I will stay there tonight. I will buy you food after I earn some money."

"Really?" Ah Yue was the one who replied.

I raised the corners of my mouth, then nodded seriously and said it was true, and at the same time told her to tell me if she wanted to eat anything.

Ah Yue shook her head and said she had nothing to eat, she just wanted to see the city. She had never seen what the capital was like when she was so old.

A Ying said on the side: "Nonsense, Xiao Zhang is going to work, what do you mean by following him? Besides..."

"Sister, I just want to take a look!" Ah Yue pulled A Ying to act like a baby, and A Ying looked at her with a headache, and looked at me with some embarrassment.

I smiled and said it was okay, I could take her to play.

"But Ah Yue, you can only go secretly and sleep in the woodshed at night, but you must not be discovered. Otherwise, not counting you being kicked out, I will also be fired." I told her seriously.

Ah Yue nodded repeatedly and quickly assured me that she would be obedient.

I chuckled, the fish had taken the bait, I wanted to see what she was going to do when she came to town.

Ah Ying gave a few more instructions and Ah Yue and I set off, Kankan entering the city before the night ban.

I asked Ah Yue to wait at the back door of the inn. I went around to the inn first, gave the fat man some small pieces of silver, and asked him to help cover me. Then I went around to the back door and took Ah Yue away pretending to be cautious. Come in.

I gave her two steamed buns and then pushed her into the woodshed: "Ah Yue, it's late today. You rest here for the night. When you go out to play again tomorrow morning, I have to go to the kitchen to boil water. I won’t accompany you anymore.”

"Yeah!" Ah Yue gnawed on the bun, not caring at all that I was leaving.

I turned around and left and immediately entered the room. The reason why I let her live in the woodshed was because I was afraid that she would become suspicious, and the other reason was that I could see the woodshed from the window of my room!

The fat man knew that I had a little girl in the woodshed, but he didn't say anything even with the one tael of silver. In this generation, a human life is probably not worth even one tael of silver...

Time passed slowly, and it was still late at night. Ah Yue finally made some noise. She pushed open the door of the woodshed and walked out of the back door of the inn calmly.

I followed him immediately. The streets were very empty. Only the occasional officers and soldiers who were checking the night passed by, and it was easy to avoid them.

Ah Yue seemed to be very familiar with the capital. When she encountered side roads or even winding alleys, she walked all the way without hesitation.

After a while, she stopped, staring blankly at the magnificent building in front of her.

I was overjoyed. It seemed that she was right to use her as a breakthrough point. I didn’t expect that her target was actually the palace. It seemed that her involvement with Zhu Yunwen was even deeper...

"Come out."

Ah Yue suddenly spoke, and I was startled. Just as I was about to go out, I saw a figure walking out from beside her, kneeling down on one knee respectfully towards Ah Yue: "General!"


I'm completely confused. Not to mention that there are no historical records of Zhu Yunqi's period. Even if there are, I can't remember clearly. Naturally, I can't think of how many generals there were.

Ah Yue nodded to this person, and then asked how the arrangement was going.

"Everything is ready. If the Yan thieves really break in, Your Majesty will definitely be able to escape! The lady is absolutely willing to die for Your Majesty, but General, she is your daughter after all..." The figure replied respectfully, but he seemed to hesitate at the end.

"Enough!" Ah Yue shouted coldly: "During this period, this general has been attached to this body, and he has not hesitated to eat dead human flesh to let his soul disperse later. Isn't it just to see the day when His Majesty escapes safely? The life of a girl It doesn’t matter, not to mention she is willing to do it.”

"I will understand." The figure became more respectful.

Ah Yue sighed: "Be prepared, they are already here..."

"General?" The figure was startled.

Ah Yue shook her head sadly: "I have already seen them, and I guess they don't have much time left."

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