Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,785 Entering the Palace

Aying said a little embarrassedly: "You have helped me such a big favor, but I have nothing to repay you."

"No, no, no, you also helped me a lot!" I didn't bother them with this. If it weren't for them, I don't know how long I would have spent in the negative space, and I would have cried to death if I couldn't get out.

But I don’t know if it was my illusion. My actions in this ghost space seemed to be deliberately guided by someone. It was useful to anyone I met. I didn’t take any detours at all, and that’s why I found the key point of the matter so quickly.

I exhaled. If anyone really guided me, it should be Zhu Yunwen...

After chatting with the two sisters Aying for a while, I returned to the inn.

Yin Ling couldn't wait to ask me when I would take action. I thought for a while and told him to send me to the palace at the end of May.

King Yan only entered the capital in mid-June, so entering the palace at the end of May is the most appropriate time. If I go too early, I will most likely expose my secret, and if I go too late, it will be difficult to control the course of things!

The Yin spirit expressed understanding after hearing my explanation, and then shrank into the ebony core.

For the next period of time, I mostly learned about the palace from Yin Ling, including the people and objects inside, as well as some things that needed attention.

Yin Ling is very cooperative, probably knowing that now that things have happened, the whole world can only trust me.

Half a month passed quickly, and it was the last day of May in a blink of an eye. The weather was very boring on this day, and it felt like it was going to rain at any time.

"Should we go in the middle of the night?" I held my chin and looked out the window at the gloomy sky. It would be nice if it rained, at least our actions would be safer, and even if we accidentally made a move, it would be hidden in the wind and rain.

The Yin spirit emerged from the ebony core and said with a smile that he would go in at midnight today. It happened to be that in this weather, its Yin energy was the strongest and the plan was more likely to succeed.

I nodded and started to pack my things. I still didn’t know what the situation was like after entering the palace, so yesterday I asked the fat man to make a lot of dry food for me. This made the fat man think that I was going to escape, so he advised me to do it now. There is no place more stable than the capital.

I just found an excuse and went over. He had just brought in dry food and prepared several bottles of water for me.

But my backpack is only so big, and it’s already stuffed with a lot of things, and the dry food is already bulging, so I only brought a bottle of water and put the rest here. It’s only been half a month anyway. , I can get through it no matter what.

Yin Ling watched me pack my things, and after a while asked strangely what the hell was in my bag?

I was surprised. In the past few days, I often went out carrying a bag and wearing modern clothes, and no one had any strange reactions to me. So I thought maybe people here would automatically add something like a filter when they saw me, just like seeing themselves, so I didn't pay much attention to it, but I didn't expect Yin Ling to suddenly speak.

I explained hesitantly that this bag was given by a foreign friend, and I couldn’t figure out what it was. Fortunately, Yin Ling didn’t get too entangled.

After getting ready, I rested for a while. Around ninety o'clock, the Yin spirit woke me up and reminded me that it was time to set off.

We followed the route I followed him last time and walked to the place where we were that day, only to see a figure waiting there.

This figure looks familiar to me, it's the same person Yin Ling saw last time.

"General, we're ready, let's go." This man didn't talk nonsense at all. He came up, saluted, and led us inside.

Yin Ling introduced that this figure is Li San, the leader of the Imperial City Guards, and he will take us into the palace as a guard.

I nodded in understanding.

I also met a lot of people on the road, but they couldn't see Yin Ling, and Li San also informed them of my identity, so I felt very comfortable along the way, and I had time to look at the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties.

At this time, Nanjing had not yet experienced the Six Dynasties, and the imperial palace was not as grand as shown in the TV series, but it had already taken shape. I had to admire the wisdom of my ancestors. Without reinforced concrete or screws, such a thing was built. A magnificent palace!

Most of these technologies have been lost now, which is really a big loss.


Just when I was regretting that the technology was lost, Yin Ling suddenly said something in my ear, but looking at Li San's reaction, he obviously didn't hear this sentence.

