Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,784 Ebony Core Soul Collection

The figure stopped talking because Ah Yue had turned around and left.

Hidden in the darkness, I couldn't contain my excitement. It seemed that my target this time was the young lady who was going to die on Zhu Yunwen's behalf.

But I still have no idea about the ghost that is attached to Ah Yue. I just feel that it is extremely sad. Even after death, I still remember Zhu Yunwen in my heart, and he eats dead human flesh every day to maintain his soul!

But there is still more than a month before King Yan comes to Beijing. Even if his soul is still alive, Ah Yue can't help it. Judging from the situation this morning, it is estimated that Ah Yue will not be able to hold on in a week.

It seems that we still need to deal with this evil spirit first. Whether it is for the sake of national justice or something else, we cannot let it destroy a human life.

Zhu Yunwen's failure is already doomed, and even the people below understand that it is not worth hurting innocent people anymore for him...

This time I was not in a hurry to go back, but after Ah Yue had walked for a while, I slowly walked back, sorting out the next things to do along the way.

"You're back?" came a hoarse voice, which frightened my hand when I pushed the door open.

The other party burst into laughter, and I bravely entered the inn room. I saw Ah Yue sitting there. Although she had the body of a fifteen-year-old girl, the aura exuding from her body was so oppressive that she couldn't breathe. .

I exhaled and calmed down. I didn't take it to heart yet because I didn't expect it to find me.

Ah Yue smiled and said, "What are you going to do with Ben?"

I shrugged and sat on a chair to the side. The invisible needle had already been pulled out, but on the surface I pretended to be calm and calm: "It's nothing. I can't bear to see you hurting innocent people."

"Innocent?" Ah Yue sneered a few times: "Who is innocent in this world today? The world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs. It is their blessing that they can work for His Majesty."

"Zhu Yunwen is destined to fail, so why are you suffering?" I played with my fingers and said casually.

Ah Yue shouted coldly: "Presumptuous!"

I laughed and told him not to get excited, and then I told him that if he wanted to survive, I could help him, but only if he told me what happened.

He looked at me suspiciously, and I took out the ebony core without saying anything.

I don’t need to say more about the attraction of ebony core to Yin Ling. Ah Yue looked at me fiercely and asked me what I wanted to know.

"Why are you possessing Ah Yue? Who is the person who keeps saying that he should die? And...where is your daughter now?" I asked three questions in a row. Ah Yue looked at me with more and more strange eyes. After I finished asking, he laughed and said, "That's all, it doesn't hurt to tell you."

Then he told a story, yes, to my ears, this was a story.

He was the commander-in-chief of an army. Seeing that the capital was about to fall, he led his army to meet the enemy. The battlefield was in a city a hundred miles away from the capital.

But the Yan army is overwhelming, how can he deal with it?

However, after holding on for half a month, the army was already defeated. He thought about retreating into the city. After resting, he could at least hinder the Yan army's progress. This way, Zhu Yunwen would have time to retreat when the letter was sent back to Nanjing.

It's a pity that not everyone is as loyal to the emperor as he is. Seeing that he was defeated, the city guard simply opened the city gate to welcome the Yan army into the city.

After the Yan army entered the city, they did not massacre the city, but instead gathered people's hearts. He who originally protected the city became a sinner. He was not injured on the battlefield, but was bruised and bruised by the traitors.

He fought his way through the rebels and finally approached the capital under the escort of several loyal lieutenants.

But what he didn't expect was that even the people in the capital had rebelled. He finally approached the city gate but was killed by them in the name of rebels, and his body was dumped in a mass grave.

He held his breath and never dared to let go. He kept waiting and waiting, and finally he waited for Ah Yue.

This girl was born in the Yin period, which happens to be a good jar for nourishing the soul.

Without him having to say it explicitly, I knew that the damned people he was referring to were the traitors who surrendered to Zhu Di!

I couldn't bear to attack him. To be honest, King Yan Zhu Di's rebellion was related to Zhu Yunwen's forbearance. Both sides started a war, and Zhu Yunwen also said not to hurt his imperial uncle. Such a kind-hearted little emperor was not suitable to be in power.

But I also know that these words can only be thought about by myself. I can only say such a paragraph from the perspective of the entire history. It is difficult for people who are living in it to understand.

"So, where is your daughter?" I asked again, and he told the story again, but did not mention the key point that I was most concerned about.

This time he didn't answer me, he just asked me why I paid so much attention to his daughter.

Of course I couldn't tell him the real reason. I just said that I could help them hide the truth and save Zhu Yunwen, so there was no need to sacrifice his daughter.