I looked at Yin Ling strangely. It was obvious that he was telling me this on purpose, but why was he guarding against Li San?

He entrusted such an important matter to Li San, indicating that this person should be trustworthy, but now it seems that Yin Ling is even guarding against him.

Yin Ling's voice continued to come in. It turned out that he was the only one who knew his plan completely. Even Li San just thought that he kept Ru'er in the palace to protect Zhu Yunwen from retreating. At the critical moment, he went for Zhu Yunwen. Just die.

Although everything seemed normal today, it was just because it was so normal that he had to guard against it.

Because in the current palace, people who are loyal to Zhu Yunwen are in fear all day long, and they will definitely be very concerned about the affairs of new people in the palace. And those who already have a rebellious heart will not let new people in at this juncture. Even if they do, they will check them again and again. It will not be so easy.

Besides, if we came in so late, we would attract attention.

Finally Yin Ling told me that he originally wanted Li San to take me in secretly, but unexpectedly Li San chose the method of making a big splash. It's just that he didn't want to make Li San suspicious at this juncture, so he didn't say anything and only reminded me secretly to be careful.

I hummed in a low voice to express my understanding, and then pretended to be unintentional and asked when Li San would arrive at his place of residence.

"We'll be there soon." Li San replied and walked forward expressionlessly.

Although I have never been to the palace, after Yin Ling's explanation during this period, I have a general understanding of the layout of the palace. However, the path Li San is taking now is very strange, and it seems that he is going further and further off...

Yin Ling and I looked at each other, and he nodded slightly, indicating that my guess was correct.

"Well, Third Brother, I want to go to the toilet." I held my stomach and smiled flatteringly at Li San.

Li San nodded and said he would take me there. I waved my hand and said no, I can just find a place where there is no one around to save time.

"Okay, don't go too long. The general and I will be waiting for you here." Li San didn't have any doubts. After all, I was the only one leaving. He probably felt that I couldn't make much trouble.

I held my stomach and ran away quickly. When I was sure that Li San couldn't see, I took out the ebony core and called back the Yin spirit: "Quick, you are familiar with the palace. Take me to find a place to hide."

Yin Ling nodded and led me to run in the opposite direction to Li San. I was afraid that Li San would catch up, so I directly invited a kid to carry me on his back and ran extremely fast.

Yin Ling glanced at me and increased his speed. After a while, he took me around an abandoned palace.

"This was originally the residence of some servants, but it collapsed due to heavy snowfall years ago. The palace didn't bother to repair it and just asked those people to move. Now it's just right for you to live. But it's not close to His Majesty's palace. If you You should be more careful if you want to get close to His Majesty!" Yin Ling took me to one of the houses that was still habitable and warned me softly.

I shook my head and said I didn't need to contact Zhu Yunwen, I just asked him to tell me where Ru'er lived.

"It's not difficult for you to meet Ru'er. Although she often follows His Majesty, she is only a servant, so she lives in a servant's room, which is not far from here. By the way, Ru'er is easy to recognize. Her forehead There is a birthmark on it, which looks like a red flower." Yin Ling saw what I wanted to ask and simply said it. Then he said seriously: "I'll leave the rest to you. Go and help you lure Li San away, and I will also cover you during this period."

I nodded, that's fine. There is a ghost causing trouble, and Li San shouldn't have anything to do with me.

After Yin Ling left, I huddled in the room. Before I could sit down, there was a pattering sound outside. After a dull afternoon, it finally started to rain.

I exhaled. The rain came just in time, so that even if I accidentally left any traces on the way, they would be washed away by the rain.

"After receiving all the honors and glory, the pink and charming lady disobeyed him, and her reputation was so great that she talked about common things..."

I was about to rest for a while, when a high-pitched singing suddenly came, which sounded hazy and unreal through the sound of rain, making people feel chilled all over.

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