"Why should I believe you?" Ah Yue stared at me coldly.

I clicked my tongue twice: "Just because I can figure out what will happen next, do you plan to wait for King Yan to come to Beijing, set fire to the palace hall, and then let your daughter replace Zhu Yunwen?"

"How do you know?" He was obviously panicked.

I waved my hand: "Don't panic, your plan has not been exposed, all this is just calculated by me. Not only that, I can also calculate the time when King Yan will enter the capital. How about it? Is it much more confident than you originally thought?" "

He stared at me for a long time and then breathed out: "I believe you, please remember that as long as His Majesty can escape, the life and death of others does not matter."

Although I felt uncomfortable hearing this, I didn't bother to argue with him. Hundreds of years had passed in between, and I didn't expect him to understand me.

Then he told me that his daughter Ru'er was now in the palace. Ru'er and Zhu Yunwen had known each other for a long time, and they were in love with each other. However, King Yan had already launched a rebellion at that time, and Zhu Yunwen only took Ru'er into the palace, and did not have time to give her a title. Ru'er served Zhu Yunwen like a palace maid.

There were many maids in the palace, and it was impossible for Zhu Di to find out that there was one missing maid, not to mention the eunuch's correction.

Now it seems that the eunuch must have prepared it in advance, otherwise the figure of the palace maid and Zhu Yunwen would be exposed.

I breathed out: "Okay, let's leave the city first tomorrow. I promised to save this little girl's life. Then you can go to the ebony core to nourish her soul. By the way, can you send me to the palace?" "

To save Ru'er, I can only enter the palace.

Ah Yue nodded and said he would try his best to arrange it.

After a night of silence, I took Ayue out of the city early the next morning. Aying was already anxious. She wanted to ask when she saw me, but she was afraid that Ayue on the side would see something.

I smiled and told her that everything was fine and I would just wait until noon to return her as a sister.

She laughed and cried and thanked me. I put my backpack on my back and didn't let Ah Ying follow me. I just took Ah Yue to the mass grave.

The mass grave has a strong yin energy, which can prevent Ah Yue's body from being damaged, so it is a perfect place.

Another point is that the exorcism for Ah Yue cannot be seen by others. Others will inevitably point fingers at her, but A Ying is not allowed to see it because she is afraid that she will not be able to bear it.

I talked to Yin Ling about the method of entering the ebony core, and then waited for noon to arrive.

During this period, I also prepared some other things in case Ah Yue couldn't bear it when the Yin spirit came out.

The death energy on her body is already very heavy, and she must find a way to remove it, otherwise even if the Yin spirit comes out, Ah Yue will not survive for long.

Yin Ling sneered and said, "Even if you save her, they won't survive long after King Yan comes to the capital."

I ignored him. Although I didn’t understand this period of history, I also knew that since ancient times, as long as kings were not stupid and unscrupulous, they would not make fun of the lives of the people!

Although Zhu Di in history was very cruel to Zhu Yunwen's old troops, he still made some political contributions, so I can't say that he was wrong.

When Yin Ling saw that I was ignoring him, he didn't speak again. He was more concerned about what I would do next and didn't want to spend more time on Ah Yue.

Seeing that the time was almost up, I took out the ebony core, told Yin Ling again what to do, and then stared at the sun.

After arriving in the ghost space, my watch and mobile phone stopped moving, and I could only look at the sun to estimate the approximate time.

"Now, hurry up!" I roared violently, and the Yin spirit reacted very quickly, detached itself from Ah Yue's body, and entered the ebony core according to my method.

As soon as he entered the ebony core, I didn't care about it anymore. Instead, I hugged Ah Yue who softened, and put the talisman paper on her forehead and shoulders at both ends.

The yang energy in her body was depleted and I had to lift it up for her.


About a quarter of an hour later, Ah Yue, who was still lying down, suddenly fell to the ground and vomited violently.

What she spit out was undigested dead human flesh, and the stench made me want to vomit.

Seeing her like this, I couldn't help it and took a bottle of mineral water from my bag to rinse her mouth. Fortunately, she was scared to death by the scene in front of her and didn't notice what I gave her.

After she almost vomited, I briefly explained the matter to her, and then took her home.

"Ayue?" Aying called out tentatively. I nodded at her, and then she dared to hug her and cry loudly.

Ah Yue was not entirely controlled by Yin spirits during this period. She also remembered some things, so she felt very ashamed of A Ying and kept saying nice things to appease A Ying.

When they both recovered, I smiled and told them it was time for me to leave!

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